Sarah Regan


September 13, 2023

Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

number 11 overlaid fall foliage

Image by Ron Mellott x mbg creative / Stocksy

September 13, 2023

Angel numbers are all around us, offering us guidance and direction from the universe, angels, and our guides. But different angel number sequences all have different meanings, and in the case of angel number 11, here’s what to know, according to experts.


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What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers, often seen in sets of three or four (i.e., 222 or 2222), although they sometimes show up as split numbers (i.e., 3433 or 717). As professional intuitive Tanya Carroll Richardson previously explained to mindbodygreen, “Angel numbers are a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence—divine guidance from angels and the universe.”

The different digits from 1 to 9 have different meanings, such as the number 5, for example, which represents change, or 9, which represents endings and closure.

And according to Richardson, when you see an angel number, it’s important to figure out what just happened or what you were thinking about when you saw it. You could see 5:55 on the clock right as you were thinking about making a change in your life, for example, which would be a sign from the universe to prepare for that shift.

What the number 1 represents in numerology

In the case of 11 (and even 111 or 1111), according to Richardson, 1 is always about new things: new cycles, new beginnings, and bringing new elements into your life.

And numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart echoes this point, adding that seeing repeated ones in numerology signals that a beginning is near, and it’s a good time to “focus on innovation and creativity, embrace your independence, and go after what you want.”

In numerology, 11 is also considered a master number, relating to psychic intuition, spiritual wisdom, and communication.


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Angel number 11 meanings

Something new is headed your way

According to Richardson, when you see the number 1 repeating, the universe is trying to get your attention around something that’s just beginning to unfold in your life. After all, this is a number all about new beginnings, so it’s time to embrace them.

What to do about it:

Thinking about new beginnings or starting fresh, Richardsdon says that “the environment is more conducive right now for you to co-create or birth something in your life or the world,” if you keep seeing 1 repeating. She adds to get clear on what it is you’d like that to be—and to go for it.

Be open to opportunities

If you want something new to unfold in your life, you have to be open to opportunities. Not only does the number 1 relate to new beginnings, but also using your intuition to discern which opportunities are right for you. With your intuition “on” and your awareness turned toward the energy of angel number 11, Kaerhart says you can awaken to deeper truths and receive divine guidance from spirit/your higher self.


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What to do about it:

Things aren’t what they seem, so “keep your eyes peeled for opportunities,” Richardson explains, adding that angel number 11 can also be a call to start a healthy new habit, whether that’s a new eating or exercising routine, a project at work, or shopping for a new home.

You’re in a strong position to manifest

Finally, angel number 11 indicates strong manifesting potential. It’s a number about new beginnings, so it’s like an open door to bring forth whatever it is you’re seeking. When you see angel number 11, the universe is reminding you to trust in your abilities to co-create your life—with your guides at your back.


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What to do about it:

As Richardson previously told mindbodygreen, repeating 1’s represent an energetic portal opening in your life or in an area of your life. “There are times when it’s easier to manifest, start new professional projects, and initiate personal change,” she explains, so believe in yourself.

11 meaning in love

If you’re in a relationship

If you’re in a relationship and keep seeing angel number 11 when you’re with your partner or thinking about them, the general interpretations for 11 can be applied to your love life as well. Namely, Richardson says, it’s likely encouraging you to initiate positive change or a new beginning in your relationship.


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What to do about it:

As Richardson notes, remember that 1’s relate to fresh starts, so this could mean giving your relationship a refresh in some way, or showing up with a brand-new energy or attitude. “It’s inviting you to take action and start a new cycle in some way—use your intuition to better discern how,” she adds.

If you’re single

If you’re single and keep catching angel number 11 when you’re thinking about your love life or dating, take it as a sign that the universe is supporting your efforts now. What you focus on will come back to you—for better or worse—so if you’ve been hesitant or pessimistic about putting yourself out there, it might be time to try a new approach.

Also, Richardson adds, “If you show up to a first date for the first time in years and notice this angel number on the way there or at the restaurant, it’s probably encouraging you to invest more energy in dating—it could even mean the person you’re meeting is the beginning of a new chapter for you.”

What to do about it:

Figure out what is and isn’t working in your love life. If you’re looking to find a partner, angel number 11 could be encouraging you to reframe your approach. Or, as Richardson says, it could be a sign that you’re on the right track with someone you’ve been seeing. “Always let things play out a bit before you try to interpret more precisely what an angel number means for you,” she recommends.

11 twin flame meaning

As a refresher, twin flames represent the idea that one soul can be split into two bodies, resulting in two people having a deep soul connection. Twin flame connections aren’t known to be easy, as they’re associated with accelerated spiritual awakenings and intense growth—but can also facilitate major healing in each other’s lives.

If you’ve been seeing angel number 11 and think you’ve met your twin flame, Richardson says it may actually be encouraging you to be more singular and independent in healthy ways within the relationship. The reason being, she says, is because these relationships can quickly become all-consuming or codependent. So, she says, “Tighten up your energetic and emotional boundaries.”

In some cases, however, 11 could also be letting you know “there is an invitation with this person to start something new and beautiful together—like a business, a marriage, a family, or a social movement,” Richardson says.


What does angel number 11 mean in love?

Because 1 represents new beginnings, angel number 11 represents something new in your love life, whether it’s a new phase to an existing relationship, or a new relationship entirely.

What does number 11 mean in life?

11 is considered a master number in numerology, relating to psychic intuition, spiritual wisdom, and communication.

What is the job of angel number 1111?

Angel number 1111 signals that a beginning is near, and it’s a good time to focus on innovation and creativity, embrace your independence, and go after what you want.

Is 11 a lucky number?

Yes, 11 is a master number and is considered lucky for spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.

The takeaway

Angel number 11 is a powerful number—it’s even one of three master numbers in numerology, so you don’t want to brush it off if you keep seeing it. A number of intuitive wisdom, new beginnings, and manifestation, when this number keeps appearing, trust that you’re on the right track and the universe is supporting you.