Yoghurt and curd, two dairy products celebrated for their probiotic content and nutritional benefits, have long been cherished for their taste and health properties across various cultures. Both these creamy delights are often used interchangeably in recipes and dietary recommendations, leading to confusion among consumers about their differences and distinct qualities.

In this article, we delve into the world of yoghurt and curd to unravel their nutritional disparities, health benefits, and culinary applications. By exploring their unique characteristics, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of these dairy products, empowering them to make informed choices about incorporating yoghurt and curd into their daily diets.

Yoghurt: An Overview

Yoghurt is a cultured dairy product with a rich history dating back thousands of years. It is created through the fermentation of milk by specific strains of bacteria, most commonly Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. This fermentation process not only imparts a tangy flavour but also introduces probiotics into the yoghurt, which are live bacteria beneficial for gut health.

Yoghurt Production Process

Milk Selection: The process begins with selecting high-quality milk, which can come from various sources like cow, goat, sheep, or buffalo.

Pasteurization: The milk is heated to a specific temperature to kill harmful bacteria and extend its shelf life.

Inoculation: After pasteurization, the milk is cooled to a suitable temperature, and a small amount of live yoghurt culture is added to it.

Fermentation: The inoculated milk is left to ferment at a controlled temperature for several hours, allowing the bacteria to convert lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. This process gives yoghurt its characteristic thickness and tangy taste.

Cooling and Packaging: Once the desired consistency is achieved, the yoghurt is cooled, and sometimes fruit, flavours, or sweeteners may be added before packaging.

Curd: An Overview

Curd, also known as “dahi” in some cultures, is a dairy product that shares similarities with yoghurt but is distinct in its production process and taste. Like yoghurt, curd is a coagulated and fermented milk product that contains beneficial bacteria. It is a popular food in many parts of the world and is consumed both on its own and as an ingredient in various culinary preparations.

Curd-making Process

Milk Selection: Curd is typically made from cow’s milk, although it can also be made from buffalo milk, goat milk, or sheep milk.

Natural Fermentation: The process of curd-making involves allowing milk to naturally ferment by adding a small amount of existing curd or curd culture to warm milk. The bacteria in the curd culture begin to convert lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid, causing the milk to thicken and coagulate.

Incubation: Once the curd culture is added, the milk is left to incubate at room temperature or in a warm place. During incubation, the bacteria multiply, fermenting the milk and transforming it into curd. The time required for incubation can vary depending on the ambient temperature and the desired thickness of the curd.

Cooling and Setting: After the desired consistency is achieved, the curd is cooled, and it sets into a semi-solid state.

Straining (Optional): In some preparations, the curd may be strained to remove excess whey, resulting in a thicker and creamier product.

Similarities Between Curd and Yoghurt

Dairy Base

Both curd and yoghurt are made from milk, which serves as the primary ingredient in their production. Cow’s milk is the most commonly used type, but curd and yoghurt can also be made from buffalo, goat, or sheep milk.

Probiotic Content

  • Both curd and yoghurt are rich sources of live beneficial bacteria, commonly known as probiotics.
  • The primary strains of bacteria found in curd and yoghurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These bacteria play a key role in the fermentation process and contribute to the probiotic benefits of these dairy products.
  • Probiotics in curd and yoghurt support gut health by maintaining a balanced gut microbiome, aiding digestion, and potentially enhancing immune function.

Nutritional Profile

  • Curd and yoghurt share a similar nutritional profile as they are derived from milk.
  • Both are excellent sources of protein, which is essential for muscle maintenance and various bodily functions.
  • They also provide calcium, a vital mineral for strong bones and teeth, and vitamin B12, important for nerve function and red blood cell production.


  • Both curd and yoghurt have a creamy texture, resulting from the coagulation and thickening of milk during the fermentation process.
  • The thickness of curd and yoghurt can vary based on factors such as the specific bacterial strains used and the duration of fermentation.

Culinary Uses

  • Curd and yoghurt are versatile ingredients used in various culinary applications across different cuisines.
  • They can be enjoyed as standalone snacks, side dishes, or breakfast options.
  • Curd and yoghurt are commonly used as bases for smoothies, dips, and salad dressings.
  • They are also incorporated into savoury dishes, such as curries, marinades, and sauces, to add creaminess and tanginess.

Health Benefits

  • Due to their probiotic content and nutrient profile, both curd and yoghurt offer numerous health benefits.
  • They support digestive health by promoting a balanced gut microbiome and aiding in the breakdown of lactose and other food components.
  • Curd and yoghurt may enhance nutrient absorption, particularly for calcium and certain B vitamins, ensuring the body effectively utilizes these essential nutrients.
  • The probiotics in curd and yoghurt may contribute to immune system support by modulating immune responses.


Both curd and yoghurt are made from milk, commonly cow’s milk but also from buffalo, goat, or sheep milk. They are both rich sources of live beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics, specifically Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These probiotics support gut health, aid digestion, and potentially enhance immune function. Both curd and yoghurt share a similar nutritional profile, providing protein, calcium, and vitamin B12. They have a creamy texture and are versatile ingredients used in various culinary applications. The health benefits of curd and yoghurt include promoting digestive health, enhancing nutrient absorption, and potentially supporting the immune system through their probiotic content.

Differences Between Yoghurt and Curd

While curd and yoghurt share several similarities, they also have distinct differences in terms of their production methods, taste, and cultural variations. Here are the key differences between curd and yoghurt:

Fermentation Process

  • Curd is traditionally made by adding a small amount of existing curd or curd culture to warm milk and allowing it to ferment naturally at room temperature. The fermentation process is spontaneous, and no specific starter cultures are required. The bacteria responsible for fermentation are naturally present in the environment or from the previous batch of curd used as a starter.
  • Yoghurt is made by introducing specific starter cultures, usually Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, to warm milk. The milk is then incubated at a specific temperature to encourage the growth of these bacteria, which coagulate the milk and transform lactose into lactic acid. The use of defined starter cultures ensures consistency in the yoghurt-making process.

Bacterial Strains

  • The bacterial strains in curd may vary depending on the region and the specific environment in which it is prepared. The bacteria responsible for fermentation are typically a mix of naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria from the surroundings and the previous curd used as a starter.
  • The bacterial strains used to make yoghurt are standardised and consist of specific strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These strains are selected for their ability to produce a consistent and desirable yoghurt texture and taste.

Taste and Texture

  • Curd generally has a milder and more variable taste compared to yoghurt. Its flavour can range from slightly tangy to mildly sweet, depending on factors such as the milk used and the fermentation process.
  • Yoghurt has a more standardised and distinct tangy flavour due to the specific starter cultures used in its production. The texture of yoghurt is usually smoother and more consistent compared to curd.


  • The consistency of curd can vary from thin and pourable to thick and creamy, depending on factors like the type of milk used and the duration of fermentation. It is typically less uniform in texture compared to yoghurt.
  • Yoghurt has a more uniform and smooth consistency, often described as thick and creamy. The use of specific starter cultures in yoghurt production results in a more consistent texture.

Regional Variations

  • Curd is a traditional dairy product made in various cultures and regions, each with its own unique method of preparation and taste. The term “curd” is commonly used in India, South Asia, and some other parts of the world.
  • Yoghurt is prevalent in Western countries and is known by the same name globally. However, regional variations in yoghurt exist, influenced by factors like milk type, fermentation time, and additional ingredients.


While curd and yoghurt share several similarities, they have distinct differences in production methods, taste, and cultural variations. Curd is made through spontaneous fermentation using existing curd or curd culture, while yoghurt is made with specific starter cultures for consistency. The bacterial strains in curd vary, whereas yoghurt uses standardized Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Curd has a milder and more variable taste, while yoghurt has a standardized tangy flavour and smoother texture. Curd’s consistency varies, while yoghurt is more uniform. Curd is traditional in various regions, while yoghurt is prevalent in Western countries with global variations.

HealthifyMe Suggestion 

Try this fruit raita made with curd and a fruit smoothie made with yoghurt. 

For fruit raita – Whisk 1 cup curd, add 1/2 tsp each of sugar, black pepper powder, chaat masala, roasted cumin powder and salt. Add 1/2 of chopped mixed fruits. Mix well and enjoy this refreshing dish. 

For a smoothie take 1 cup of yogurt along with 1 cup of mixed fruits of your choice. Add a tsp of honey and blend well in a blender. Add ice if desired.


In conclusion, both curd and yoghurt, as probiotic-rich dairy products, offer numerous health benefits and share common nutritional qualities derived from their dairy base. While they both contain live beneficial bacteria that support gut health and aid digestion, their production methods, taste, and regional variations set them apart.

Curd’s traditional, spontaneous fermentation process and variability in taste make it a cherished dairy product in many cultures, especially in India, South Asia, and other parts of the world. On the other hand, yoghurt’s standardized production using specific starter cultures ensures consistency in taste and texture, making it widely popular in Western countries and beyond.

Despite their differences, curd and yogurt remain versatile ingredients with a creamy texture, enriching various culinary preparations, and adding value to a balanced diet. The inclusion of these probiotic-rich dairy delights can contribute to overall well-being, promoting digestive health, and nutrient absorption, and potentially supporting the immune system.

Whether it’s the familiar taste of curd enjoyed in regional delicacies or the tangy flavour of yoghurt savoured globally, both dairy products have earned their place as cherished staples in the diverse world of cuisine. Embracing the distinct qualities of curd and yoghurt allows us to relish the richness of cultural diversity and the wholesome benefits they offer, making our gastronomic journey all the more delightful and nourishing.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information please contact our certified nutritionists Here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are yoghurt and curd made from the same process?

While both yoghurt and curd are dairy products made from fermentation, their production processes differ. Yoghurt is made using specific starter cultures, whereas curd is traditionally made by allowing milk to ferment naturally using existing curd or curd culture.

What is the main ingredient in yoghurt and curd?

The main ingredient in both yoghurt and curd is milk. They can be made from various types of milk, including cow, buffalo, goat, or sheep milk.

Can yoghurt and curd be used interchangeably in recipes?

Yes, yoghurt and curd can often be used interchangeably in recipes, especially in cooking and baking. However, their taste and texture may vary slightly, so personal preference may play a role in recipe substitution.

Are yoghurt and curd equally beneficial for digestion?

Yes, both yoghurt and curd are considered beneficial for digestion due to their probiotic content. Probiotics support gut health and aid in digestion.

Does yoghurt have more probiotics than curd?

The probiotic content of yoghurt and curd may vary based on the specific bacterial strains used and the fermentation process. Generally, both can be good sources of probiotics.

Which one is more commonly consumed globally, yoghurt or curd?

Yoghurt is more commonly consumed globally, especially in Western countries, where it is widely available in various forms and flavours.

Does yoghurt or curd have a higher protein content?

Both yoghurt and curd have a similar protein content, as they are both derived from milk. The protein content may vary depending on the type of milk used and any added ingredients.

Are there any variations in the fermentation process for yoghurt and curd?

Yes, there are variations in the fermentation process for yoghurt and curd. Yoghurt is made using specific starter cultures, while curd is made through spontaneous fermentation with existing curd or curd culture.

Is yoghurt or curd considered more suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals?

Both yoghurt and curd can be more easily tolerated by some lactose-intolerant individuals due to the presence of beneficial bacteria that help break down lactose.

Can yoghurt or curd help in maintaining gut health?

Yes, both yoghurt and curd can contribute to maintaining gut health due to their probiotic content, which supports a balanced gut microbiome.

Are there different flavours available in yoghurt compared to curd?

Yes, yoghurt often comes in a wide variety of flavours, including fruit-flavoured, vanilla, and plain options. Curd is traditionally consumed as plain or unflavored.

What are some popular dishes or desserts that feature yoghurt or curd as a key ingredient?

Some popular dishes and desserts that feature yoghurt or curd as a key ingredient include yoghurt-based dips, raita, lassi, yoghurt parfaits, and yoghurt-based desserts like Greek yoghurt cheesecake or shrikhand. Curd is often used in savoury dishes like kadhi and as a side dish in South Asian cuisines.