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Jason Wachob

mbg Founder & Co-CEO

By Jason Wachob

mbg Founder & Co-CEO

Jason Wachob is the Founder and Co-CEO of mindbodygreen and the author of Wellth.

Image by Jason Wachob / mbg creative

August 17, 2024

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It’s no secret that building muscle gets harder as you get older—for women and men. But it’s not impossible. I’m currently 49 years old and am in the best physical and mental shape of my life. What’s helped me the most this last year is fine-tuning my diet (to include more protein and unsaturated fats) and focusing on strength training. My most recent addition has been upping my supplement game to include mindbodygreen’s creatine+

Every time I make a change in my routine, I track the results. And after taking creatine+ for 60 days, my body composition dramatically improved. Here’s how. 

Why creatine+

This wasn’t the first time I dabbled with a creatine supplement. Creatine is the most studied supplement on the market and decades of research1 show that it’s an effective aid for building muscle mass, increasing strength, and enhancing power during explosive movements—whether that’s sprinting or weightlifting.* 

But I never stayed consistent with the supplement until creatine+. We formulated creatine+ to provide an optimal daily dose of creatine for muscle health (5 grams) along with 2 grams of the amino acid taurine—which really sets this supplement apart from the rest. Research shows that taurine also supports exercise performance by combatting muscular fatigue and aiding recovery. And It helps me quickly fight off the fatigue that comes with training hard.*   

Because of this creatine/taurine combo, I can push myself harder working out, recover faster, and then repeat—maintaining a high level of consistency week after week. It’s this consistency in my supplementation and exercise routine (without any soreness) that altered my body composition so quickly.* 

This is how my body composition changed in two months 

In just 60 days of taking creatine+, I gained 5.5 pounds of lean muscle mass, and my body fat percentage dropped from 10.4% to 9.5%.

Keep in mind that I do resistance training about 4 times a week, but these body composition changes occurred without altering my training frequency or duration. For example, I only train for about 20-30 minutes each session and always go hard until muscle failure —whether that’s 4-6 reps of something heavy or 10-20 reps of something lighter. And I don’t really rest much between sets. 

creatine+ gave my muscle cells the energy they need to generate more power during workouts I was already doing—letting me pick up the heavier weights, get through more reps until failure, and recover faster so muscular fatigue doesn’t limit what I can do at the next workout.*  

My results have been incredible, especially considering I’m turning 50 in a few months.

How I eat to support these changes 

My diet has pretty much stayed the same throughout the course of this experiment and is designed to support overall muscle health. I emphasize a protein-first diet, with lots of omega-3-rich fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines. I also take at least one if not two servings of our grass-fed whey protein isolate+ daily with creatine+ and MALK oat milk

I also recently found out that I’m an ultra absorber of saturated fat, so I avoid heavy C:16 fatty acids (think coconut milk). By cutting these fats from my diet, I noticed my ApoB cholesterol levels drop (it went from 110 to 71!) and my resting heart rate and heart rate variability improve (both are signs of improved recovery). 

creatine+ also boasts impressive brain health benefits 

While creatine is most touted for these physical benefits (and I’m walking proof of them), research shows this compound is also vital for brain health. About 5% of the body’s creatine stores are found in the brain. 

Taurine is also found in the brain and acts as a neurotransmitter. The amount of taurine in the brain may also impact mood and feelings of anxiousness2 (especially low levels). Taurine concentrations are known to decline with age3 (same with creatine), and I appreciate how this supplement supports a strong body and strong brain.* 

Studies show that the cognitive benefits of creatine are more pronounced when taking 10 grams a day4 and now that my body has adapted to the baseline 5 grams a day needed for muscle health, I’m ready to increase my dose to unlock these benefits. 

The takeaway 

creatine+ is a supplement that can really benefit most people, no matter what age you start (and check out these creatine benefits for women’s health).*

With results like these, I absolutely plan to keep creatine+ as a daily supplement. I want to be strong, sculpted, and sharp as I age, and creatine+ is the best supplement on the planet if those are your goals!* 

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.