The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

weekly horoscope

Image by Rob and Julia Campbell / Stocksy

August 26, 2023

Venus finally moves direct this week and we’ve got a blue moon in Pisces to enliven our ethereal side—but not without Uranus retrograde to shake things up first. Here’s your horoscope.


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Ground yourself now: Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus on Monday

Unpredictable Uranus does its annual about-face this Monday, August 28, backing up through material-minded Taurus for five months. Your grip on finances, good habits and, well, reality, could get slippery.

Plan with the best intentions but expect the unexpected between now and January 27, 2024. Progress may be slower than usual during this five-month retrograde, but this forced timeout could provide a hidden window of opportunity to develop an indie venture or side hustle.

On a broader level, it’s time to take a look: How well are you cooperating with the people in your life? When the side-spinning planet shifts into reverse every year for nearly five months, it’s time to recalibrate the ranks and make sure everyone’s feeling included and free to voice their opinions.

Behold! The August 30 Pisces full moon (9:35PM EDT) is a rare blue moon

Let your imagination take the reins under the August 30 blue moon—the second full moon of the month. This one lands in dreamy Pisces, illuminating subconscious thoughts and casting a rosy glow over all your interactions.

Divine downloads could stream in throughout the day. Whenever possible, get yourself into a meditative space so you can capture the messages from your higher mind—and possibly a few ancestors and guides. Since Saturn’s co-piloting this mission, take actual notes. Some of these “fantastical notions” could be the seeds of a future start-up.

Because esoteric Pisces is the master of illusion, you might also feel lost in a labyrinth. Stop, breathe, and listen to your intuition, then wait until you feel centered before taking your next step.

Do you need to make amends? This compassionate full moon paves the way for deep, soulful healing. Unexpectedly, you may see an “enemy” in a very human light. While you don’t have to accept their wrongdoings, you may find a spot of forgiveness in your heart.

With no-nonsense Saturn hovering close to the full moon, you may also realize that it’s time to put up boundaries with a bully. Enough’s enough!


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Restart your heart! Venus ends its six-week retrograde on September 3

Passion or high drama? It’s been hard to tell since Venus turned retrograde in Leo on July 22. But on Sunday, September 3, the planet of love and harmony resumes forward motion, lifting the curtain on a new scene.

With the “pleasure principle” planet motoring forward, you are free to once again engage in the pursuit of happiness. If you’ve felt out of sync with your partner, this U-turn will restore harmony. You won’t have to second-guess someone else’s confusing behavior or stoop to manipulative tactics to draw people out.

Unions that felt like they were in free-fall may settle down, and you’ll gain clarity about where things are going—or at least where you want them to go. Don’t try to squish a square peg into a round hole. It’s better to cut bait than waste any more precious time on the wrong fit.

Single? If your love life went through a recent dry patch, the forecast calls for a deluge! Venus moving forward in Leo gives you the tools for a bonafide charm offensive: A little seduction will go a long way. Give it a week and see if you don’t have too many options. No need to rush into anything—including a haircut, tattoo, or any other beauty treatment that you’ve had on hold since late July.


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