Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by Hillary Fox / Stocksy

August 08, 2024

Each year on August 8, we’re given a potent opportunity to manifest, thanks to the opening of the Lion’s Gate portal. Curious to learn more? Here’s what the Lion’s Gate portal is all about, from experts, plus how to work with its powerful energy.

What is the Lion’s Gate portal?

The lion’s gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and the Earth all line up, numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart previously explained to mbg. “This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent for manifesting,” she adds.

The name comes from the idea that this alignment creates a “portal” for manifestations, with the “lion” coming from the sun in Leo.

As astrologer and holistic psychiatrist Kayse Budd, M.D., notes, “During the Lion’s Gate portal, Sirius separates sufficiently from the sun to come into view. Since Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky, some ancient (and even current) mystics believed it infuses the earth with extra energy and light.”

She adds that ancient Egyptians worshipped Sirius as the goddess Sopdet, celebrating Sirius’ return in the morning sky as the start of the farming season and the beginning of a new year. “Healers and teachers in certain new age communities believe the energy coming from Sirius contains special elevating or activating energy that can help the Earth and her people evolve,” she says.

What the number 8 means in astrology.

Taking the significance of the number eight into account, Budd tells mbg that in astrology, it stands out most in terms of the houses and signs of the zodiac.

“The eighth house and eighth sign of the zodiac belong to Scorpio, so astrologically, eight has connections to power, transformation, energy, passion, and sexuality—all Scorpio themes,” she explains.

Eight also corresponds to the Strength card in the traditional tarot deck; this card features a woman calmly interacting with a lion, with an infinity symbol above her head. “Thus, the number eight also has esoteric symbolic connections to strength and to the lion,” Budd says.

What the number 8 means in numerology.

In numerology, eight bears a lot of significance as well. According to Kaerhart, the double energy of eight on August 8 (8/8) is auspicious. “Eight is known as the powerhouse number, and it acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. It’s also the number of power and wealth,” she explains.

Budd adds that eight is connected with achievement, goals, and the intersection of the spiritual and physical dimensions, signified by the interlocking circles of “8,” or the infinity symbol. “Those born under life path number eight are thought to be here to master the integration of spirit into matter,” she says, adding that similar to its tarot meaning, eight represents strength in numerology.

How to make the most of its opening.

So, how can you actualize all of this powerful eight-energy? Here’s what Budd and Kaerhart recommend doing the next time the Lion’s Gate portal opens:

1. Lean into your inner Leo.

The Lion’s Gate portal occurs during Leo season, and specifically, around the peak of Leo season, amplifying the themes of this zodiac sign. As such, Budd recommends tapping into your inner Leo—whether you were born under this sign or not!

“The sign of Leo contains and represents love, generosity, leadership, and creativity. When the sun is Leo, the entire world benefits from an infusion of these energies,” she explains, adding, “I think the best way to make the most of the Lion’s Gate is to do Leo things and aim to intensify the natural energy of the moment as much as possible.”

2. Focus on love.

In addition to stoking your inner Leo, Budd says this is an excellent time to focus on love. “Love is a key part of Leo, and of the potential of the Lion’s Gate, as I see it,” she notes. Considered to be an energetic “portal,” the Lion’s Gate can connect you to the portal in your own heart, she explains.

“Do things that bring joy during and just before the Lion’s Gate to open and expand your heart,” Budd recommends.

3. Prepare for massive shifts.

According to Kaerhart, the Lion’s Gate portal is also a good time to “examine how you’re currently exerting your power and consider the type of power you’d like to yield in the future.” This makes it an opportunity to start manifesting what you want to call in. Just don’t act rashly or focus on short-term gains, she adds, as eight represents the number of infinity. “Instead, use your energy wisely and trust that rapid growth is in store, preparing for blastoff,” she says.

4. Tap into your spiritual side.

This portal is a potent spiritual time, and tapping into your own spiritual world will amplify this energy. Budd says now’s a chance to do your favorite spiritual activities—especially in a group, which can magnify positive energy and intentions.

“Getting together for ceremonies, meditations, chanting, yoga, dance, art, time in nature, etc., can amplify the energy of the Lion’s Gate,” Budd explains.

5. Practice gratitude.

And last but certainly not least, Budd also recommends practicing plenty of gratitude around this time, as well as sending your love into the universe. “You can do this in meditation, in prayer, in dance, with a ritual, with a journal—however occurs to you,” she says.

When you send your love to the Universe, she adds, it will most likely come back to your doubled, tripled, or more. “I look at the Lion’s Gate (and Leo Season, in general) as a time to build up my stores of love, joy, and gratitude. It is a time and a season for discovering what the self can really do,” Budd tells mbg.

The takeaway.

There’s never a bad time to lean into love, work on whatever you want to manifest, and practice gratitude. But in the case of the Lion’s Gate portal on August 8, you just might find your efforts will be amplified more than you can imagine.