Dana Claudat


December 12, 2022

Dana Claudat

Designer & Feng Shui Master

By Dana Claudat

Designer & Feng Shui Master

Dana Claudat is a modern Feng Shui Master and founder of The School Of Intention Feng Shui Certification Program. She holds a B.A. from Stanford University.

7 Simple Home Detox Tips To Create A Fresh Start At Home

Image by Studio Firma / Stocksy

December 12, 2022

If you’re looking to make big breakthroughs, take creative leaps, or expand life in some way, your home can help you to reach this next level. In feng shui, all abundance and growth begin with light, flowing, harmonious energy at home.

One of the most practical ways to keep the energy high around you is to do a simple “home detox,” tackling toxins that accumulate inside spaces. The allergens, dust, mold, and germs that gather in your home can be irritating, and they weigh on the energy of your space. In my work as a feng shui master, I’ve seen how the simplest detox tips can help level up any home environment.


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Today we’re going to look at a few of the most accessible, affordable, and effective tips I’ve found for making a fresh start at home:


Take your shoes off at the door.

This simple habit can keep germs (pesticides, bacteria1, and more) from tracking into your home via the soles of your shoes. Taking your shoes off before you enter also supports the idea that your home is a sacred space, separate from the outside world.


Open windows when you cook.


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Shut off and even unplug electronics and small appliances.

You might even consider switching off your Wi-Fi in the evening. I do this as a way to promote a more harmonious and restful space and reduce potential EMF exposure at home.


Clean with the simplest DIY cleaners.

There are many effective nontoxic cleaning products out there, but some of them still contain synthetic fragrances, colorings, and other preservatives. I encourage clients to experiment with DIY cleaning recipes instead. My mainstay for glass cleaning is 50/50 white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, for example. Vinegar is fantastic for cleaning, with dozens of uses around the home.


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See housecleaning as self-care.

Embrace the magic of housecleaning! As I say nonstop, year-round: Housecleaning is a form of self-care and life transformation. Getting into a regular cleaning schedule can promote more creativity, mental clarity, and momentum in life.

I still remember the way I felt after my first shower with filtered water 15 years ago, and I never looked back! My skin felt incredible, my hair never looked better, and I felt more refreshed after stepping out of the shower. Putting a water filter in your shower can help reduce chlorine, metals, and other odors. Each filter has different capabilities, so it’s worth researching the options available to you.


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 Ditch synthetic air fresheners.

If you love air fresheners, I understand! There are now more “clean scents” available as home fragrances as well—many aren’t 100% natural, but they are free of lots of irritants and chemicals. And there are fantastic natural alternatives like essential oil diffusers, bouquets of fresh flowers in season, potpourri, and more. You can fill your home with aromatic steam by adding spices and fruits into a pot of water and letting it simmer on a low flame.

The takeaway. 

Even the simplest of home detox shifts can make a vibrant difference in the energy that surrounds you. Do whatever feels best and simplest from this list to begin, and revel in the results you feel in the new year!


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