Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

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Image by Ryan Ahern / Stocksy

May 13, 2023

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Tarot readings are a powerful tool for self-reflection and divination, and within your traditional deck’s 78 cards, there’s one that can be described like the ultimate “a-ha moment”—the Ace of Swords. Next time you pull this card in a tarot reading, here’s what it could mean—for love, your career, and more.


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What does the Ace of Swords mean?

  • Mental clarity
  • Inspiration
  • New ideas
  • Breakthroughs or “a-ha moments”
  • Success

When thinking about the general meaning of the Ace of Swords, consider what both aces and the suit of Swords are all about. According to tarot expert and astrologer Alysia LaPenna, the four aces in your deck relate to new beginnings, new possibilities, and new potential.

Whichever suit the ace is in will offer clues into where exactly that new beginning lies, and in the case of Swords, it typically has to do wit mental energy, or even communication.

As astrologer and tarot reader Bess Matassa previously told mindbodygreen, the suit of swords is connected to the element of air, as well as the mental realm, whether that’s intellect and thoughts, or how those thoughts manifest. With this suit, Matassa often considers what the cards reveal about “getting entangled with thought patterns and stories we tell ourselves.”

And as LePenna tells mindbodygreen, the Ace of Swords, then, often speaks to a mental breakthrough, newfound clarity, and also success. As you can see in the imagery of the card, she explains, a hand is emerging from a white cloud, indicating divine inspiration and insight.

“And at the top, there’s a crown with a wreath over it, which is success and victory. But in the background, you do see the mountains in the distance,” LaPenna notes. Those mountains could indicate some sort of challenge, so while it might not be easy, this card suggests you’re going to need mental clarity and resiliency to navigate the path, she says.


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What does it mean for love & relationships?

When pulled upright

If you pulled the Ace of Swords in a reading about love or a particular relationship, LaPenna notes it’s typically a good sign. Aces are typically thought of as “yes” cards, so this is a good sign that you’ve got a good thing going, especially if this is a new love interest.

“There’s a lot of potential with this person and they may really stimulate your mind, you have good conversations, or they open you up to new ideas,” LaPenna explains, adding that even if you’re in a longterm relationship, this card can speak to having a breakthrough in that relationship.

When pulled in reverse

If you pull the Ace of Swords in reverse in a love reading, the meaning changes a bit. While it may not be a definite “no,” LaPenna says reversals here could mean a delay, or even clouded judgement around your love interest.

In this case, she advises taking some time to get clear on what you’re truly looking for, and whether this person can fulfill those needs. You may feel unsure about them, or even illusory. “I would say give yourself some space, clear your mind, because you just don’t have the clarity around this person that you’re seeking yet,” she tells mindbodygreen.

What does it mean for career & financial matters?

When pulled upright

If you inquired about your job or finances to the cards and the Ace of Swords appears upright, that’s a great sign that you’re in a position to make a breakthrough financially or at work.

LaPenna notes this could look like starting a new project, having a great idea, or even changing your mindset about your job or financial situation. You may be opened up to new perspectives through your work, or learn something new, and while it might not always be easy (remember those mountains in the background?), this card indicates success is within your grasp.


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When pulled in reverse

In reverse, the Ace of Swords in a career or money reading indicates you’re working through some uncertainty, whether you’re not sure about a new job offer, or you’re stuck in a scarcity mindset around your finances.

Similar to her point about this ace in a love reading showing up in reverse, LaPenna says your best course of action now is to hold off on any big decisions until you have more clarity. Sometimes the a-ha moment we need comes when we least expect it, but trust that when the time is right, you’ll know what to do.

What does it mean for challenges ahead?

When pulled upright

If you asked the cards about a challenge or problem you’re facing—or will face in the future—the Ace of Swords indicates that perhaps your lack of clarity is the issue itself. It could also signify being stuck in certain mental patterns or belief systems that are holding you back.

In this case, LaPenna advises, “Make sure that your intentions are clear. Focus on the facts, and maybe write some things down and create more organization for yourself.”

Given that this card relates to all things mental, remember that sometimes we create more problems for ourselves in our own minds, and the Ace of Swords reminds us to clear out mental clutter.


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When pulled in reverse

Pulling the Ace of Swords in reverse after inquiring about a problem has a similar meaning to pulling it upright, but almost amplified. In this case, LaPenna says, you might be feeling really confused around how to move forward. Swords can also relate to communication, so it’s possible this card here relates to miscommunication, as well.

Overall, she tells mindbodygreen, the message of this card here is to seek greater clarity and truth from within. “If there’s something that appears to be an obstacle, maybe you just need to take a new perspective, and again, you might want to meditate, write in a journal, or have a conversation about it,” she explains.


What does Ace of Swords signify?

The Ace of Swords signifies truth, mental clarity, inspiration, new ideas, breakthroughs, success, and a-ha moments.

What does Ace of Swords mean in love reading?

The Ace of Swords in a love reading suggests a breakthrough in a relationship, as well as good communication, mental stimulation, and a new approach to love.

What does the ace mean in tarot cards?

The aces of the tarot deck are the first card of each suit, so they relate to new beginnings, new possibilities, and new potential.


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The takeaway

The Ace of Swords is a positive sign that you’re poised for success when you have the mental clarity you need. In reverse, however, it’s a call to seek more clarity. In either case, this card reminds us that our greatest power lies in our ability to clear the clutter from our minds and be open to new ways of thinking.