Could We Start Again, Please?

Could We Start Again, Please?

An open letter from Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody: Since we launched the category of the “In-Home Boot Camp” with Power 90 in 2000 under the flagship name, Beachbody, things have changed. It’s now become clear that something is missing. Our industry has done a lot...
Could We Start Again, Please?

Could We Start Again, Please?

An open letter from Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody Since we launched the category of the “In-home Boot Camp” with Power 90 in the year 2000 under the flagship name, Beachbody, things have changed. It’s now become clear that something is missing. Our industry has done...
¿Podemos empezar de nuevo?

¿Podemos empezar de nuevo?

Una carta abierta de Carl Daikeler, CEO de Beachbody Desde que lanzamos la categoría de “campo de entrenamiento en casa” con Power 90 en el año 2000 bajo el nombre insignia de Beachbody, mucho ha cambiado. Ahora sabemos que falta algo. Nuestra industria ha hecho...