Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by Hayden Williams / Stocksy

October 11, 2023

Dreams offer us a glimpse into our subconscious, and when we’re stressed, that’s when we get stress dreams. In the case of dreams about flooding, that’s almost always a stress dream. But why do these dreams happen, and how can you stop having them? Here’s what to know.

Dreams about flooding

Dreams about flooding are most often related to a real-life situation that’s getting worse—the waters are rising, just as your stress in real life is rising. As professional dream interpreter Lauri Loewenberg tells mindbodygreen, “The nature of the flood is that it rises and it keeps rising—so in that vein, what in your real life seems to be doing the same thing?”

Water in dreams also tends to represent emotions, so when a flood is rising out of control, Loewenberg adds that this could indicate your emotions are getting increasingly more fragile or difficult to deal with. Depending on the context of the dream and the specifics involved, however, the meaning of the dream becomes a bit more nuanced.

Before we dive into a handful of specific flood dream scenarios, Loewenberg also notes that it’s quite common for women to experience flooding dreams just before their period starts. “So make sure that’s not the case before you look into other reasons,” she adds.

7 common dreams about flooding and their meanings

Specifics always matter in dreams, like who you’re with, where you are, and more. So if you’re dreaming that your home is flooding, it likely has to do with something in your personal or family life.

As Loewenberg explains, if it’s your living room that’s flooding, for instance, it’s reflecting a situation that you’re living with on a daily basis. If it’s your bedroom, on the other hand, that could be speaking more to intimacy or your current partnership. Moving to the bathroom, where we, ahem, relieve ourselves, Loewenberg explains that you’re feeling a need to cleanse or relieve yourself of something negative or frustrating.

The kitchen is connected to family and nourishment, so if your kitchen is suddenly underwater, what aspect of your family life feels like it’s escaping your nurturance or becoming difficult to manage? And in the basement, which Loewenberg says typically relates to our past, flooding can represent a past issue that’s resurfacing.


There’s something dangerous in the floodwater

In some flooding dreams, you might notice something threatening or dangerous in the water, such as a shark, alligator, or snake. In this case, Loewenberg says your subconscious mind is warning you about a real-life situation that’s causing you to feel threatened. Creatures that bite, for instance, can represent “biting words” and criticism, while snakes can represent deception and treachery.


The water is murky or muddy

As aforementioned, water in dreams tends to represent our emotional state, so if you notice in the dream that the floodwater is murky, it could be reflecting a murky or muddied mental state. And according to Loewenberg, that can point to depression, or even not seeing a situation clearly.

In this case, she says, your subconscious is encouraging you to “clear the air,” or in this case, the water, to regain some clarity in your life.


You’re driving on a flooded road

If you’re driving down a flooded road, Loewenberg says this can speak to an area of your life that was seemingly in progress—but has not been either put on hold or sidetracked. And whatever the reason is for that delay, it’s stressing you out.

“So you need to figure out if the increasingly worsening situation is external or internal. Is it outside circumstances that are getting worse and worse, or is this something within you?” Loewenberg says, adding that things like negative thoughts and emotions, fears, and anxieties can all be represented by dreaming of driving on a flooded road.


Someone is with you during the flood

Who you’re with in a dream can offer helpful clues to what the dream is trying to tell you, so if you’re with someone during the flood, Loewenberg says to get clear on whether it’s someone in your current life, or someone from your past.

“If it’s someone that you’re currently dealing with, they’re likely going to be involved in the real life situation that’s causing the dream. But if it’s someone that you’re not dealing with on a daily basis, or someone from your past, they represent some part of you—or represent something about the situation,” Loewenberg tells mindbodygreen.

In that case, she adds, ask yourself what stands out about this person, how you identify with them, and/or what comes to mind when you think about that person. “That will be the connection,” she says.


It’s raining at the same time

Some flooding dreams may not involve rain, but according to Loewenberg, if it’s raining cats and dogs while the flood ravages on around you, that’s a big clue. Typically, she says, rain will be about something that’s causing you sadness, “because rain in dreams is almost always connected to your own tears—whether you’re actually shedding them or not, it’s your sorrow.”


Your workplace is flooding

Last but not least, and as you might be able to guess, if your place of employment is flooding in the dream, it likely relates to some difficulty you’re facing at work. Just as your home flooding in a dream represents stress or a worsening situation in your personal life, the same logic can be applied to dreaming about your workplace flooding.

How to work through this dream

The best way to work through a recurring dream that you don’t want to have anymore is by figuring out how it relates to your waking life. From there, you can take steps to address the issue in real life, and the dream should stop.

To that end, Loewenberg always recommends looking to the day before you had the dream, “because something from that previous day is triggering it and causing you to feel the way you’re feeling in the dream. She adds that you can then assess how you felt, or any specific thoughts you had in the dream, which will likely mirror thoughts and emotions you have regarding the real-life stressor.

Once you figure out what situation your dream is representing, Loewenberg says, you can figuratively seek “higher ground.” Just as you would literally seek higher ground in a real-life flood, this dream represents your subconscious urging you to keep your head above water, rise above the flood, or find a higher perspective.

Here’s our explainer on dreams about water if you want to dig in more.


What do floods symbolize in dreams?

Dreams about flooding are most often related to a real-life situation that’s getting worse—the waters are rising, just as your stress in real life is rising.

What does it mean when you dream about heavy rain and flooding?

A dream involving heavy rain and flooding can speak to depression, as well as any more negative emotion that’s getting more difficult to manage.

What is the spiritual meaning of dreaming about water?

Water in dreams typically represents our emotional state, as well as emotional healing, with stormy waters or floods signaling distress, and still, serene water representing peace and calm.

What does it mean when you dream about water overflowing in your house?

If you dream about water overflowing in your house, there’s a good chance something in your personal, home, or family life is stressing you out and getting worse.

The takeaway

Dreams and their symbolism offer us a unique view into the inner workings of our minds, and if you keep dreaming about flooding, get curious about what it could be trying to tell you about a real-life situation—it could be a message you don’t want to ignore.