The Most Common Diabetes Symptoms in Men

The Most Common Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that happens due to an elevated blood glucose level when the body can’t produce insulin. An adult’s average blood glucose level should be 90-180 mg/dL. Any fluctuation in the range is suspected to be...
Diabetic Diet Plan Chart – Diet Foods, Tips and Recipes

Diabetic Diet Plan Chart – Diet Foods, Tips and Recipes

Living with diabetes is not always difficult. Diabetes may only become a chronic condition if it is not managed, and it can then lead to other dangerous ailments. Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder where one’s blood glucose or blood sugar levels are too high. Some of...
Pregnancy and Fasting Blood Sugar: What to Do?

Pregnancy and Fasting Blood Sugar: What to Do?

Pregnancy cravings are a phenomenon that almost every woman experiences during the first trimester. These cravings range from sweet food to sour food to spicy food, and albeit the reasons for these cravings are unknown, they can be hypothesised to be psychological...
Fruit Juices For Diabetes – Yes or No?

Fruit Juices For Diabetes – Yes or No?

To maintain good health overall, one with diabetes must be mindful of everything one eats and drinks. In addition, one must pay close attention to what they eat and drink at every meal because both can significantly impact blood sugar levels, which is...
Blood Glucose Level and Ways to Maintain it

Blood Glucose Level and Ways to Maintain it

Blood glucose, or simply glucose, is the main sugar that our bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply them with energy. They indeed are the primary sources of energy in our body. One must maintain blood glucose levels at an optimal level to reduce...
How to Increase Blood Sugar Level?

How to Increase Blood Sugar Level?

People absorb glucose from food, and the bloodstream transports it to every cell in the body, serving as the body’s primary energy source. When sugar enters people’s cells, the hormone insulin helps the cells use it as fuel. Even when people are asleep, their brains...