Tanya Carroll Richardson

By Tanya Carroll Richardson

mbg Contributor

Tanya Carroll Richardson is an author and professional intuitive, giving readings to clients all over the world.

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June 20, 2023

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Everyone is naturally intuitive, but when we really want something, it can be easy to mistake wishful thinking for intuition, believing we’re getting genuine intuitive guidance that’s actually just our strong desire for what we want overwhelming our system.

Check your own intuitive blind spot and avoid wishful thinking with these five tips, so your sixth sense can guide you toward the best options currently available to you. 


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Watch for synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, to get a second opinion on your intuition

Humans have a complex intuitive system, including thoughts and feelings we internally experience that provide us guidance. Yet, you can also receive external intuitive hits—like someone recommending a book on a topic you’ve been privately pondering, or receiving an email from an old colleague offering you freelance work after you got slammed with an unexpected bill.

Pay attention to external synchronicities that show up as helpful guidance, as these signs are like a road map from a loving universe pointing you in the direction of your highest good.


Learn about the 4 main psychic pathways and discover which ones are open in you

I’ve used all four clairs, or main psychic pathways, in intuitive sessions with thousands of clients worldwide. These pathways include:

  1. Hearing guidance, AKA clairaudience, as a gentle voice in your mind
  2. Seeing guidance, AKA clairvoyance, as mental images in your mind
  3. Knowing guidance, AKA claircognizance, as breakthrough realizations or mental downloads
  4. Feeling guidance, AKA clairsentience, as energy, emotions, and physical sensations


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In my new oracle deck, Awakening Intuition, I explain all the ways—internal and external—that you can receive intuitive guidance, which will help you better discern a genuine intuitive hit from wishful thinking.

It’s likely you already have one or two of the main psychic pathways open, and could even open others with study and practice. Here’s a quiz to find out which clair is your dominant intuitive pathway.


Actively cultivate balance in your life

Your intuitive system is part of your holistic self, so the more balance you can create in every area of your life—from financial health to emotional health—the more reliably your intuition will perform.

Balance is never about doing things perfectly, but trying to create healthy stability in your life in any way you have control over right now. If one area of your life is chaotic and you don’t have much control there, control what you can in other areas—like eating a healthy and balanced diet and having a predictable and nourishing daily routine.

Many people don’t realize that the more grounded your earthly life is, the more your mystical abilities have a foundation upon which to grow. When you’re feeling grounded and stable, it can help your nervous system settle so you don’t become carried away on an intense emotional wave that can land you on an island of wishful thinking.


 Practice healthy detachment to stay open and flexible

Staying open-minded is a powerful practice in mindfulness and spirituality, and it can also really enhance your intuition. If you’re not open to an idea (like going to a different college than you planned on, or retiring a few years later than you expected, for example) you could get a genuine intuitive hit about it, but then discount it because it doesn’t conform to your preconceived notions about what’s best for you—or even what’s possible for you.

Wishful thinking occurs when we are overly focused on one specific outcome, because that’s what we’re really hoping for and desiring. Being this rigid can shut down or block out intuition.

Instead of attaching to a certain time frame, place, person, or method, stay more open and flexible about every aspect of what you’re trying to manifest to get the most out of your sixth sense. Sometimes we may think we know what’s best for us when our intuition is actually trying to show us a better option.


Create healthy space from your emotions

While intuition can speak to us via our emotions (like feeling immediately relaxed around a new colleague because in time they will turn out to be a dear friend, or feeling suddenly anxious when making social plans because you need to rest), wishful thinking is a little different.

Wishful thinking is having the intense emotional desire for something, and then convincing yourself that your intuition is on board with the plan too by ignoring any red flags you receive.

It’s very normal to have intense emotions about stuff we really want—like starting a family, bringing in a loving romantic partner, pursuing a passion project, making money, or being of service to the world. Practice observing and witnessing your emotions, including reminding yourself that your emotions aren’t who you really are, but rather a temporary feeling you are experiencing—to create healthy space from them.

Instead of denying your emotions, validate and acknowledge them, which can actually help you feel calmer and put your emotions in perspective.


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The takeaway

Practice connecting with your intuition right now by asking your sixth sense to pick a number from 1 to 5. You may hear a number in your mind, see a number in your mind, or feel a strong energetic pull to a certain number when you scan the items in this article. When I asked my intuition, for instance, I heard the number 4 and saw the number 4 in my mind, which means I might work on practicing healthy detachment to stay open and flexible to avoid wishful thinking. 


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