Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

What each zodiac sign needs to watch out for now that Mercury's in Retrograde

Image by JACQUES VAN ZYL / Stocksy

August 04, 2024

From August 4 to August 28, Mercury—the planet of information, communication, and technology—will be retrograde. Until August 14, Mercury will be in the sign of Virgo, before backtracking through Leo for the remainder of its backspin.

Known for causing delays, miscommunications, and more, Mercury retrograde can get a bad rep. And indeed, while we may run into some snafus over the next few weeks, retrograde periods are also a necessary time to reflect and refine areas of our life that need our attention.

Depending where this Mercury retrograde falls in your birth chart, we all have different things to expect, so here’s what all 12 signs need to know for this go-around.

Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising sign.


As Mercury retrograde gets underway, Aries, it’s going to be in your sixth house of health, self care, and routines. According to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn, you might face some more challenges in those areas.

Your daily routines could get a bit scrambled, you may have to reschedule doctors appointments, and so on. However, this is also an opportunity to reflect on and revise any habits that are no longer working for you.


With Mercury retrograde moving through your fifth house of creative expression, Taurus, you might feel a bit creatively stifled, or like you can’t express yourself the way you’d like to. Even if you try, you might still feel misunderstood.

As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, it could be easy to get misconstrued during this time, so make sure your communication is as clear as possible. “Be careful in the details that you express—that’s going to be a focal point,” she says.


Things might be a little choppy on the home front for you, Gemini, as Mercury retrograde emphasizes your fourth house of family and home. According to Quinn, don’t be surprised if you have tech issues at home, or run into hurdles with things like moving or signing a lease.

It could even be that you’re dealing with miscommunication within your own home, she adds, so that’s also something to watch out for. Choose your words wisely, especially with family members!


With Mercury retrograde moving through your third house of communication, Cancer, you’re dealing with themes around how you communicate with others. As Quinn explains, you’re known to be a sign that can have relatively weaker boundaries, so this is a time to make sure you’re being heard.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself, just remember that miscommunications can definitely happen now. “There’s going to be extra amplification on really expressing your needs and your boundaries,” Quinn adds.


How are your finances looking, Leo? As Mercury backspins through your second house of money and possessions, you might run into some roadblocks in those areas. Think delayed payments, losing valuables, or even having trouble with your bank app.

As Quinn explains, you probably don’t need to worry about any huge financial mishaps, but rather little details that are more of a nuisance than anything. “Make sure that you’re really checking all your numbers, when you’re supposed to be getting paid, when people owe you money, and when you owe others money,” she suggests.


Are you OK, Virgo? Not only is this Mercury retrograde in your sign, but that also means its landing in your first house of self and identity. In other words, it’s giving identity crisis. According to Quinn, you’re getting hit the hardest this retrograde, but it’s giving you an opportunity to reflect deeply on where (and who) you are in your life.

She advises not getting too bogged down by the nitty-gritty details right now, because you’re in a place of shifting and changing. Instead, she says, try to be adaptable and open to the changes coming your way.


With Mercury backspinning through your 12th house of endings, closure, and the subconscious, Libra, the challenges this retrograde may bring up will be largely internal for you. As Quinn explains, you’ll be reassessing thoughts and feelings, and doing a bit of renovation on your inner world.

If you’ve been clinging to certain illusions and limiting beliefs, this retrograde period invites you to dig a little deeper. “What’s going to be hardest for you isn’t necessarily your communication with the outside world,” Quinn says, “but the communication you have with your inner critic and negative self talk.”


Watch out for what you say in the public eye, Scorpio, as this Mercury retrograde highlights your 11th house of networks and larger communities. Mercury retrogrades are known to cause miscommunication, and in your case, it could be on an even bigger scale.

As such, according to Quinn, you’ll want to be extremely mindful about what you say and who you say it to, especially in larger group settings or online. In other words, think twice before you post, hit send, or comment!


Your job could experience a bit of a shake up now, Sagittarius, as this Mercury retrograde backspins through your 10th house of career and public image. As such, try to be patient—and potentially even hold off on finishing big projects or signing any contracts until the end of the month.

As Quinn notes, you might experience communication mishaps at work, or even technical issues with your computer—but you can also use this time to reflect on where you are in your career path and whether you need to change course.


Hope you don’t have any big trips planned, Capricorn, because Mercury retrograde is passing through your ninth house of travel and expansion. Mercury actually rules travel, which is why retrogrades are notorious for traffic delays and other mishaps.

As Quinn explains, you could run up against challenges with your own inner expansion (i.e. goals, learning something new, etc.), along with things like travel snafus. “Those things might need to wait until after Mercury is out of retrograde to be able to move forward, especially with travel,” she adds.


This Mercury retrograde is highlighting your eighth house of intimacy and transformation, Aquarius. As such, Quinn explains, you might be dealing with some negative self talk, or running up against miscommunications that hinder intimacy.

For that end, your more intimate relationships could face some struggles during this retrograde, but it can also be a good time to reflect on what keeps you from deeper intimacy in your life. “You may really need to find ways to communicate effectively when communication is a challenge,” Quinn adds.


How are your closest relationships doing, Pisces? With Mercury retrograde backspinning through your seventh house of longterm partnership, don’t be surprised if you hit a “rough patch,” so to speak. But have no fear, retrograde periods offer us a time to reflect, so be patient and think about what your relationship needs.

Nevertheless, Quinn says, miscommunications could arise, so try to be as clear and honest as you can, while also honoring and listening to those closest to you.

The takeaway

We’re not going to act like Mercury retrograde isn’t a little nerve-wracking, but it can also be a powerful time to rewind, reassess, and recalibrate where you need to. So rather than fretting or freezing, try to be open to the realizations you may have over the next few weeks, and ride out the storm.