Author: Medical reviewer: July 25, 2023Written byKelsea SamsonKelsea Samson is a writer, content manager, certified yoga instructor and founder of The Mindfulness Program for Kids and Yoga for the Blind in Tampa, Florida.Medical review byRobert Kornfeld, DPMHolistic...


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mbg Spirituality & Relationships EditorBy Sarah Reganmbg Spirituality & Relationships EditorSarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication...


Physical TherapistBy Nydia Tijerina Darby, DPTPhysical TherapistNydia Tijerina Darby is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Therapeutic Yoga Research Specialist, Certified Yoga Therapist, published author of therapeutic yoga research, and owner and creative director of the...


Author: Medical reviewer: July 22, 2023Contributing writerBy Jamey PowellContributing writerJamey Powell is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn, NY. Previously the senior market editor at Healthline.com, she has years of experience scouring endless product reviews...


Author: Medical reviewer: July 21, 2023Contributing writerBy Jamey PowellContributing writerJamey Powell is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn, NY. Previously the senior market editor at Healthline.com, she has years of experience scouring endless product reviews...