Emma Loewe


September 27, 2023

Emma Loewe

mbg Sustainability + Health Director

By Emma Loewe

mbg Sustainability + Health Director

Emma Loewe is the Senior Sustainability Editor at mindbodygreen and the author of “Return to Nature: The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us.”

Woman speaking with a health coach

Image by BONNINSTUDIO / Stocksy

September 27, 2023

Life is dotted with inflection points: moments and decisions that change our trajectories. In reading reviews of mindbodygreen’s Health Coach Certification (HCC), it’s clear that the program is one such inflection point, helping graduates chart a new path and discover a renewed sense of purpose.

The 20-week virtual program is designed to help students pursue a career in health coaching or infuse holistic coaching principles into their existing health practices. But its strong emphasis on active listening, effective goal setting, and relationship building means that it leaves a more lasting impact than any standard curriculum.

The NBHWC-approved course is designed to prepare students to take the rigorous board exam to become a certified coach. And not just take it, but pass it: The national average for the board exam is 85%, while HCC students average an impressive 92%. Many students credit their success to the program’s smart, supportive faculty. The health coaches, nutrition experts, and educators who teach HCC help craft a welcoming, collaborative, and supportive environment for students.

You’ll see that “transformative” is a word that’s often used to describe the program. Here’s what students have to say about why HCC’s impact has extended far beyond their careers and helped them transform into healthier ways of being.

What students & graduates are saying

“The mindbodygreen HCC program is phenomenal and has fantastic faculty. Not only are you learning the foundations needed to sit for the national board exam, but you are learning how to think in a coaching mindset. This course has had a huge impact on both my professional and personal life.”


“Go in expecting to get a great foundation in coaching in this program. You’ll learn way more than you thought possible! The instructors are top-notch and have a level of knowledge that can’t be found elsewhere.”


“This has been a beautiful and deeply transformative experience. I’ve never been more excited about my career and the new space I’m creating for myself as a result of completing this program.”


“This course has been absolutely transformative, giving me deeper knowledge and incredible tools and empowering me to step into a coaching role. It has also brought elements of growth in my personal life. I truly valued all the triad sessions that gave me the opportunity to practice different aspects of coaching, as well as the diversity of our instructors with different backgrounds, specialties, and styles. I highly recommend this course to effectively prepare you to be the coach you want to be!”


“I started exploring health coaching programs in late 2021 when I had a deep calling to get back to my life purpose of making an impact in the health field. I looked into several programs, none of which stood out to me like mindbodygreen’s. The mbg health coaching certification team is personable, reliable, intelligent, well-researched, and experienced. I felt comfortable and challenged within the course. The organization of the material was logical and extremely thorough. I couldn’t have asked for a better learning experience and group to learn with.”


“In January 2022, I told myself that this would be my year: The year I finally make myself a priority and put my passion for health and wellness first. In March, I signed up for the mindbodygreen health coaching program, and I am extremely happy with my decision… All my life, I was never one to want to participate in class, until now. The comfort you feel amongst other students and the health coaches is unmatched. Everyone encourages you to be yourself and allows you to speak freely without judgment. You feel heard! Also, you make so many new friends who share similar values and goals, which is one of the best parts. Don’t hesitate to join—you won’t be disappointed!”


Words cannot describe the impact that this program has made in my life… This is an excellent program for anyone interested in helping bridge the gap for clients and patients who are ready to make lifestyle changes. It is also a great program for healthcare professionals who want to gain a better understanding of the baseline knowledge of the participant and how to better relate to patient/client ambivalence… This program led me to a position that was the perfect fit at the perfect time! This certification is the “Gold Standard” in health coaching. Thank you for creating this important and much-needed course, and for making it easily accessible and affordable.”


“In the past, I have taken the mindbodygreen Functional Nutrition Course and I have access to all of the mindbodygreen classes. All of them are fabulous! When the opportunity presented itself to take the Health Coach Certification, I knew it was a natural next step for me to grow as a person and to help others… Not only did the Health Coach Certification class help me with my health journey and transformation, all of the mbg classes have contributed to where I stand today with my health and wellness. Thank you, mindbodygreen!”


Sign up to learn more about HCC and how to enroll here, and read a more in-depth student review of the program here.