The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

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May 13, 2023

There’s a lot going on in the stars this week. Here, The AstroTwins break down everything you need to know.


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Sensitivity alert! Monday, May 15, is not the time to play fast and loose with your opinions.

Aggravating Mars in soft-hearted Cancer brings a tinderbox of fragile feelings to compassionate Neptune in Pisces, setting the scene for big emotions and even bigger reactions. As they form a free-flowing trine, this is a day to exercise restraint. Instead of blowing up, take a deep breath and look inward to find your serenity. Take extra care to be respectful of people’s triggers—you never know when you might accidentally set one off. If you’ve been bottling things up, however, this planetary connection could pop the cork and let it all come gushing out.

Starting Tuesday, advancing one step at a time will get you to your destination faster (and more safely!) than making a giant leap.

Supersizer Jupiter beams into sensual, stabilizing Taurus for 12 months, teaching us all how to make practical magic. The red-spotted planet in this position could bring financial growth and turn one of your ideas into an entrepreneurial success. No need to come up with any wild escapades under down-to-earth Taurus’ reign. Your most brilliant concept could be hiding in plain sight. The simpler the better! Jupiter’s last visit here was from June 2011 to June 2012, so look back to that time for clues of what may resurface after May 16.

But brace yourself! Midweek, there could be a massive power struggle accompanying the red-spotted titan’s noteworthy shift! As pioneering Jupiter in Taurus locks into a challenging square with power-monger Pluto in Aquarius, intense forces pull us in dueling directions. On the one hand, there’s a current sweeping us toward major change, demanding that we try a radically new way of doing things. An equally strong force will resist these new attempts: If it ain’t broke, why fix it? With these two dominant planets at the negotiating table, compromise won’t be comfortable—or easy to find.


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On Friday, come back to your senses—all five of them—with the new moon.

The year’s only new moon in Taurus (11:53AM EDT) will focus your attention on the physical and material world. Here’s the invitation to get back into your body—the invitation Jupiter was trying to send out on Tuesday and perhaps the moment we’ll all begin to feel the effects of this mega planet’s transit into the Bullpen. Slow down and savor the pleasures you might normally rush right through: the first sip of morning coffee, the feel of your softest sweater against your skin, a tree-lined view on your commute to work. This megadose of Taurean stability couldn’t come at a better time since the spring has been filled with so much radical change and retrograde madness.

Take a clear-eyed look at the practical pieces of your life, such as budget and schedule. Could you cut back on expenses, contribute more to your retirement fund or arrange your appointments so they don’t disrupt your most productive work hours? Since new habits are supported by this lunar liftoff, try adding a practice like morning meditations or cardio workouts that you do the same four days every week. In the coming six months, you’ll see real-life results if you create a simple, sustainable plan. Less is more!

Let your inner big cat roar this Saturday, May 20, as fierce Mars charges into Leo for the first time in two years.

And throw in a little performance art if you wish! With everyone vying for the spotlight, standing out will require extra effort. Good thing there’s no such thing as “too much” during this transit, which lasts until July 10. Wardrobe, hair, and makeup: Why not? As long as you remember that a warm personality and contagious enthusiasm will outshine any OOTD. Leo’s rule? Lead with your heart and accessorize from there. For lovers, this fierce connection can cause friction, but instead of fighting it out via text or over dinner, take that feisty energy to the bedroom. (Something that could become truly habit-forming once sultry Venus joins Mars in Leo on June 5!) Mars in Leo can awaken lust-out-loud, sheet-tangling passion. (Did someone say makeup sex?) Just beware—this cycle begins with a Mars-Pluto opposition on May 20, which could drive up dormant desires but also a boatload of suppressed resentment that may need to be cleared first. To the most courageous will go the spoils!

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.


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