How Bad Is It to Eat Moldy Food?

How Bad Is It to Eat Moldy Food?

You’ve probably come across some moldy food that looks salvageable: that piece of bread with a spot of mold, or that pepper with mossy seeds. And what about moldy cheese? Is that safe to eat? Let’s break it down. What Is Mold and What Causes It? Molds are fungi that...
What Does a “Balanced Meal” Look Like?

What Does a “Balanced Meal” Look Like?

With the galaxy of tech and fad diets that have recently emerged, many of us have become obsessed with “hacking” our nutrition. Along the way, however, we’ve forgotten about an essential concept: balance. Yep, a balanced meal — that subject of elementary-school wheels...
The Truth About Ultra-Processed Foods

The Truth About Ultra-Processed Foods

What do cookies, candy, soda, many chips, and sweetened cereals have in common? Sure, they’re all common cravings — but they’re also ultra-processed foods. Here’s what you need to know about ultra-processed foods and how they could be wreaking havoc on your diet. What...
7 مشروبات غنية بالحديد لتعزيز الهيموجلوبين

7 مشروبات غنية بالحديد لتعزيز الهيموجلوبين

يعد فقر الدم أحد أكثر حالات نقص العناصر الغذائية انتشارًا في جميع أنحاء العالم، وخاصة بين النساء. في معظم الحالات، يؤدي نقص الحديد إلى فقر الدم، لذلك، سينصحك خبير الرعاية الصحية بتناول مكملات الحديد. مع ذلك، في كثير من الظروف، مجرد زيادة استهلاك الحديد الغذائي من خلال...