The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

weekly horoscope 6/9/23

June 11, 2023

This week, we’ve got disciplined Saturn going retrograde and squaring off against Mercury, plus a new moon in Gemini to keep things fresh. Here’s your horoscope, from the AstroTwins.


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Practice the power of the pause this Thursday, June 15 as repressive Saturn in Pisces issues a gag order to motormouth Mercury in Gemini

It’s too easy to flood people with TMI, so take a breath between statements and give people a chance to answer any questions that you’re firing off. Mercury in Gemini makes people prone to gossip, but playing fast and loose with the tea could find you steeped in hot water.

Err heavily on the side of being polite and “appropriate,” even if it feels awkward or formal. Not sure what someone meant? Request further explanation before you jump to conclusions.

Inspect to protect! Cosmic auditor Saturn begins its annual four-and-a-half month retrograde today

And for the first time since the mid-90s, it’s backing up through Pisces, the sign of soulful and subconscious healing. If you’ve gotten a little too swept away in your fantasies, this retrograde could put the kibosh on your escapism and force you to deal with reality. (Annoying, but it’s for your own good.)

This entire, three-year Saturn cycle is optimal for cultivating your spiritual or artistic talents. During the retrograde, take time to master the basics or polish your core skills before hanging your shingle.


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Planetary PSA from 2023’s collaborative new moon in Gemini (12:37AM EST Sunday, June 18): Twinning is winning!

Whether you’re looking for a workout buddy or a writing partner (or whatevs!), set yourself to “discovery mode.” Your ideal other half could be hiding in plain sight (oh, hello!) or hanging in the outskirts of your social group. That’s more incentive to get out and mingle.

Since Gemini rules local activities, RSVP yes to your neighbor’s solstice BBQ or rally friends for al fresco drinks on that hotel roof deck. The point is to get out and circulate because this lunar lift is sure to connect you to kindred spirits.

Footnote: With boundary-blurring Neptune squaring this new moon, reserve judgment before declaring a new acquaintance your insta-BFF.

You could be easily distracted today, too—all the more reason to team up with a clever colleague or have a wingperson to go out with in case you need someone to call you an Uber.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.


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