Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by mbg creative x Caleb MacKenzie Gaskins / Stocksy

July 26, 2023

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Numerology is believed to give us insights into everything from our life’s destiny to who we’re most compatible with. And if you’re a believer in karma, numerology can also clue you into the karmic debt you might be carrying from past lives.

Here’s how to find out if you have any karmic debt numbers in your numerology chart, plus what to do about it, according to numerologists.


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What is karmic debt in numerology?

In numerology, karmic debt describes something that occurred in a past life that you’re now making amends for in this lifetime.

Karmic debt is indicated in your numerology birth chart with one or more of the following four numbers: 13, 14, 16, and 19.

Depending on which number and where it is in your chart, it shows areas you struggle with, such as love or power. “Karmic debt speaks to areas where we may be feeling more challenges, [but] most people have karmic debt numbers,” numerologist and author of You Are Cosmic Code Kaitlyn Kaerhart explains.

“It’s nothing to freak out about—and when you know that you have it, you can name it and work through it,” Kaerhart adds, noting that in order to find yours, simply map your numerology chart and look for any of those four numbers. “If you stumble upon one of those numbers, you have a karmic debt,” she explains.


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Karmic debt numbers in numerology

Karmic debt number 13

If you have karmic debt number 13 in your numerology chart, it is associated with laziness and selfishness in a past life.

You may deal with blaming others and not taking responsibility, being negative, and also being stubborn and controlling. Your karma is to hold yourself accountable.


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Karmic debt number 14

A karmic debt number 14 is all about abuse of freedom, whether through indulgence or dominating others.

You may deal with a lack of self-control, overindulgence, and commitment issues. Your karma is to develop self-discipline and vulnerability with other people.

Karmic debt number 16

The karmic debt number 16 can be the most challenging to overcome and signifies a very strong ego in a past life, as well as relationship issues.

You may have had many “failed” relationships, difficulty connecting to others, and an egotistical streak. Your karma is to be more thoughtful of others and consider how you affect them.


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Karmic debt number 19

The karmic debt number 19 indicates someone who abused their power in a past life and caused people to suffer.

You may be selfish or manipulative, narcissistic, and very concerned with public appearances and perceived success. Your karma in this life is to make caring for others a priority.

What to do if you have karmic debt numbers

Rather than thinking of karmic debt as something you have to “repay” or suffer from, Kaerhart likes to view it as a necessary experience. You have to go through things that “show you what others around you went through because of you” in a past life, she previously told mindbodygreen, adding, “And in understanding that, you’re meant to find a better approach.”

So, depending on which karmic debt number(s) is in your chart, when you come up against challenges in that area, remind yourself of the lessons that can be found in trying times. For instance, if you have 14 in your chart, perhaps you practice mindfulness to help yourself be more disciplined.

When we can approach our karma with more understanding and compassion, we can address them head-on rather than avoiding them.


What is karmic debt in numerology?

In numerology, karmic debt describes something that occurred in a past life that you’re now making amends for in this lifetime.

How do I know if I have karmic debt?

To find out if you have karmic debt, map your numerology chart and look for the numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19. If you have one or more of those numbers, you have a karmic debt.

What are all the karmic debt numbers?

The karmic debt numbers are 13, 14, 16, and 19.

How do you calculate karmic number?

There is no equation for calculating karmic debt, simply look for the numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19 in your numerology chart.


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The takeaway

Karma is a natural law of the universe, and some believe it can transcend lifetimes. In the case of numerology, karmic debt numbers don’t have to be something to fear but rather are something that indicates the lessons we need to learn throughout the course of our lives.