Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Couple Embracing

August 10, 2024

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Not all the zodiac signs instantly get along. Some take longer to find common ground, while others may never actually click. But in the case of Leo and Aries, these two fire signs have a spark that never wants to go out.

Here’s what to know about Aries and Leo compatibility in romance, friendship, and more.

Understanding Aries & Leo

In order to understand the compatibility behind this matchup, let’s take a look at what Leo and Aries are all about.

Aries overview

Aries is the first sign of the astrological year and is associated with the first house of self and identity on the zodiac wheel. Aries is a cardinal fire sign, and it is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy. It’s represented by the ram, and is a yang (masculine) sign.

Aries folks are known for being:

  • Brave
  • Impulsive
  • Confident
  • Impatient
  • Passionate
  • Action-oriented
  • Risk-taking
  • Direct

Leo overview

Leo is the fifth sign of the astrological year and is associated with the fifth house of creativity and expression on the zodiac wheel. Leo is a fixed fire sign, and it is ruled by the sun. It’s represented by the lion, and it is also a yang (masculine) sign.

Leos are known to be:

  • Dramatic
  • Confident
  • Courageous
  • Creative
  • Generous
  • Regal
  • Ambitious
  • Restless

Aries & Leo compatibility

In terms of their astrological compatibility, Aries and Leo have one of the more positive and progressive relationships of all the zodiac matchups—because when cardinal-fire (Aries) meets fixed-fire (Leo), there’s no telling what they can accomplish together.

These two active and passionate signs will thrive and feed off each other’s energy, forging a relationship with a high degree of excitement, activity, and physical intimacy.

Anytime two signs of the same element get together, for that matter, it forms a “trine” aspect, which makes for great natural chemistry. As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, “The trine sign mate [creates] an unspoken kinship and harmony in this match.”

It can feel like Aries and Leo have finally met someone who gets them when they find each other. “At last, you don’t have to constantly explain yourself. You’ve never felt so comfortable, so understood on a core level,” the twins add.

Of course, the fire signs are also known to be the bold and brash signs of the zodiac, so the big caveat to watch out for in this partnership is Aries’ argumentative streak alongside Leo’s stronger-than-most ego. Luckily, they tend to understand each other enough that those things aren’t dealbreakers.

Before we dive into more about this pairing, it’s important to note that you need both people’s full birth charts (aka “synastry”) to get the whole picture of their compatibility.

That said, here’s a bit more on how these two signs match up.

Aries & Leo friendship

In a friendship, these two signs are the ones who want to go out on the town, have a wide circle of friends, and keep things fun and spontaneous.

With all their fiery energy, Aries and Leo might pick up an active hobby like hiking or going to the gym together, as well. They both have endless reserves of stamina, so they can always count on each other to say “yes” to plans.

Even as colleagues or teammates, they’re a force to be reckoned with. As a cardinal sign, Aries supplies the ideas, inspiration, and passion. Leo, as a fixed sign, provides the confidence, willpower, and drive to take Aries’ ideas to the finish line.

Of course, when you bring two big personalities together, there is always the potential of some ego clashing. The good news is, Aries has a knack for letting things go as soon as they get fired up. In other words, even if these friends do have the occasional spat, they can get over it pretty quickly.

Similarly, Leo is incredibly loyal (as is Aries), so these are friends who are always there to gas each other up and provide the security of a steadfast friendship.

Aries & Leo in love

In love and romance, Aries and Leo spark a passionate romance that feels fulfilling and very much charged with their fiery intensity. Both signs have no problem conveying their affection, which is important to both of them to feel seen and loved.

Leo, for instance, wants to feel famous in their relationships (just like every other area of their life), and Aries is just the person to provide those words of affirmation, make the effort to woo them, and so on.

Aries tends to dive head-first when they’re in love as well, according to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn. And Leo, who craves this attention, will be enamored (as opposed to be put off by) these displays of admiration.

And for what it’s worth, Leo is also generous in giving that admiration right back, which Aries needs to stay interested.

In terms of their sexual compatibility, one big element of their relationship is, indeed, their passion in the bedroom. The fire signs run on chemistry and charisma, and they do take that to bed with them, making for a more than satisfactory sex life.

Aries’ ruling planet is Mars, after all, while Leo’s is the sun. It’s giving heat, drama, and intensity, Quinn says, and they both desire excitement and passion over harmony. 

Of course, not all relationships are perfect, and as aforementioned, both of these signs have strong personalities. According to astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim, Aries may need to be patient with Leo to make the first move, as Aries tends to avoid pausing and just plows straight ahead.

Leo, as a fixed sign, can be stubborn, and Aries temperamental, so Grim notes they’ll need to balance who calls the shots, and further, repair any rifts with plenty of affection and appreciation. “[Leos] have to feel as though their value is known and seen and appreciated, and that they get constant encouragement to continue doing what they love,” he previously told mindbodygreen.

Overall, the AstroTwins say, this romance is like having a best friend and partner in one; Someone you can deeply relax and feel at home with.

Pros & cons


There are plenty of pros in this astrological matchup. From their compatible elements, to their compatible sex drives, this is a relationship full of intensity and passion.

Both signs have a similar appetite for adventure, fun, and new experiences. As Quinn notes, Leos just as courageous as Aries when it comes to taking action and trying new things, so boredom is not a word in their vocabulary.

The twins note as well that when an Aries and Leo get together, they not only feel at home with each other, but within themselves, as the best relationships allow you to connect deeper with yourself.

When these two get together, they can “let their guard down and be themselves, and be understood without explaining themselves,” they say.


As aforementioned, even astrological compatibility can’t make up for the fact that arguments will happen—especially with these two. Aries is, no doubt, one of the more hot-headed signs of the zodiac. Leo, meanwhile, can have a proud and stubborn streak.

Strong personalities may need to learn to compromise and honor each other’s differences, but the good news is, both signs are loyal—and let’s be honest, Aries doesn’t have the attention span to hold grudges.

Another thing to keep in mind, according to that twins, is that preserving a little mystery is important to keep things exciting in trine relationships. “Make sure you stay active and on the go, and don’t do everything together. A little autonomy goes a long way to keep the passion alive,” they explain.

The takeaway

Like any relationship, even trine signs will need to reconcile their egos in order to truly appreciate one another. But when they do, Leo and Aries make for a passionate pair that know how to keep things interesting—and keep their spark very much alive.