Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

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Image by Katie Chang / Stocksy

August 15, 2024

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There’s somehow only one week left of Leo season—but not without a full moon first. This time around, it will be in the sign of Aquarius and will be exactly on Monday, August 19, at 2:26 p.m. EDT.

As the third of four full moons this season, it will be a blue moon, and because its orbit will be relatively closer to Earth, the moon will appear larger than usual, AKA a “super moon.”

Like all full moons, this is an opportunity for reflection and release (especially considering we’re still in the throes of Mercury retrograde). But depending on where this moon lands in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here’s what to know.

Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising sign.


This full moon is landing in your 11th house of networks and larger community, Aries. And according to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn, this time is asking you to think about what changes and shifts are happening within your communities.

“What is inspiring you here? What in your community is propelling you to move forward?,” she suggests asking yourself, noting that those are the questions to be thinking about right now, as well as what needs to be released so you can better connect with your community.


With the full moon lighting up your 10th house of career and public image, Taurus, the work front is your focus right now. As Quinn explains, you might feel pressure around necessary career changes right now—whether that’s a horizontal change, a lateral one, or even changing careers all together.

“Overall,” Quinn says, “this moon is really asking you what your bigger vision is, and how you’re embracing it with where you want to go with your purpose and work.”


Feeling expansive, Gemini? According to Quinn, this Aquarius full moon is spotlighting your ninth house of travel and higher knowledge. And because Aquarius is a sign that ushers in change, she adds, what changes need to happen for you to gain that higher perspective?

Under these moonbeams, Quinn says, you’ll need to learn something new—or even unlearn some limiting beliefs—in order to get there. And since the ninth house rules travel, she notes, travel and literal expansion might help you in that process.


This could be an intense full moon for you, Cancer, as it moves through your mysterious eighth house of transformation, vulnerability, and intimacy. According to Quinn, this is an introspective energy for you, encouraging you to look within at what needs to be let go.

For instance she says, you might be keeping truths from yourself, or neglecting your inner child. “What truths need to be revealed to you? It’s really about getting clear on your internal voice, as well as looking at the changes that need to happen in your really close relationships, such as where you’re not showing up authentically,” Quinn tells mindbodygreen.


With the full moon lighting up your seventh house of longterm partnership, Leo, relationships are the name of the game for you right now. And as Quinn notes, there’s a specific focus on change within your relationships—whether they be business or romantic.

These changes, she explains, are here to broaden your perspective, After all, Aquarius urges us all to try something new, so Quinn suggests asking yourself where a fresh perspective could support your relationships. “It definitely might feel uncomfortable, but it’s important for you to see what it’s trying to teach you,” she adds.


It’s almost your birthday season, Virgo, so what better time to buckle down and really focus on yourself? With the full moon moving through your sixth house of self care and routines (the house your sign happens to be associated with), Quinn says it’s a time for you to address—and change—the ways you’re not showing up for yourself.

And as your ruling planet, Mercury, continues its retrograde period, you’re getting a double-dose of reflection time. Which habits of yours aren’t helping you grow? Which parts of your routine could you use more of, and vice versa, what needs to be let go? These are the questions to ask yourself right now, Quinn adds.


Feeling passionate, Libra? As this Aquarius full moon spotlights your fifth house of creative expression, you might feel some exciting shifts on the horizon in terms of what really lights you up.

Quinn suggests asking yourself how your creative expression is trying to shift your perspective. “How can you allow creativity to change you? Creativity is a powerful source that we use, because it’s this internal intuition that allows us to express what what we’re feeling energetically,” Quinn says, adding, “Creative expression is Libra’s tool for change right now.”


With this Aquarius full moon landing in your fourth house of family and home, Scorpio, that’s the focus for you right now. This could include elements of family or roommate dynamics, but also the physical, tangible energy of your home itself,

“So for Scorpio, you’re going to see changes within your home life,” Quinn tells mindbodygreen, adding, “And though it might be uncomfortable, because it’s happening within such a safe and internal space for them, these changes are coming to shift dynamics for the better, to be in better alignment with you.”


Feeling chatty, Sagittarius? This airy full moon lights up your third house of communication and information, so Quinn says you’ll be feeling the urge to say what you need to say, because that is how you can bring about change right now.

Just remember that Mercury is still retrograde, so signals are getting crossed left and right. If you’re feeling impulsive—which Sag’s can definitely be—remember to take a beat and think twice before pressing send. It’s possible you could say something that doesn’t really land with others, so while you shouldn’t hold yourself back, just remember your audience, Quinn advises.


Money on your mind, Capricorn? This full moon in Aquarius is spotlighting your second house of possessions and material security, so Quinn says it’s a time for you to reflect on what changes need to happen within your finances.

This could also relate to your thoughts and values around money, as well as your assets and time, she adds. Are there any fresh perspectives around these areas that could be more supportive than your current way of doing things? “Maybe you’ve been doing things that are sucking your money and assets from you, and so you need to address how you’re looking at this area of your life and create new budget systems that can help you move forward,” Quinn suggests.


This is your full moon, Aquarius, as it lands in your first house of self and identity. As such, Quinn explains, you’re doing some deep digging around who you are in this life, and how you’re showing up in the world. You might also be feeling some big shifts around your identity, she adds.

Perhaps you’re finally ready to start a fresh chapter, change something big, or reevaluate your purpose. Whatever it is, Quinn tells mindbodygreen, you’re learning new things about yourself and your character, and your identity is shifting in the process.


This could be an intense full moon for you, Pisces, and it moves through your 12th house of endings, closure, and the subconscious. And according to Quinn, you’re already the ruler of the subconscious realm, so this moon is pushing you to dive even deeper into your own intuition and dream world.

When you do this, she says, it can help propel you forward. “It’s about really leaning into your strengths and seeing how those things are trying to propel you forward on your path and allow you to reach into new perspectives,” Quinn explains, adding to pay attention to where you might be holding onto illusions or rose-colored glasses, and getting clear on reality.

The takeaway

The moon in innovative and humanitarian Aquarius is the perfect opportunity for us all to assess how we’re showing up for the collective, while also making sure our own cups are full. With a couple full moon rituals in tow—plus a willingness to release—we can open ourselves up to fresh perspectives that can help us reach our collective goals together.