The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

Weekly Horoscope

Graphic by Sergey Filimonov / Stocksy

June 24, 2023

Cancer season is in full swing, warming our hearts and amping up our sensitivity—but that’s not all the cosmos has in store this week. Here’s your weekly horoscope.


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On Monday, chatty Mercury flies under the radar in Cancer

Update your privacy policy—and your confidentiality clause too. Beginning this Monday, June 26, chatty Mercury flies under the radar in Cancer, encouraging heart-to-heart connections with your innermost circle.

Since all sorts of emotions are bound to well up between now and July 11, these aren’t the kinds of discussions you’d want recorded for public consumption. Make sure the people you’re opening up to have genuinely earned your trust.

Socially, this is a perfect time for small, intimate gatherings. Arrange your space to maximize conversation and bonding. Make sure you’ve got provisions to throw on the barbecue or to make a charcuterie board. You could find yourself hosting an impromptu game night or heading to a potluck picnic with little notice!

Hotheaded Mars in Leo spins into a combative square with volatile Uranus in Taurus

Avoid making impulsive relationship moves Monday as well. An irresistible attraction might feel too strong to ignore, but that doesn’t mean you should leap into bed and downplay the consequences. (Even if you’re fired up for a round of revenge dating!)

The line between love and hate is so thin today that you really could be attracted to an “enemy” in the heat of the moment. Since you probably don’t want to deal with the fallout from that choice, steer clear of that hot-but-triggering person in the office.

You may be ready to sit down for peacemaking talks, but stall for a few days. This is a climate given to stubborn standoffs and explosive emotions, not diplomatically hearing each other out.


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Prophetic Neptune begins its annual retrograde this Friday

Queue up your Calm app and blow the dust off your dream journal. With Neptune starting its annual retrograde, you’ll be pushed deeper into the waters of your subconscious.

The oceanic planet, which is sailing through its home sign of Pisces until March 2025, will demand extra contemplation and reflection until it corrects course on December 6. But this backspin can actually roll back the fog of denial, distraction and delusion and help you process a stuck situation for once and for all.

With the muse hovering in the background, use this time to revisit unfinished creative projects or heal another layer of emotional trauma.

While your open mind and receptive energy are great for self-discovery, they can also make you more susceptible to absorbing toxic energy or attracting untrustworthy people. Be sure to shield your field from energy vampires with an extra layer of protection, like healthy boundaries, crystals, salt baths and therapy.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.

On Sunday, liberated Uranus squares romantic Venus

Suddenly single? You might feel like making a break for freedom today as Uranus T-bones romantic Venus. Your autonomy should not be the price of entry for partnership, so talk through a solution.

If someone’s smothering you, take a day or two for yourself rather than doing anything extreme. Radical moves are likely to be regrettable ones. If you’ve been biting your tongue a bit too much, however, vow to speak and act more authentically, starting NOW!


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