Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

woman dancing in white dress with mountain in background

August 03, 2024

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As hard as it is to believe, August is here and it’s almost time for Leo season’s new moon to grace our skies. This new moon in Leo arrives Sunday, August 4, just after 7 a.m. EDT, highlighting themes around building confidence, setting intentions, and basically being the main character of your own life.

But depending on where this moon lands in your birth chart, we all have something a little different to expect. Here’s what all 12 signs need to know.

Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs.


Feeling passionate, Aries? According to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn, this new moon in Leo lands in your fifth house of creative expression—which happens to be the house associated with Leo to begin with.

As such, she says, this is a time to put your creativity first, and let yourself express it. Leo wants to be seen and heard, and you’re being called to tap into that main character energy. “Whatever passion is igniting you, give that front seat.”


This new moon focuses in on your fourth house of home and family, Taurus. According to Quinn, with new moons being a time to set intentions, your home could use attention or even a fresh start right now. “There could be a little drama at home, feathers getting ruffled—especially with Mercury retrograde,” she says.

With that said, it’s important for you now to think about how to make your home more supportive and luxuriating. “Make sure that your home is setting you up in the best way for all the things you’re trying to bring in for yourself,” Quinn adds. 


Feeling chatty, Gemini? That’s your typical M.O., and with this new moon highlighting your third house of communication (the house your sign is associated with), you’re getting a double dose of that energy.

And with Leo influencing this new moon, Quinn explains, it’s pushing you to embrace Leo’s starpower and let yourself be heard. “Say what it is you need to say, whether that’s with your work, publicly, in friendships, or in your community,” Quinn says, adding that there is a need for you to take the mic right now.


Set your sights on your finances, Cancer, as this Leo new moon bolsters your second house of possessions, money, and material security. And the good news is, Quinn says, you’ve got the wind in your sails to make some money moves.

Given the influence of Leo on this moon, she adds, remember to fill your cup and prioritize yourself, even when you’re inclined to take care of everybody else. Quinn suggests asking yourself, “What are the things that you care about and want to be doing? And how can you make money through those things?” And P.S., things like assets, investments, and even time are valuable in the second house.)


This is your new moon, Leo! If you’re feeling like you’re turning a new leaf, it probably has something to do with your birthday season—coupled with this new moon landing in your first house identity. In other words? You’re cosmically supported right now, especially with the upcoming Lion’s Gate portal on August 8.

According to Quinn, things are aligning beautifully for you, and this is a great time to call in your innermost desires. It’s also a great time for you to ask yourself what you want, “because things are conducive to bring it to you,” she says.


Your birthday season is coming up next, Virgo, and that means this new moon lands in your 12th house of endings, closure, and the subconscious. So, Quinn says, this new moon is asking you to think about how you’re serving yourself. “It’s really important for you to release any self-judgment you might have around your desires and wants and needs,” Quinn says.

Ultimately, your subconscious is pushing you to look beyond the surface, according to Quinn, and get in touch with any illusions you might have. Become unapologetic and own the things you desire, she suggests, and tap into your dreams as well, which could be extra symbolic right now.


Time to put your networking hat on, Libra! That’s no problem for your social sign to begin with, and with the new moon in your 11th house of larger community, it’s a great time for you to be outgoing and revel in your social connections.

“Right now, this moon is letting you larger community really show up for you and put the spotlight on you,” Quinn tells mindbodygreen, adding, “And the Leo influence is giving you the a-okay to be in that space.” You’re not being selfish or overindulgent for taking up space, and this is a chance for you to help propel your community forward, Quinn says. 


How are things on the career-front, Scorpio? With this new moon landing in your 10th house of public image and career, it’s a chance for you to set some intentions around moving your public image or career forward. Hello, promotion!

Just remember, we are in Mercury retrograde, so be wary of miscommunications or signing any contracts. But according to Quinn, this is ultimately a time where you could be getting recognition for your work, whether that be a raise, a new job altogether, etc. And with Leo steering this new moon, don’t be afraid to take up the spotlight at work.


This new moon should feel like a natural fit for you, Sagittarius, as it lands in your ninth house of higher learning and travel—the house your sign is associated with! And with this being a time for planting seeds, you’re not afraid to set your sights far and wide, so let yourself dream big.

According to Quinn, you could take a spontaneous trip (or start planning one, at least), such as a retreat that can help you learn a new skill, or perhaps even starting that new class you keep thinking about. All in all, think about how you can expand and level up in your life, and prioritize the things that fill your cup.


Feeling sensual, Capricorn? With this Leo new moon spotlighting your mysterious eighth house of intimacy and transformation, this is a time for you to focus on what gives you pleasure—and not shying away from it. You tend to be all-work-no-play, Cap, but everyone deserves to make space for pleasure, even you!

And according to Quinn, you might also want to reflect on how pleasure is connected to your own vulnerability and intimacy, as well as allowing yourself to be indulgent. With Leo influencing this new moon, it’s asking you to indulge in yourself.


How are your relationships going, Aquarius? With this new moon highlighting your seventh house of long-term partnerships, your closest relationships could use your attention right now. And according to Quinn, that’s a good thing! “Relationships are very fruitful for Aquarius right now,” she says.

Whether you’re entering a new relationship, or nurturing a romantic, platonic, or work connection, “you’re feeling good and filling your cup” through these relationships, Quinn says. “And it’s really about allowing yourself to have the attention that comes with Leo’s influence on this moon,” she adds.


With this Leo new moon landing in your sixth house of self care and routines, Pisces, most of what’s going to be fulfilling for you right now might require you to be a little selfish. As Quinn explains, this doesn’t always come easily to you, as you’re such a compassionate and empathetic person.

But with Leo influencing this new moon, you’re being called to focus on yourself and your own self care. “Let yourself say no to others in order to take care of you [and] be selfish with your time because your self care is most important now,” Quinn explains.

The takeaway

With this empowering Leo new moon bringing a boost of confidence to all of us, a fresh start never seemed so inviting. And if there’s anything Leo appreciates, it’s the spotlight—so no matter your sign, don’t be afraid to let yourself shine.