Tanya Carroll Richardson

By Tanya Carroll Richardson

mbg Contributor

Tanya Carroll Richardson is an author and professional intuitive, giving readings to clients all over the world.

Peaceful Young Woman in Springtime

Image by Lyuba Burakova / Stocksy

June 23, 2023

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Staying in your own energy can significantly improve your intuition and can be especially important for sensitive people. Here are simple, easy tips for grounding your energy by proactively directing your focus. Work with these tools every day to get more intuitive hits from your internal psychic system as well as recognize more external synchronicities:


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Practice quieting your mind when it’s overly focused on others

We all notice moments throughout the day when our mind is overly occupied on an event we read about in the news or a story a co-worker shared about their personal life. When this happens, practice quieting the mind, which simply means creating more open space in your brain by experiencing fewer thoughts in general.

Where your thoughts go, your energy flows, so when the mind is fixated on others, your energy is flowing away from you. Stay anchored in your own energy, which makes your energy stronger and more powerful and gives your intuition all the juice it needs to focus on guidance that’s meant for you, not others.

Training your brain to default to a quiet, still mind is one of the best ways to improve your sixth sense.


 Have something specific to focus on when you’re scattered

Modern life can be bustling, so it’s natural for your energy at times to feel scattered throughout the day when you’re commuting to work, quickly replying to many emails, or picking up kids from school. When you’re scattered, your energy is pulled in many directions at once and open in an unhelpful way.

Feeling scattered is the opposite of feeling centered. When you’re centered, or feeling calm, clear, and confident, you are grounded in your energy yet also open in a nourishing way. Your intuition requires this openness to function properly, and it needs a stable foundation via a centered nervous system to do so.

Pick something each morning, like a healing mantra or a gentle intention, that you can return to throughout the day to focus on when you’re scattered. Focus there until you feel centered. Once you feel consistently centered again, your energy and intuition will organically open to receive guidance.


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Work with divination tools to practice mastering focus

Divination tools like my oracle deck, Awakening Intuition, are an excellent way to practice the kind of gentle focus that not only grounds your energy but engages your psychic system.

Unlike the intense focus you may employ when learning to drive or studying for an exam, focusing for intuitive guidance involves letting everything else fade from your consciousness so that the issue you’re tuning into with your sixth sense is the only point of focus.

When pulling cards from an oracle or tarot deck, focus on the card’s general meaning and then how it might specifically relate to the issue you’re concerned with, for a few minutes. 


Schedule “me time” breaks in the day so all your focus isn’t outward

Just finished a long Zoom with an old friend when another texts you for a chat? Or perhaps it’s been a long day of teaching in the classroom or meetings at work when your partner asks if they can invite the neighbors over for dinner. When your focus is constantly outward, it can, over time, make you more detached from your own energy.

Have regular breaks throughout the day, week, and month when you can focus on yourself in healthy ways—like a daily solo exercise routine, nightly reading routine, weekly self-care rituals, and monthly dates with yourself to do your favorite activities or visit your favorite places.

When your focus has been consistently outward all day, give yourself permission to set a healthy boundary and focus on you. As you do, your intuition will provide guidance that’s been waiting to get your attention.


Don’t focus all your downtime on digital consumption

The digital world is filled with fun and nourishment—the article explaining the opaque end to your favorite TV series, the monthly horoscope you look forward to for weeks, or the social media feed that helps you keep up with loved ones.

Digital consumption can be a delight, but many times it doesn’t help us come home to our own energy in the way our intuition requires. Have downtime that’s not digital, like eating your meal and savoring it instead of also scrolling or stepping outside in nature for 15 minutes instead of watching funny YouTube videos.

Keeping digital consumption balanced helps keep your energy balanced, bringing in a broad range of useful intuitive hits. 


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