Shivani Gupta, PhD

Ayurvedic Practitioner

By Shivani Gupta, PhD

Ayurvedic Practitioner

Shivani Gupta, PhD is an Ayurvedic practitioner and expert in fusing Eastern and Western practices that help our bodies achieve equilibrium. She completed her Master’s in Ayurvedic Sciences and her PhD on Turmeric.

Stressed Woman

Image by Viktor Solomin / Stocksy

August 14, 2023

In the whirlwind of modern life, where stress and fast-paced routines have become the norm, inflammation is a silent and often underestimated adversary of our well-being.

As an Ayurvedic practitioner deeply rooted in the wisdom of holistic healing, I’m thrilled to share my secrets for tackling inflammation the Ayurvedic way. Let’s embark on this journey together, where ancient wisdom meets modern challenges. 


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How Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to inflammation 

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life, unveils an insightful perspective on inflammation. It recognizes that chronic inflammation isn’t a stand-alone issue but a symptom of underlying imbalances within the body.

According to Ayurveda, these imbalances primarily stem from the three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha—the elemental forces that govern our physiological and psychological functions. 

Chronic inflammation, often triggered by a frenzied lifestyle, poor dietary choices, and environmental toxins, is seen as a manifestation of aggravated pitta dosha. Pitta, associated with fire and heat, governs metabolic processes in the body. When in excess, it can lead to fiery disruptions, resulting in skin ailments, gastrointestinal issues, and inflammatory disorders.

Ayurveda’s approach to treating inflammation delves deep into the root causes. It aims to bring harmony by pacifying the aggravated doshas and restoring balance through personalized remedies.

Ayurveda teaches that agni, our digestive fire, is vital for health. Balanced agni enables proper digestion, nutrient assimilation, sustained energy, healthy aging, and homeostasis. It prevents the accumulation of ama, toxins that breed disease.

We can check our digestive capacity by observing how we feel before, during, and after eating. Keeping agni vibrant reduces ama so health can flourish.

Cultivating an anti-inflammatory lifestyle: Ayurvedic wisdom unveiled 

Transitioning from understanding to action, Ayurveda offers an array of practices that align with the body’s innate intelligence, fostering an anti-inflammatory lifestyle: 


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Prioritize warm, cooked foods and anti-inflammatory spices

Begin by treating your body as a temple. Favor warm, cooked foods that kindle the digestive fire and reduce the potential for inflammation. Incorporate ginger and turmeric, potent anti-inflammatory spices, into your meals for added benefit. 


Craft dinacharya, or daily rituals


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Embrace movement and exercise

Embrace exercise that suits your body’s constitution. Engage in gentle morning exercises to kick-start metabolism without overburdening the system. A balanced workout routine helps prevent imbalances that fuel inflammation. 

Stress acts as a catalyst for inflammation. Incorporate stress-reducing practices like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga to maintain emotional equilibrium and quell pitta imbalances. Adaptogens from Ayurveda are a great calming tool to utilize.


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Prioritize quality sleep


Maintain seasonal awareness

Ayurveda emphasizes adapting practices according to seasonal changes. Understanding the doshic influence of each season allows you to make informed choices that prevent imbalances and inflammation. Eating seasonally and adjusting your pace seasonally based on your dosha is key to staying balanced. 


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The takeaway

As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I believe we can fuse our worlds, bringing together modern solutions with ancient wisdom to create a lifestyle that keeps us whole and nourished. In a world of inflammation triggers, Ayurveda shines as a beacon of wisdom. By embracing its principles, we harmonize with nature and cultivate a balanced life. This journey isn’t rigid; it’s about aligning choices with what our body is asking for.