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Tanya Carroll Richardson

By Tanya Carroll Richardson

mbg Contributor

Tanya Carroll Richardson is an author and professional intuitive, giving readings to clients all over the world.

Image by Sergey Filimonov / Stocksy

August 13, 2024

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Manifestation can mean bringing something brand-new into your life, like a new career, or bringing a brand-new dynamic to something already in your life, like a more nourishing connection with your romantic partner or a more loving attitude toward yourself.

When we want to manifest something, however, it’s normal to want it very much, which can make our energy around this issue intense and heavy. Yet what often produces quicker, better results, is holding a lighter energy.

So if you’re looking to manifest, try these tips to lighten your own energy around your latest goal:


Remember that adjusting your energy is a subtle technique yet one of the most powerful manifestation tools

Don’t underestimate adjusting your energy—the more subtle, unseen magnetics of energy, which run through everyone and everything, are powerful forces.

Lighten your energy around a smaller issue in your life, like finding good parking spots or getting to know your new neighbors, and notice the positive effect on your manifestations around this issue. You can lighten your energy by simply practicing being more relaxed around an issue.

As you practice being more mindfully chill regarding an issue in your life, it can create new neural pathways in your brain about this issue.


Acknowledge how much this issue means to you—and feel your feelings

Lightening your energy doesn’t mean pretending this issue isn’t important to you. When trying to manifest better health or a better home, it’s normal to have big emotions around these hugely consequential aspects of your life.

You can desire a deeper friendship with a sibling or romantic partner, for example, feeling sad that right now you’re more disconnected from them while also lightening your energy.

Energy and emotions influence each other, but they are separate. Sometimes simply validating and processing your emotions—by expressing them to a therapist or other safe, compassionate person—can actually help lighten your energy via a feeling of release, relief, or acceptance. Don’t fight your feelings.


Adopt a healthy, lighter attitude

Our attitude about a situation can do a lot to lighten energy. If you’re wanting to manifest more money, for instance, practicing gratitude for the funds you already have and any small amount of money coming in can significantly lighten your energy.

Surrendering and being open to different outcomes lighten energy amazingly and can help usher in new opportunities, options, and forward movement.

Finding a deeper meaning during difficult times—like going after a goal because it will help others as much as it will benefit you, or imagining how a challenge might help you grow, heal, or be of greater service—can lighten energy, provide motivation, and draw supportive energy to you.


Connect with your intuition to lighten your energy

Intuitive wisdom is different from emotional wisdom, though both provide you with important insight. Your intuition is more objective and detached in a healthy way, able to rise above the concerns and intense emotions of today and view the bigger picture of your soul’s journey.

Everyone is naturally intuitive, and your intuition has access to a better road map of many possible paths. Plus, it can help discern which of those paths are the best options for you to pursue. Connecting more mindfully with your intuition every day lightens your energy and provides healthy space from intense desires.

Practice working with, understanding, and expanding your intuition with my new oracle deck Awakening Intuition.

Lightening your energy means backing off trying to control an issue. Taking proactive, assertive action and controlling what you can is very healthy and aids manifestation. But trying to control what you cannot—like how another person feels or their free-will choices—actually hinders the flow of outside energy supporting your goal.

Micromanaging every detail can also be overly controlling and slow the flow of healthy energy. Remember that energy wants to flow, and when you hold your desires more loosely, you loosen the constriction around your manifestation.

This allows more helpful energy and healthy life force to flow to and feed your manifestation effort. A lighter energy is a somewhat looser energy.

Mindfully approach anything and anyone connected to your manifestation goal with more compassion and gentleness. Maintain your healthy boundaries while trying to practice the golden rule of treating others the way you would prefer to be treated.

Approaching any part of your day more gently and compassionately—like how you interact with a customer service rep or how you speak to yourself in your mind—even if it has nothing to do with what you’re trying to manifest, can be beneficial.

Lightening your energy around one aspect of your life can have a holistic ripple effect that causes you to lighten up regarding other issues. If lightening your energy around your goal proves very difficult, try lightening your energy around something else first.

The takeaway

Sometimes the pressure and control we place on a particular issue is the very thing that creates resistance against it happening. If that sounds all too familiar, work with these tips to lighten your own energy around your latest manifestation effort.