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Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

total lunar eclipse & supermoon explainer

Image by LUKE MATTSON / Stocksy

August 16, 2024

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August is well underway, with just one week left of Leo season. But first, we’re gearing up for a full moon in Leo’s opposite sign, Aquarius, with a focus on humanitarianism and radical change. And if that weren’t enough, this is also a rare super blue moon!

Here’s what to know about the astrology at play behind this moon, plus three rituals to work with it.

The astrology behind August’s full moon in Aquarius

This full moon will be exact on Monday, August 19, at 2:26 p.m. EDT. As the third of four full moons this season, it will be a blue moon, and because its orbit will be relatively closer to Earth, the moon will appear larger than usual, aka a “super moon.”

According to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn, the big thing to understand about this Aquarius full moon, especially coming in at the tail end of Leo season, is it’s shifting us from focusing on ourselves to focusing on the collective, our larger community, and how we’re showing up in it.

“Aquarius asks us to go against the grain and to lean into the change that is upon us, especially as the moon will also be squaring Uranus in Taurus, which is the planet of change,” Quinn explains, adding, “And since we’re working with a full moon, it’s also about letting go.”

As the adage goes, “When one door closes, another opens.” So to that end, if there are doors you’re keeping open that are preventing you from opening new ones—and thus keeping you from making necessary changes—now’s the time to close ’em.

Of course, change isn’t always comfortable, but neither is staying the same. “Don’t do things as you have always done them. Let Aquarius energy inspire you to try something differently, allowing in a new level of self-awareness and consciousness,” Quinn suggests.

Just remember, Mercury remains in its retrograde backspin until August 28, so it’s still urging us to be introspective and pay attention to how our communication and thoughts influence our connections with others. Along with that, remember to be mindful of communication mishaps and technological delays for just a bit longer, Quinn says.

3 rituals to work with this full moon

With Aquarius being an air element, Quinn recommends doing a meditation under these full moonbeams. And because Aquarius is all about their higher perspectives, you could literally get up high and meditate at the top of a hill or mountain, she adds.

This is a great time to get somewhere that’s highly elevated “and use that space physically as a place of gaining higher perspective,” Quinn explains, adding that this can help you think about how you want to approach change and how you can see things—literally and figuratively—from a new perspective.

Sticking with the airy theme, smudging is another great ritual to do during (or around) this full moon. Whether you use palo santo, sage, or any smudging tool of your choice, Quinn says, it can help to clear any old or stagnant energy out of your space.

Just remember to open your windows while you smudge so the old energy has somewhere to go and fresh air can come in!

Last but not least, Quinn always suggests consulting your tarot cards for clarity under the full moon. Grab your deck and give this four-card spread a try:

  1. What has manifested since the new moon?
  2. What are you letting go of this full moon?
  3. What higher perspective is revealing itself to you?
  4. What do your angels and guides want you to know?

The takeaway

If there’s anything Aquarius is known for, it’s looking out for humanity and making the changes necessary to push us forward. Under this rare super blue moon, we all have a chance to tap into our inner Aquarian and make collective strides together.