
September 4, 2023

Written by

Brooke V.

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September 4, 2023

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Advertorial: This content is produced by a third-party advertiser. Statements are not fact checked by a medical professional.

If your dog has ever been sprayed by a skunk, you know how hardit can be to get rid of the smell. The odor can hold on to your dog’s fur, skin, and even your furniture, leading to a frustrating experience for everyone involved.

Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to effectively remove a skunk smell from your dog. With the right approach and a bit of patience, you can successfully eliminate the odor and prevent it from lingering in your home.

What is skunk spray?

Skunks secrete a potent and pungent liquid as a defense mechanism against predators. The liquid is composed of a mixture of chemicals, including sulfur-containing compounds, which give it its distinctive odor.

When a skunk sprays a perceived threat, it releases the liquid from two small glands located near the base of its tail. The spray can reach up to 10 feet away, and the odor can linger for days or even weeks if left untreated.

Dogs are naturally curious animals, and they might mistake a skunk for a potential playmate or threat. If a skunk feels cornered or suprised, it may spray your pet out of self-defense.

Skunk spray can be harmful to dogs if it gets into their eyes, nose, or mouth. It can cause irritation, inflammation, and even temporary blindness. Therefore, it’s important to take immediate action if your dog gets sprayed by a skunk.

How to get rid of skunk smell on your dog

Home remedies such as the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap mixture can be effective in removing the odor. Or, you can use commercial products such as skunk odor removers and shampoos that are specifically designed for pets.

Here are some immediate actions that you should take if a skunk sprayed your dog:

  • Keep your dog outside: The skunk odor can quickly spread throughout your house, so it is important to keep your dog outside until the smell is under control.
  • Check for injuries: Skunks can carry diseases, so it is important to check your dog for any wounds, and clean and treat them immediately.
  • Protect yourself: The skunk spray can also affect humans, so it is important to protect yourself. Don gloves and avoid directly touching your dog.
  • Wash your dog: Use a skunk odor neutralizing shampoo and follow the instructions carefully. Avoid getting the shampoo in your dog’s eyes or ears. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Dry your dog: Dry your dog with a clean towel. Avoid using a hair dryer, as the heat can cause lingering skunk odor to set in if you didn’t fully eliminate it.
  • Monitor your dog: Skunk spray can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, so watch out for any signs of inflammation or infection. If your dog shows any signs of discomfort, such as excessive scratching, sneezing, or coughing, contact your vet immediately.

How to prevent future skunk encounters

To avoid future skunk encounters, take the following precautions:

  • Keep your dog on a leash when outside, especially at night when skunks are most active.
  • Keep your yard well-lit and free of debris, as skunks are attracted to dark, cluttered areas.
  • Use skunk repellents, such as motion-activated sprinklers or citrus-based sprays.
  • Train your dog to avoid skunks and other wildlife.

Even if you take precautionary measures, there’s a chance that your dog will get sprayed by a skunk. With that in mind, you may want to keep an odor-eliminating product on hand so that you can take immediate action if needed. Here, we’ve rounded up the best options to stock up on.

How we chose

We mainly focused on four factors to choose the best products for eliminating a skunk smell.

Odor-eliminating benefits We chose products with ingredients that break down skunk spray, effectively eliminating odor.

Moisturizing ingredients We sought out products that contain moisturizing and conditioning ingredients, to eliminate oil without drying out your dog’s skin and fur.

Cost Your budget may play a role in which product you go with. We calculated the cost per ounce of each product, choosing options with a range of price points.

Customer reviews We read through customer reviews to find products that are effective, pleasant-smelling, and easy to use, according to pet owners who have tried them.

Best for soft fur: Pupper Shampoo


  • Contains natural ingredients
  • Discount with the purchase of multiple bottles


  • Pricier than other options

Pupper Shampoo contains a combination of beneficial ingredients, like oatmeal and green tea extract, to soothe irritation. It’s free from parabens, phthalates, and sulfates, and leaves behind a gentle oatmeal scent. The shampoo is formulated to effectively remove dirt and debris without overly stripping your dog’s skin and fur of its natural moisture.

Best fragrance-free option: Pooph Skunk Odor Eliminator


  • Spray container makes application easy
  • Works instantly


  • Seems better for use on furniture than the dog

If you’d prefer the ease of a spray, you can go with POOPH Skunk Odor Eliminator. The liquid is clear, fragrance-free, and non-staining, and contains ingredients to break down skunk oils. It’s safe to apply on dogs or humans, and you can apply the spray onto bedding, furniture or anything else your pet may have come in contact with before you were able to take action.


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Best budget-friendly: De-Skunk Odor Destroying Shampoo for Dogs


  • Can also be used on furniture
  • Affordable


  • Needs to sit for 3–5 min before rinsing

This shampoo is made to eliminate skunk smell or other strong odors with the help of degreasing ingredients. You apply the shampoo and allow it to set on your dog’s fur for three to five minutes before rinsing for powerful odor removal. You can also use the shampoo on furniture, clothes, or other surfaces that have picked up the skunk scent.

Best for dogs and cats: Nature’s Miracle Skunk Odor Control Lavender Scent Dog Shampoo & Conditioner


  • Lavender scent
  • Doubles as shampoo and conditioner


  • Requires 5 min wait time for severe odor

This skunk odor control shampoo and conditioner is formulated to avoid the dreaded wet dog smell. You apply the two-in-one during your pet’s bath, leaving it on for five minutes before rinsing in the case of heavy odors. The formula deep cleans, moisturizes, and conditions while neutralizing skunk spray odors. It has a light lavender scent that can serve as a welcome replacement to the odor of a skunk’s spray. The product gets high ratings from reviewers, who report that it gets rid of every last trace of odor.


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Thanks to the many odor-eliminating products available, you can quickly restore freshness to your stinky dog, should it encounter a skunk. It may be helpful to stock up so that you can act fast should the need arise. These options are all effective at eliminating odor and offer additional benefits for your dog’s skin and coat.