How to Do a Pilates Roll Up

How to Do a Pilates Roll Up

The Pilates roll up is one of those sneaky strength moves. It looks simple and straightforward — you’re sitting up and lying back down. But when executed with proper form and mechanics, this foundational exercise will humble even the most advanced Pilates student....
How to Do the Crab Walk

How to Do the Crab Walk

If you were the MVP of your “crab soccer” team in elementary school, you’re in luck — the crab walk exercise is back. Dust off those crab-walking skills and see how this old-school exercise can give you a great total-body workout. Crab Walk: Step-by-Step Instructions...
How to Do the Dead Bug Exercise

How to Do the Dead Bug Exercise

Social media is rife with crazy, seemingly physics-defying ab circuits that promise a chiseled midsection in 15 minutes. While those circuits likely won’t work against your goals, all you really need for a strong core is a handful of simple, yet effective moves like...