Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by mbg creative X Raymond Forbes Photography / Stocksy

August 22, 2023

If you’ve explored your astrological birth chart, you probably know your sun sign, and maybe even your rising sign. But when it comes to career and pubic image, there’s another part of your birth chart you don’t want to miss: the 10th house.

Here’s what the 10th house can reveal, plus a breakdown of what all 12 signs mean in the 10th house.


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The 12 houses in astrology

As a refresher, your birth chart will display 12 individual houses that govern particular areas and themes of your life. The first house, for example, deals with identity and beginnings, while the 12th house deals with releasing and endings.

Your first house, like your rising (or ascendant) sign, is determined by where the sun was rising over the eastern horizon the moment you were born. From there, other planetary placements are determined.

The houses that the various signs line up with are thought to influence everything from how you approach your home life, to how you approach your friendships. For example, if Mercury, the planet of communication, is in someone’s fifth house (which is all about expression and theatrics), they might be particularly outgoing and boisterous.


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10th house astrology

  • Ruling planet: Saturn
  • Associated sign: Capricorn
  • Themes: Career, worldly ambitions, public image, and status

The 10th house, located at the very top of the chart, is the most visible and public area of the zodiac. Things like traditions and institutional structures are ruled by the 10th house, as well as the legacy we’re meant to leave in this world. This is the world’s stage and how we’re seen, our status and leadership.

It’s also about honors, achievements, fame, public reputation, as well as authorities, fathers, and fatherhood. The ruling sign of the 10th house cusp is also called the midheaven, and it can give astrologers a sense about your career path.

The midheaven is symbolized on your birth chart by “MC,” which stands for Medium Coeli (or “middle of heaven”), and as astrologer Molly Pennington Ph.D. previously told mindbodygreen, understanding yours can clue you into what kind of reputation you’re really meant to leave behind.

And while both your midheaven and rising sign are similar to an extent, as they’re both outer-facing aspects of one’s personality, the rising sign is more about first impressions and interpersonal aspects of your personality, while the midheaven and 10th house are much more about public image and legacy.

How to calculate your 10th house sign

  • Use your birth date, time, and location to calculate your natal chart.
  • In your chart, look for a vertical line marked by an “MC.”
  • Whichever sign the line intersects with is your 10th house ruler and midheaven sign, as it’s the sign that was in the midheaven (directly above you) when you were born.

Aries in the 10th house

Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars. According to Pennington, this 10th house placement makes for someone who really likes to take initiative professionally.

“Their careers can range from something very physical, like an athlete or a coach, to something like teaching, or even sales or leadership,” she says, adding, “It’s going to be broad but the key things that we’re looking at are a sense of fiery energy, initiative, and courage.”


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Taurus in the 10th house

Taurus is a fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus. Being the planet of beauty and pleasure, those are important themes when thinking about the 10th house in Taurus, astrologer Jennifer Racioppi explains. “If you’re a Taurus midheaven it’s really important to have a value-based career—and also relate to beauty as well,” she notes.

“I think of things like cooking, even something like party planning—things that are very pleasurable and have to do with the senses, so even a musician, arborist, or interior designer,” Pennington adds.

Gemini in the 10th house

Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury. Pennington notes the name of the game for these folks is both variety and communication in their careers. Technology and media will also appeal to this placement, she adds.

And according to Racioppi, if you have a Gemini-ruled 10th house, you’ll want to find Mercury in your chart and figure out how you best communicate, as it’ll be important for your public life. “It’s really important that they’re doing something that allows them to excel in communication. Anyone with a Gemini 10th house is somewhat of a linguist—but that’s really for them to define [in their own way],” she explains.


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Cancer in the 10th house

Cancer is a cardinal water sign, and it’s the only sign ruled by the moon, which deals with emotions. As such, according to Pennington, those with a Cancer 10th house will likely be attracted to careers in which they can nurture or be caregivers. And this can look like a lot of different jobs or paths, but one in which they can empathize and do something with heart behind it is ideal.

“There’s something about providing a service that allows people to feel cared for when it comes to how you show up in the world and what you’re known for,” Racioppi previously told mindbodygreen.

Leo in the 10th house

Leo is a fixed fire sign, and the only sign ruled by the Sun. When thinking about a Leo-ruled 10th house, think big, bold, and shiny—just like the Sun that rules it. “These people are truly here to shine in their profession and in their life—to own their identity, be a leader, and uplift others,” Racioppi says.

Whether it’s being on a stage, or performing in any way, really, that’s where this placement will thrive. This could also mean leaders or managers of some kind, as they like to be “out in front,” Pennington adds. 


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Virgo in the 10th house

Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, and is the other sign (along with Gemini) ruled by Mercury. “It’s a different version of Mercury than Gemini,” Racioppi explains, adding, “Gemini is about communication, while Virgo is about distilling information at its most refined. As a 10th house Virgo, you’re best at really amplifying your ability to work in details of precision and strategy.”

That precision and attention to detail makes this placement great for fields like science, medicine, design—really anything where they can get down to the nitty-gritty and work with things that are grounded or material, according to Pennington.

Libra in the 10th house

Libra is a cardinal air sign, and the other sign (along with Taurus) ruled by Venus. But where Taurus is more concerned with beauty, pleasure, and sensuality, Libra relates to the side of Venus that’s about justice, fairness, and balance. “It’s the version of Venus that’s gonna fight for the underdog,” as Racioppi puts it.

Pennington adds that Libra has strong listening skills and a sense of justice, as well as an ability to be empathetic and create a safe space for people. With that in mind, she says they’d make great mediators, judges, therapists, or anything that otherwise brings people together.

Scorpio in the 10th house

Scorpio is a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto in modern astrology and Mars in ancient astrology. Pennington notes that, as a sign, Scorpio isn’t afraid to dive into the depths and explore the darker sides of life, and a Scorpio 10th house will reflect this.

Being a detective, forensic scientist, archeologist, or even the owner of a spooky occult shop would all be up a Scorpio midheaven’s alley, according to Pennington, with Racioppi echoing that the detective route makes sense for this placement. It ultimately comes down to their ability “hold space for the dark, the ugly, the bereaved—all the darkness—and bring wisdom to the table,” Racioppi explains. 

Sagittarius in the 10th house

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter. According to Pennington, this is a sign that loves to philosophize, travel, explore, and expand—so any career involving those things is a good fit. “There’s an optimism with Sagittarius as well,” she notes, adding, jobs where you can keep exploring new themes and new ideas are ideal.

Racioppi adds that a Sagittarius-ruled 10th house makes for someone who’s here to inspire and uplift others as well, such as a coach, clergyperson, or professor. 

Capricorn in the 10th house

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, the same planet that rules the 10th house. According to Racioppi, when you think Saturn, think hard work and discipline—which is what you’ll get with a Capricorn-ruled 10th house.

The midheaven here will enjoy careers with a good amount of structure and tradition, potentially even opting for institutional jobs such as within the law or banking. This placement makes a hard worker who wants to get the job done right the first time, for results that last, Pennington notes. 

Aquarius in the 10th house

Aquarius is a fixed air sign ruled by Uranus. Pennington explains this placement can lend itself to a variety of fields, from tech, to research, to even politics or community organization. This is a future-oriented and humanity-oriented placement, so those are the kinds of careers best suited for an Aquarius-ruled 10th house. The energy of this sign is almost always unconventional, too, which is worth keeping in mind.

“These are people who are here to do it differently,” Racioppi explains, adding, “Because they’re answering to Uranus, and Uranus is out-of-the-box thinking, think careers in broadcasting, astrology, humanitarian services—they want to conceptualize how to solve problems.”

Pisces in the 10th house

Last but never least, we have Pisces, a mutable water sign ruled by Neptune. “These are artists, feelers, mystics, or dreamers,” Racioppi explains, adding, “Pisces on the midheaven is a deep invitation to express and truly love—accessing love and being a conduit for that.”

And according to Pennington, “There’s a real artistic bent to this sign, and to me, that lets you ‘tip things upside down,’ or see things from a completely different perspective.”


What is the 10th house career path?

The 10th house describes the energy you bring to your public image and career. The sign that rules your 10th house, and any planets that may fall in that house, speak to how you approach those 10th house themes.

What are the benefits of the 10th house?

The 10th house reveals how we can thrive in our careers and public image, and understanding your 10th house can help you make leaps in worldly success.

Which house represents money?

The two houses that most closely relate to money include the second house, which rules finances and material resources, as well as the 11th house, which rules profit and teamwork.

The takeaway

If you’ve checked your daily horoscopes or tried to figure out our astrological compatibility, but you haven’t checked out your 10th house, you’re missing a big piece of your astrological puzzle. By understanding your 10th house, you may be surprised (or unsurprised) by how much your it resonates with your deepest career wishes and your true purpose in this life.