Kayse Budd M.D.

Holistic Psychiatrist & Astrologer

By Kayse Budd M.D.

Holistic Psychiatrist & Astrologer

Kayse Budd, M.D., aka The Astro Muse, is a holistic psychiatrist, astrologer, artist, and yogi.

Image by Jamie Grill Atlas / Stocksy

August 23, 2024

We all need money, and most people want more than they have. As an astrologer, money is one of the most common topics in my sessions. People want to know how they can best make money, what they can do to make more money, and when this money is coming.

Astrology can answer all of these questions; Your own unique money map is hiding right in your birth chart—and I’m going to show you how to interpret it.

In this article, we’ll go over ideal, consistent ways for you to make money, plus bonus ways for you to make extra cash. We’ll discuss the planetary influences that affect your money potential over time, and of course, you’ll learn the best times to make money moves.

Note: You’ll need your birth chart for this, which requires your exact time of birth. It’s simple to map it online if you haven’t already (or you can consider a professional reading with an astrologer).

You’ll also want to understand the orientation of the houses, so here’s a good guide on that, if needed. 

How to make money based on your birth chart

Astrology charts show people’s potential—their soul’s plan—for multiple areas of life, including money. There can be good “karma” for money in someone’s chart, or more challenging karma.

These differences presumably relate to lessons our soul needs to learn in this lifetime. Challenges are meant to be tackled, however, so even those with more difficult money karma can still have success if they do the work needed to master the lessons in their charts. 

To understand your soul’s lessons and potential around money, we’re going to focus on the second house, which is the division of the chart located between seven and eight o’clock, if the chart was a clock face. The sign on the second house cusp (the eight o’clock side) is very important.

This sign’s energy plays a key role in how a person is karmically destined to make money. If you have Cancer there, for example, you are meant to make money in a way that incorporates Cancerian themes like emotions, caregiving, nurturance, empathy, food, homes, families, and/or women and children.

People with Cancer on the second house cusp often become nurses, therapists, doulas, realtors, chefs, or historians. They may work in their family’s business, with children or mothers, or in/near water. 

Planets in the second house give further information about the money potential, or karma, of a soul. If serious Saturn is in the second house, the person will usually need to work a bit against resistance, struggling at times, but slowly setting up structures that eventually make a lot of money. Alternatively, they may work in a structured setting, such as government, hospitals, academia, big business, etc.

Jupiter in the second house, on the other hand, makes money easily and quickly. There is more of a “manifestation” quality to this person’s moneymaking. Opportunities come, risks are taken, deals are made, and the potential to “win big” exists. There also could be international opportunities or opportunities related to teaching, travel, and spirituality, which are other Sagittarius themes. 

If you’re looking to make more money, and you aren’t incorporating the themes of the sign and planets in your second house, this is the place to start. Weave in those things, look for opportunities along those lines, and you’ll be on your way to both money and fulfillment. 

Bonus ways to make money

An additional clue to your money-making potential is found with Venus. Venus in an astrology chart represents your feminine nature, your love language, and your approach to romance—but it also reflects your approach and potential for money.

Find Venus in your chart, noting its sign, house location, and if it is next to (conjunct) or directly across from (opposite) any planets. If you’re having trouble finding it, it is a circle with a cross beneath it.

Venus’ sign, house position, and important aspects (including conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines, and even sextiles) give additional information about how you can make money.

If Venus is in Leo, for example, there could be financial opportunities related to acting, art, creativity, children, sports, games, and gambling – Leo themes. If Venus is in the fifth house, the Leo part of the chart, the same is true. If Venus is conjunct the moon, there is a financial connection to the Cancerian (moon-ruled) themes mentioned in the section above. 

Advanced astrology tip: There’s a measurement in the chart called “Part of Fortune.” It is marked by an “x” with a circle around it. This point reflects things that can bring literal and figurative fortune (AKA money and happiness). Your Part of Fortune’s sign and house location can be considered an additional way to increase your bank account and find fulfillment. 

When to make money based on your birth chart

The timing of money is a more nuanced astrology topic. Generally, money matters are improved when favorable planets (the sun, Jupiter, and Venus) and the north node are crossing the second house by transit.

Transits relate to the current movement of the planets in the sky. Understanding transits is an advanced astrological skill. If you’re a beginner, you can estimate good months for yourself by noting the sign on your second house cusp in your birth chart and knowing that that time of year (Libra season, for example, if Libra is on your second house cusp) will usually be positive for you, financially.

You can also look up the current sign of Jupiter, Venus, and the north node, and do some online research regarding when those planets will move into Libra. Put those dates on your calendar, and get ready for a year and a half of positive money potential when the north node is in your second house, a year of positive money potential when Jupiter is in your second house, and a month of positive money potential when Venus is in your second house. 

And for a simple money hack, FYI, full moons are a good time each month for full-scale launches. New moons, meanwhile, are a good time for subtle initiations or intentions that will grow and develop.

Advanced astrology tip: When there are positive planets (sun, Venus, Jupiter) in Venus-ruled signs (Libra, Taurus) in someone’s birth chart, this gives the person positive money potential. When those planetary bodies are in Libra or Taurus by transit (once per year for the sun and Venus, and once in twelve years for Jupiter), there is a general tendency towards profitability in world markets and the financial sector. These are good times to invest or save, creating a buffer for when markets are less favorable. 

How to make money miracles

People who have natal planets in Sagittarius may also have a financial advantage. Sagittarius is a very positive sign that is excellent at manifesting. People with a lot of Sag placements can usually attract helpful people and opportunities through their efforts, energy, and optimism. This gives them a definite advantage when it comes to money.

Similarly, when planets in the sky are transiting through Sagittarius, there is a generally heightened feeling of possibility in the collective. You can use this to your advantage and try manifesting some money miracles. 

Other great times to take action financially, launch a new product or program, and anticipate good results are when Venus is transiting your first, fifth, seventh, tenth, and eleventh houses.

The first house is favorable for launches; the fifth for luck, marketing, advertising, and any sort of gamble; the seventh for collaborations; the tenth for business ventures of any kind; and the eleventh for social media.

To know where Venus is transiting in your chart, search “what sign is Venus in on [present date]”. Once you know that, find that sign in your own chart. The house where that sign lives in your chart is presently being blessed by Venus. 

The takeaway

Everyone has the potential to make money, and that potential is reflected by energies in their birth chart. Some people have lessons around money, and others don’t. Some people have destinies in which money comes easily or is acquired through connections (partners, families, etc). Others have destinies where they work hard against resistance, every step of the way.

Everyone has some financial blessings, however! And these come at intermittent but predictable intervals. Blessing times primarily relate to transits of the north node, sun, Venus, and Jupiter. 

If you are looking for more financial fulfillment, make sure you are aligning your money-making efforts with the sign on your second house cusp in your birth chart. Aligning your financial life with the stars is one way to save, spend, and make money intentionally. By taking the time to understand your chart, you’re consciously manifesting the money map of your soul.