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Braelyn Wood

mbg Deputy Commerce Editor

By Braelyn Wood

mbg Deputy Commerce Editor

Braelyn Wood is the Deputy Commerce Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism from Northwestern University, along with a certificate in marketing.

Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser in the carrying case on bed

Image by Braelyn Wood / mbg creative

August 16, 2024

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At least 80% of people in the U.S. will experience back pain in their lives—and I’m an unfortunate member of the club. Thanks to years of spin class with improper form, I regularly deal with aches and pains (which only get worse when I menstruate).

The near-infrared laser uses targeted red light lasers to reduce inflammation, which alleviates pain and supports a faster recovery.

I’ve been using this portable laser consistently for the last three months to cure lower back pain and knee aches—and I even traveled with it to Hawaii. Here’s why even my parents decided to invest in a Kineon device.

Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser


Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser

How does the Kineon work?

Unlike your typical red light devices—which only use LED light—the Kineon also uses laser light to ensure a deeper penetration into tissue. So not only does each of the device’s modules have eight deep red light LEDs (660nm wavelength), it also has 10 near-infrared lasers (808nm).

While both are technically red light, research shows your body reacts differently to red and near-infrared light wavelengths1. Traditional red light boosts circulation to treat localized inflammation near the skin’s surface, while infrared lasers promote healing deeper within the joint by penetrating up to 6cm below the skin.

Historically you’d needed to go to a treatment center for LLLT, but Kineon brings the benefits right to your home. And while it’s easy to be skeptical about the strength compared to an office treatment, I’ve felt the difference of using a Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser firsthand.

Pro tip

Chronic inflammation accelerates the aging process and is tied to disease like Alzheimer’s.

How I use the Kineon to treat back pain

Kineon initially developed the Move+ Pro Led & Laser to treat knee pain (and it was even called the Knee+). The brand’s CEO, Forrest Smith, dealt with chronic knee pain due to a MCL tear. By 2020, he began prototyping the device—and quickly pivoted the Laser to work on all parts of the body.

Initially the Kineon launched on Indiegogo, where it raised $1,000,000 to officially began production. Now the Kineon is available to anyone with $499 to spare (and here’s why I don’t think that’s an absurd price).

My first time using the Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser was at a Wellness Showcase. As someone who deals with sometimes debilitating back pain—the kind that makes you lay down on your office’s floor—I was immediately drawn to the red light.

Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser on knee with light off

Image by Braelyn Wood / mbg creative

I undid the device’s strap and use pressure to wedge the laser between my back and the couch. The brand’s spokesperson warned that not everyone would immediately feel the difference, instead requiring consistent treatment to notice an impact.

Luckily, I fell into the first category. Within minutes, the tension in my lower back melted away. My body felt looser and lighter, as if i’d just gotten a Swedish massage.

I was lucky enough to receive a sample of the device just a month later, and it quickly became a go-to in my recovery routine. When I feel my muscles starting to stiffen, I immediately pull out my Kineon and do a quick 10-minute treatment.

What I use the Kineon to treat

Nearly three months later, the device has became a savior for daily aches and pains. When I slept wrong on my neck, the Kineon came through. When a 12-hour flight made my lower back ache, the Kineon came through. When the Vitruvian Weightlifting Machine made all my muscles ache, the Kineon came through.

In fact, I even insisted my parents in their mid-50s use the device when I was home. Although the battery packs a whopping 24 sessions per charge, I found my Kineon was dead at least a few times during my 10-day visit. That’s how much they used it (and yes, they did get their own).

Here’s everywhere I’ve tested the device:

  • Lower back
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Knee
  • Ankle
  • Feet
  • Wrist

Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser on the airplane tray on top of ipad, unzipped

Image by Braelyn Wood / mbg creative

The takeaway

If you’re one of the 80% of people who deal with back pain, then I can’t recommend the Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser enough. The fast-acting treatment works from within to reduce inflammation and speed up recovery—so you spend less time aching and more time moving.

Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser


Kineon Move+ Pro Led & Laser