Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket

August 3, 2023

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Sometimes all I want at the end of a long workday is an hour on the couch with my favorite TV show. And while I fully believe mindless television is a form of self-care, earlier this year I set out to find a new daily habit that would do a bit more for my body. 

Spoiler alert: This Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket turned out to be exactly what my tired body and mind were craving. I love it so much we even secured an exclusive discount code—use mindbodygreen for 15% off at checkout.


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Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket

Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket

Why I tried the Bon Charge Sauna Blanket

I live a pretty active life. When I’m not training for my next marathon, I’m typically out for a walk exploring Brooklyn neighborhoods or getting steps in at my desk. And my mind stays active throughout the day, too, juggling deadlines, to-do lists, and so on.

Of course, I’m just as obsessed with recovery as I am with movement. I geek out on my Oura sleep scores, and I make an effort to carve out time for self-care each day. But a few months ago I found myself in desperate need of a post-dinner wind-down activity. 

I’d heard (and written) about the many benefits of infrared saunas and sauna blankets for muscle recovery, lower stress levels, improved cardiovascular health, and even detoxification—and it sounded like the perfect habit to replace my nightly Netflix binge.

Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket

Image by Carleigh Ferrante / mbg creative


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What I love about the Bon Charge Sauna Blanket

After testing a few of the best infrared sauna blankets, I landed on Bon Charge, mainly because it seemed to heat up significantly faster than others. 

Even compared to a similar brand with the same 176-degree Fahrenheit maximum temperature, this blanket feels noticeably warmer. I don’t sweat easily, but I wind up drenched every time I use it. I swear I can feel the toxins leaving my body.

Speaking of toxins, I love knowing this blanket is free of them. It’s made from a premium, nontoxic PU leather with a durable Velcro closure that allows me to customize the fit to my body (which is part of how it stays so warm and toasty).

Over the past six months, the Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket has become an integral part of my self-care regimen. Three to five days per week, I set aside 45 minutes to relax inside the sleeping-bag-style design. 

Since integrating this into my recovery routine, I’ve noticed a significant decrease in stress—and I actually feel so much healthier on the days I use the blanket. Plus, I swear my skin has more of a glow to it.

Arguably the most standout result of my sauna blanket sessions, though, is the impact they’ve had on my sleep scores and health metrics. I’m a bit obsessive with my Oura ring, and the first time I used my Bon Charge Sauna Blanket I was floored to see a monumental spike in my heart rate variability (HRV).

Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket review

HRV after sauna blanket session

Image by Carleigh Ferrante / mbg creative


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HRV is a metric used to understand how our nervous system affects our heart health1, specifically as it relates to stress and physical activity. Board-certified cardiologist Michael Twyman, M.D., previously told mindbodygreen, “Low heart rate variability is associated with increased stress and lower parasympathetic tone, while high heart rate variability is associated with decreased stress and higher parasympathetic tone.”

Ergo, it’s not just in my head: This sauna blanket truly is decreasing my stress levels. And it wasn’t just a fluke, either. On the nights when I opt for sauna time over TV time, my sleep scores skyrocket and my HRV soars. 

The marathon runner in me would be remiss not to mention muscle recovery, too. My body feels more at ease immediately after sessions in my Bon Charge Sauna Blanket. Research backs this too, with one particular study showing short-term improvement of pain and muscle stiffness2 and a trend toward long-term benefits from infrared sauna use.

How to use the Bon Charge Sauna Blanket

If sweating up a storm sounds uncomfortable to you, rest assured this blanket is beyond relaxing. The cotton cushioning gives an extra layer of comfort, and the heat is just the right amount to not be overwhelming (the biggest perk of infrared saunas over traditional ones). 

Of course, you don’t have to go up to the maximum; once you unroll the blanket and place it on a firm, dry surface, you can set your desired temperature using the remote control. 

I choose to keep my arms inside the blanket to really elevate my body temperature, but others prefer to multitask on the phone or read a book while lying inside. 

Cleaning the blanket is easy, too. When I’m done with my session, I simply wipe down the inside with a damp towel and let it cool and dry before packing the blanket away in the incredibly convenient carrying case.

Experts recommend starting slow with 10 to 15 minutes per day, rehydrating with water and electrolytes, and giving yourself more time to relax even after the session. 

Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket

Image by Carleigh Ferrante / mbg creative


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What I’d change about the Bon Charge Sauna Blanket

Needless to say, I truly value time spent in my sauna blanket. This particular model warms up quickly, keeps the heat trapped in, and has resulted in some pretty significant, data-backed benefits. 

My one qualm is that, at nearly 20 pounds, the blanket is fairly heavy. So, while the carrying case is convenient, the blanket still isn’t very easy to transport. 

I’m sure this is a product of high-quality materials and heating technology, but I would love it to be a bit more lightweight.

Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket

Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket

The takeaway

My sleep scores don’t lie: The Bon Charge Infrared Sauna Blanket helps my muscles recover faster and keeps my mind and body at ease. Of course, some nights I still plop down in front of the TV—but I feel significantly better when I opt for a sauna session instead. And don’t forget: You can score 15% off the Bon Charge blanket with code mindbodygreen.


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