Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

new moon mountains and sky

Image by SASHA EVORY / Stocksy

April 19, 2023

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Once in a while, an astrological season will have two new moons, and that’s the case this year as our second new moon in Aries arrives early April 20. Not only that, but it brings a solar eclipse too. Here’s what to know.


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The astrology behind this month’s new moon solar ecipse

If you recall, we had a new moon in Aries at the very beginning of Aries season last month, and now, it’s like we’re getting a double dose of that Aries energy. This new moon solar eclipse in Aries arrives on April 20 at 12:12am EST, and as intuitive astrologer Lumi Pelinku tells mindbodygreen, letting go will be the name of the game.

Specifically, according to the AstroTwins, you can consider it a “turbocharged fresh start” that might require you to leave something behind—whether that’s limiting beliefs, toxic habits, or even relationships. As they explain, “This new moon is a change-making solar eclipse, [and] the first one to land in the Ram’s realm since 2015. [It also] kicks off a new eclipse series on the Aries-Libra axis that will power up some of our new and full moons between now and March 29, 2025.”

Keeping in mind that Aries is all about the self (identity, image, etc.), and this new moon falls right at the end of Aries season, Pelinku notes that we’ll be feeling a build up of what’s not working, encouraging us to release it in order to move forward. And that’s what eclipses are all about.

“It’s a period for you to remain still and really assess whatever new step you need to take in your life, or whatever you want to take charge in, because Aries is all about taking charge,” she says, adding that the general vibe of the solar eclipse in Aries will be enhancing themes of becoming more aligned with our higher selves.

To that end, Pelinku explains, Aries also doesn’t care what anyone thinks, and this new moon solar eclipse encourages us to lean into that energy. When it comes to validation, she says, “You need to find it within yourself to get you where you need to go.”

How to work with this energy

Think back to last month’s new moon in Aries just four weeks ago—what themes were present then that are still glaringly in your face right now? What are the things you can feel holding you back from stepping into your highest self? This new moon solar eclipse in Aries brings all of this back up in order to be addressed.

“It’s all about discarding the mask you’ve been wearing for some time, [and] establishing that feeling of letting go,” Pelinku says, adding that now is an opportunity to let a new “face”—a more honest and truthful one—out in the world.

But don’t feel like you have to rush. Not only are eclipses not an optimal time to rush ahead with anything, but we also have a Mercury retrograde at play, making things a bit foggy. If that means right now you’re reflecting and setting intentions before actually taking any action, that is totally OK—and even recommended.

In terms of rituals to do under this eclipse, given that it’s in fiery Aries, a fire ritual such as burning a list of things you want to release would be a fitting way to honor this time. You could also do any intention-setting or releasing rituals of your choice, so be sure to check out our roundup of new moon rituals for inspiration.


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The takeaway

Eclipse season is upon us, and with it, big life lessons may very well be on the horizon. While it might not be easy, fiery Aries asks us to own our truth without apology—and let go of anything that’s standing in our way.


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