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Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Five Tarot Card Spread

Image by Hannah Schwob / mindbodygreen

August 17, 2024

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If you’ve got a question, your tarot deck has an answer, with each unique card in your deck offering different insight, advice, and guidance. In the case of the Two of Swords, take this card as a sign that you have a decision to make. Here’s what to know the next time you pull the Two of Swords in a reading, from a tarot expert.

What does the Two of Swords mean?

The Two of Swords tells us that there’s a decision to be made, according to tarot reader and founder of Witchy Wellness Leah Vanderveldt. The suit of swords, in general, represents the element of air, as well, which has to do with our truth, clarity, communication, thoughts, intellect, and mental activity.

And when it comes to making a decision, Vanderveldt says, the Two of Swords reminds you that you already have the answers. “Not your partner, mom, or group text—you,” Vanderveldt explains, adding that this card calls on you to block out the external chatter to see the truth of the situation.

“Your inner wisdom is available to you, you just need to make a little space to hear/receive it. What can you do to create a sense of peace in your mind?” she suggests asking yourself.

What does it mean for love & relationships?

When pulled upright:

If you pulled the Two of Swords upright in a reading about love or a particular relationship, Vanderveldt tells mbg it’s a call to balance the inner and outer. “Perhaps it’s time to consider someone else’s point of view or look at a decision or issue in a relationship from a different perspective,” she explains. Rather than overthink your way to a solution, she adds, feel into what’s right. 

When pulled in reverse:

In reverse, this card showing up in a reading about love can indicate you might feel alone and/or are craving connection. “Know that you’re supported and connected to spirit and those you love already. Let go of any excessive ego right now,” Vanderveldt suggests.

What does it mean for professional & financial matters?

When pulled upright:

The Two of Swords upright in a reading about your career, professional life, or finances is encouraging you to take a step back to get a different vantage point, according to Vanderveldt. She notes that if you’ve been getting one-sided advice or have been focused on a singular track, to “put that down for the time being” and “listen for your inner knowing to find the right balance.”

When pulled in reverse:

The reversed Two of Swords in this reading is a call to identify how you really feel about the path you’re on. And you may need to “catch your breath” so to speak, to do so. “This is an exercise in self-trust—trust what you know to be true and let that fuel your resolve,” Vanderveldt notes.

What does it mean for challenges that lie ahead?

When pulled upright:

If you’ve asked the cards about a challenge you’re currently facing (or will face), pulling the Two of Swords upright can indicate turning inward may be the challenge, especially when there’s so much information and input available to us, Vanderveldt explains.

“Meditation or a meditative practice of some sort is really helpful in this card—anything that can help you clear a little space in your mind for your own thoughts and wisdom,” she adds.

When pulled in reverse:

In this case, the Two of Swords reversed emphasizes that you’re feeling a certain amount of resistance. “There’s always an air of resistance in this card, regardless of which way it’s facing,” Vanderveldt tells mbg. “Self-trust might feel hard right now. Focus on a simple inhale and exhale to help slow down and go inward, even just a little,” she says.

The takeaway

Pulling the Two of Swords tarot card is a call to go inward and listen to your own innate wisdom in order to make a decision. It’s easy to get distracted or swayed by all that’s happening around you externally, but when you can stay connected to your own truth, answers will come.