The AstroTwins


September 6, 2023

The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

Curly haired woman wearing hat inside frame reading Weekly Horoscope

Image by Aleksandar Novoselski x mbg creative / Stocksy

September 6, 2023

The first full week of September features a host of retrograde planets to start, but ends with an inspiring Sun-Jupiter trine. Here’s your horoscope.


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Slow down and plan: Jupiter turns retrograde in Taurus on Monday

Keep your eyes on the prize and the process. As optimistic Jupiter slips into its annual retrograde this Monday, September 4, you could easily fall in love with people’s potential or let important details slip through the cracks.

With the red-spotted titan backing up through methodical Taurus until December 30, tighten up any slack in the reins. Get clear on the criteria you need for your elite squad: integrity, reliability, a commitment to excellence.

There’s always a level of “messy” that comes along with growth. But instead of just “figuring it out along the way,” utilize Q4 to set up savvy systems, life hacks, and smarter org charts. Create project plans and budgets—and make sure timelines allow a healthy work-life balance.

Give service with a smile when the Sun meets up with Mercury retrograde on Wednesday

As the Sun and retrograde Mercury sync up in service-oriented Virgo this Wednesday, look for ways to contribute, no matter how small. Show up with an extra coffee in hand, help a friend assemble bookshelves or offer a ride to the airport. And if you find yourself at your desk (which is likely), don’t just dive into “Go!” mode.

Instead, make “working smarter not harder” your operating principle. Use apps and trackers to keep organized, and if the load gets too heavy, ask for support.

Got some advice to offer? Don’t mince words but follow persnickety Virgo’s directive to be clear and make every syllable count.


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There’s also a quarter moon in Gemini on Wednesday

Where’s the gray area? Focus your attention there because nothing is “black or white” under a detail-driven quarter moon in Gemini. Keener observations could turn up a missing clue. You might realize that what (or who!) you were looking for was standing right under your nose.

Did you rush to make a decision recently? Use this prismatic moon to consider a broader set of perspectives, including the most essential one—your own! If you need to walk back your prior stance, swallow your pride and own up to your choice. It’s Gemini’s prerogative to change its mind!

Count your blessings (and your pennies) with Friday’s Sun-Jupiter trine

The glowing Sun forms an expansive trine to bountiful Jupiter, making us all crave…MORE. Since both planets are in material-minded earth signs, the focus falls on financial security.

Nothing wrong with wanting to pad your pockets or build a legacy for generations to come. But with Jupiter retrograde, take a look at any counterproductive habits. Where are you leaking money? How efficiently are you using the resources you already own? A thin wallet doesn’t mean you’re out of options. Work the barter system or see if you can volunteer hours in exchange for access.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.


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