The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

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Image by Vero x mbg creative / Stocksy

April 29, 2023

The truth might be stranger than fiction once this week’s lunar eclipse rolls in on Friday. Here’s what astrologers want you to know for the days ahead.


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Starting Monday, May 1, group dynamics could shift into covert power plays as Pluto slows its calculating roll and backs into its annual five-month retrograde.

Pluto will first pass through collaborative Aquarius (until June 11), then hierarchy-loving Capricorn for the remainder its backspin, which lasts in full until October 10. If you can’t gain traction with your team or goals, take a break instead of trying to force a “all for one and one for all” sense of unity. Use this introspective phase for soul-searching but keep your wits about you. A person with a shady scheme or hidden agenda could slip past your radar if you relax your rules of engagement too much.

On Friday, May 5, 2023’s only full moon in mysterious, alchemical Scorpio arrives as a game-changing lunar eclipse.

And because it’s opposing shock-jock Uranus, this one could bring some bonus surprises that leave jaws on the ground. Control is an illusion, so allow yourself to be swept into the universe’s greater plan. From power mergers to scandals to sudden transitions, all sorts of secrets will be exposed. For best results, be an open channel for creative and spiritual downloads. These could send you racing to your “studio” to make music, art, or love! (Scorpio is the zodiac’s sultriest sign, after all) Investment opportunities may appear unexpectedly, or someone may offer to fund your work.

Caveat: Since eclipses always bring an X factor, harness Scorpio’s investigative powers and thoroughly research anyone you’re getting into bed with, literally or figuratively. Existing partnerships might reach a pivotal, “make it or break it” point within a month of the eclipse. If you plan to proceed, a rock-solid commitment is advised. Over the coming weeks, leave no stone unturned when mapping out the “deal points” of your exclusive arrangement. Time to go your separate ways? This lunar leveler landmark could hasten your departure—and in furtive Scorpio, slipping off discreetly may be your best exit strategy.


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Spring flings get a whole lot sweeter this Sunday, May 7, as Venus nestles into sentimental Cancer.

Hold hands, write love notes (on actual paper), hug people for at least 20 oxytocin-releasing seconds. With Venus’ copilot, lusty Mars, riding shotgun in Cancer until June 5, home is where the heart and the heat can be found.

If you needed incentive to serve breakfast in bed, here it is. (Whether you serve lemon ricotta pancakes or chocolate-dipped strawberries and champagne is your call.) Romantic gestures could lead to trading keys, apartment shopping or even adding a new member to the family. (Pets count!) Single? You might feel especially shy or sensitive when meeting new people. A workaround? Let your inner circle make introductions. This doesn’t have to be obvious! Just start showing up at all the picnics and barbecues they invite you to. The intimate vibes could help you make a genuine, heartfelt connection.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.


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