Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by Michela Ravasio / Stocksy

August 25, 2024

The 12 signs of the zodiac are all unique in their own ways, and that means some of them get along better than others. Certain astrological pairs make fast friends or lovers, while others may never quite click.

When it comes to Virgo and Taurus compatibility, however, these two are a match made in astrological heaven. Here’s what to know about this matchup in friendship, romance, and more.

Understanding Taurus & Virgo

In order to understand the compatibility behind these two signs, let’s take a closer look at what Taurus and Virgo are all about.

Taurus overview

Taurus is the second sign of the astrological year and is associated with the second house of money and material security. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and it is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and pleasure. It’s represented by the bull, and is a yin (feminine) sign.

Taurus folks are known to be:

  • Grounded
  • Stubborn
  • Reliable
  • Hot-tempered
  • Hardworking
  • Slow and steady
  • Authentic
  • Sensual

Virgo overview

Virgo is the sixth sign of the astrological year and is associated with the sixth house of health and routines. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, and it is ruled by Mercury, the planet of information and communication. It’s represented by the Virgin or Maiden, and is a yin (feminine) sign.

Virgos are known for being:

  • Analytical
  • Perfectionists
  • Organized
  • Dutiful
  • Practical
  • Independent
  • Adaptable
  • Detail-oriented

Virgo & Taurus compatibility

In terms of their astrological compatibility, Virgo and Taurus have one of the more favorable “aspects” or angles formed when they meet. Since they’re of the same element (earth), these two signs form a trine, or 120-degree angle, which is thought to be a positive and flowing relational aspect in astrology.

For Virgo and Taurus, they’ll feel they have finally met someone who truly gets them. “At last, you don’t have to constantly explain yourself. You’ve never felt so comfortable, so understood on a core level,” the twins explain.

Then, consider that Taurus is a fixed sign, and Virgo is mutable. Taurus is the slow and steady bull of the zodiac, with incredible stamina to see projects through and remain steadfast in the face of difficulty. Virgo, meanwhile, is adaptable and quick-witted, allowing them to keep up with Taurus’ energy while also helping them perfect their efforts.

As two earth signs, these two also place high importance on their values and morals, as well as having a stable and aesthetic home environment.

Before we dive into more about this pairing, it’s important to note that you need both people’s full birth charts (aka “synastry”) to get the whole picture of their compatibility.

That said, here’s a bit more on how these two signs match up.

Virgo & Taurus friendship

As friends—or even colleagues—Taurus and Virgo know how to get things done. These are the friends who help each other with practical, tangible things, like going shopping or moving apartments, as well as enjoying the beauty of the natural world, thanks to their shared earth element.

Their different modalities, on the other hand, can complement each other. As a mutable sign, Virgo can be a bit frenetic and anxious, while Taurus’ fixity makes them more slow moving and, admittedly, lazy. When they come together, Virgo gives Taurus a boost of energy, while Taurus helps Virgo slow down and appreciate the here and now.

All in all, the highlights of a Taurus-Virgo friendship include similar values and beliefs, as well as a drive for material success.

Virgo & Taurus in love

Not only do Virgo and Taurus make great friends, but they make great lovers, too. In romantic relationships, their similarities make for a harmonious union, while their differences can really complement each other.

For instance, astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim tells mindbodygreen, Taureans are the most value-driven sign, so they need to be with someone who is aligned with them in a big picture way. Think things like financial security, but also the comforts of good food, good music, and a cozy home.

Virgo is right there on the same page as Taurus, which makes Taurus feel they can trust and rely on Virgo. Similarly, Virgo trusts Taurus to be consistent and loyal as well, and Taurus is happy to meet that expectation.

For Virgos, Grim says, their partner has to be useful, helpful, and considerate, “but they also have to encourage the Virgo to be more graceful and kind to themselves and not try to fix everything.” Taurus is just the person to provide the soft earth for nervous-Virgo to land.

And if you’re wondering about their compatibility in the bedroom, let’s just say the earth signs take pleasure seriously. This is a couple who can easily spend all day in bed, and they’re both generous lovers.

Of course, even the best relationships still have sticking points, and for these two, they’ll need to watch out for Taurus’ inclination towards laziness and stubbornness, as well as Virgo’s tendency to look for flaws and criticize.

They’re both stubborn signs in their own way, but as long as they retain their sweetness with each other, it doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker.

Pros & cons


As the AstroTwins note, this relationship allows both Virgo and Taurus to feel at home with themselves and each other, to let down their guards and be themselves, and to simply rest and relax together. It’s like having “a best friend and partner in one,” they add.

After all, with their shared element, there’s a natural kinship and understanding that Virgo and Taurus will likely feel from the moment they meet. It’s comfortable, reliable, and consistent—which are qualities both signs are looking for in a relationship.


Before we dive into these cons, just remember to take them with a grain of salt. Depending on how mature both people are, these issues may only be minor—but could easily become frequent sources of conflict.

Virgo, for one thing, is notoriously finicky with a habit of nagging. They don’t mean to, they just really want what’s best for themselves and those they care about—so they’ll speak up if they have thoughts on something Taurus is doing “wrong.” Of course, this doesn’t always bold well for Taurus, who has a reputation for being stubborn and argumentative.

As you might imagine, this can turn into a cycle of blaming and shaming, withdrawing, or even walking on eggshells. It’s important for Virgo, again, to not try and fix everything, including their Taurus partner. But on the flipside, Taurus may actually learn something from Virgo if they can resist the urge to dig in their heels.

Another thing to watch out for, according to the AstroTwins, is getting too comfortable. “In trine relationships, you’ll need to preserve some mystery to keep things exciting. Make sure you stay active and on the go, and don’t do everything together. A little autonomy goes a long way to keep the passion alive,” they explain.

The takeaway

Nothing says grounded sensuality and cozy love like two earth signs coming together. For Virgo and Taurus, they’ll feel incredibly at home with each other, work hard to make something great together, and support each other’s long term vision.