Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

two people sitting outside together

Image by Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

August 15, 2024

Some zodiac signs instantly click, while others have a harder time getting along. But in the case of Virgo and Capricorn, these two earth signs have no problem finding common ground.

Here’s what to know about Virgo and Capricorn compatibility in romance, friendship, and more.

Understanding Virgo & Capricorn

In order to understand the compatibility behind these two signs, let’s take a closer look at what Virgo and Capricorn are all about.

Virgo overview

Virgo is the sixth sign of the astrological year and is associated with the sixth house of health and routines. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, and it is ruled by Mercury, the planet of information and communication. It’s represented by the Virgin or Maiden, and is a yin (feminine) sign.

Virgos are known for being:

  • Analytical
  • Perfectionists
  • Organized
  • Dutiful
  • Practical
  • Independent
  • Adaptable
  • Detail-oriented

Capricorn overview

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the astrological year and is associated with the 10th house of career and public image. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, and it is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure and discipline. It’s represented by the mythical sea goat, and is a yin (feminine) sign.

Capricorn people are known to be:

  • Hard working
  • Resilient
  • Ambitious
  • Authentic
  • Serious
  • Dedicated
  • Wise
  • Structured

Virgo & Capricorn compatibility

In terms of their astrological compatibility, Virgo and Capricorn have one of the more favorable “aspects” or angles formed when they meet. Since they’re of the same element (earth), these two signs form a trine, or 120-degree angle, which is thought to be a positive and flowing relational aspect in astrology.

For Virgo and Capricorn, they’ll feel they have finally met someone who truly gets them. “At last, you don’t have to constantly explain yourself. You’ve never felt so comfortable, so understood on a core level,” the twins add.

Then, consider that Capricorn is a cardinal sign, and Virgo mutable. Capricorn is serious about getting things done, brimming with energy and ideas to reach success. Virgo, meanwhile, is adaptable and quick-witted, making them the perfect partner to bolster Capricorn’s efforts, whatever they may be.

In fact, Virgo and Capricorn are easily the two hardest working signs in the zodiac. They take themselves seriously as individuals, and as a couple, and when they put their heads together, they can bring real, earthly tangibility to their grand plans.

Because if there’s anything an earth sign wants, it’s real results—and with these two, they’ll get them. This also makes them loyal and supportive partners, with a mutual big-picture and longterm vision that they’re both willing to work towards.

Before we dive into more about this pairing, it’s important to note that you need both people’s full birth charts (aka “synastry”) to get the whole picture of their compatibility.

That said, here’s a bit more on how these two signs match up.

Virgo & Capricorn friendship

As friends, or even colleagues, Virgo and Capricorn make for a stabilizing and grounding friendship where both people feel appreciated and seen. And thanks to their mutual element of earth, they may even enjoy a love of the natural world, or other material pleasures like good food and drink.

This is a friendship comprised of comfort and practicality. There is a natural ease to the time these two spend together, and they may be especially fond of comfortable silence.

Capricorn and Virgo may not be the most spontaneous or adventurous of the signs, for instance, but they are incredibly sensible and loyal friends who will stick by each other when it matters most. They’re happy to lend each other a listening ear, wise advice, or of course, tough love, if the situation calls for it.

Of course, when you bring two serious and dutiful personalities like these two together, there is always the potential of some ego clashing. The good news is, Virgo and Capricorn tend to respect each other enough to moving past their differences, with respect being another hallmark of their friendship.

Virgo & Capricorn in love

Just as a Virgo and Capricorn friendship is heavy on comfort, respect, and practicality, so too is their romantic life. While this doesn’t always equal explosive fireworks or over-the-top passion, that’s not what either of these two signs typically go for, anyway.

Rather, both Virgo and Capricorn appreciate a relationship that is reliable, predictable, and focused on longterm goals. Again, these two earth signs require structure and routine to thrive, so they may enjoy simple and homey activities together, like cooking or marathoning their favorite show’s latest season.

And speaking of their earthy natures, physical touch is important to the earth signs, as are acts of service. With those two love languages in tow, both partners in this relationship will likely feel satisfied.

What’s also important to understand about these two is their drive to succeed. Both signs want to be the best, and while that can be supportive if they’re both on the same page, they can also run up against disagreements if they’re aiming for different things. Getting clear on their mutual goals is paramount for this partnership.

Overall, though, astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn says that Virgos and Capricorns can make great pairs.

“Capricorns love to be in charge, plus they’re goal-oriented, making these two signs very compatible. They’ll be running the world together as a power couple, well versed in hard work and taking criticism as a form of growth,” Quinn previously wrote for mindbodygreen, adding, “They also both appreciate privacy in their personal lives—when they’re not flashing their rewards and accolades.”

Pros & cons


Let’s be honest about Virgos for a moment; they can be hard to please. One of the pros of this relationship is that if anyone can actually impress them, it’s Capricorn.

As astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim previously told mindbodygreen, Virgo needs to be with someone who is reliable and has skills Virgo respects and admires, whether that’s their professional career or their intelligence. In any case, Capricorn is exactly the kind of person that can woo Virgo.

Meanwhile, Capricorn is attracted to those who they can see a longterm future with, and no-nonsense Virgo isn’t one to play games in love. When these two meet, they know they have what it takes to go the distance.

As the AstroTwins notes, this relationship allows both Virgo and Capricorn to feel at home with themselves and a mate, to let down their guards and be themselves, and to simply rest and relax together. It’s like having “a best friend and partner in one,” they add.


Any relationship is going to have its pain points. After all, the zodiac signs each have their own weaknesses, and depending on how mature both people are, their differences may be only minor, or frequent sources of conflict.

Virgo, for one thing, is known to be the nit-picker of the zodiac, while Capricorn tends to be all-work-no-play. Both of those dynamics can obviously cause strain in a relationship, but with a little open communication and compromise, they certainly don’t have to be dealbreakers.

Another thing to watch out for, according to the AstroTwins, is getting too comfortable. “In trine relationships, you’ll need to preserve some mystery to keep things exciting. Make sure you stay active and on the go, and don’t do everything together. A little autonomy goes a long way to keep the passion alive,” they explain.

The takeaway

There is something so nurturing and grounding about a relationship with two earth signs. For Virgo and Capricorn, they’ll feel incredibly at home together, and that’s a beautiful thing. With their longterm vision and hard-working approaches to life, this is a stabilizing power couple that can accomplish great things together.