The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

woman in sundress running on beach with astrology overlay

Image by Bảo Phúc / Pexels

August 06, 2024

Well, this is gonna be a month, friends. If you’re thinking about taking August off, give it your best shot. August begins in the middle of Leo season and a Mercury retrograde shadow period. When Mercury turns retrograde from August 5 to 28, expect delays if you’re trying to get a straight answer or clear direction on next steps. 

When Mercury hits the cosmic pause button, it can be a valuable time to step back, reflect, and course-correct. Did you miss key details in your haste to close the deal? If only the quicksilver planet didn’t also like to complicate things by foiling technology, travel, and communication in its retrograde wake. 

Hold off on the “hard launches” and big announcements, especially since Mercury will split its backspin between garrulous Virgo (August 5 to 14) and showboater Leo (August 14 to 28). 

Mixed messages won’t do us any favors, especially around the middle of the month

This August 14, the two most impatient planets, Mars and Jupiter, will make an exact conjunction (meetup) in talkative Gemini. It will be almost impossible to keep our thoughts to ourselves, so prepare for the misunderstandings (and rumors) to fly. We’re already bracing ourselves for some spicy election clips.

Speaking of which, August 19 is the start of the Democratic National Convention. And it just so happens to coincide with one of the most intense days we’ve seen in the stars for a while, with a full moon double T-square crisscrossing the skies. (That’s saying a lot, if you still have your protective paper glasses from a certain solar eclipse on April 8!) 

For starters, there’s a full moon in Aquarius, the sign that rules politics and society. Well timed, except it just so happens to be opposing Mercury retrograde in dramatic Leo and in a harsh 90-degree square to disrupter Uranus in staunch Taurus. Will there be tough questions, hard lines, and strong opinions—at the very least? You bet your ballot there will. With all of these planets in rigid fixed signs, nobody’s backing down easily.

The second T-square, which is in the more adaptable mutable signs, happens between Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. Think of this like a swarm of paparazzi and major news outlets, all reporting on the heavyweight drama happening at the DNC and beyond. Even more debates and tough questions will be circulating, giving everyone a lot to ponder—including some possible curveball intel.

Jupiter & Saturn mark an important checkpoint

Part of this second T-square involves an important 90-degree square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces. It’s significant because it’s what’s called the “opening square” between these two planets, a key moment in the 20-year dance that Jupiter and Saturn do. Every two decades, we have what’s called a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, where they arrive at the same point in the sky and appear as a single, bright star from our vantage point on earth.

On December 21, 2020, a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (dubbed “the Christmas star” by the media) was believed to be an important moment that moved humanity deeper into the Age of Aquarius, a time when community, technology, and togetherness would become the presiding values over material wealth, property, and accumulation. 

The August 19 Jupiter-Saturn square serves as a checkpoint, as we’re a quarter of the way through this cycle. The timing, and the pattern in the stars today, is eerie to us.

Here’s what else you can expect from the stars this August.

Pump up the passion with the Leo new moon on August 4

The annual Leo new moon turns a page on your creative (and romantic) endeavors. Try to do one thing to put your talents on display or draw attention to your gifts, especially if your work-to-play ratio has tipped too heavily toward responsibilities. Can you commit to having more fun, even if you’re busy? Productivity might just ramp up when you’re taking breaks to relax your mind and enjoy downtime with friends.

With the Leo new moon sextile both active Mars in Gemini and adventurous Jupiter in Gemini, you’re encouraged to explore a fresh social scene, try a fun new workout, or plan some travel.

Decadent Venus leaves hedonistic Leo for healthy Virgo on August 4, and suddenly, self-care is sexy.

Give your love life a healthy makeunder and reboot the routines that restore your glow. It’s an ideal time to adopt a regimen you look forward to, from dance class to kickboxing. Then, revel in the endorphins post-workout.

Pro tip: Virgo’s love language is acts of service. Venus hosts Virgo until August 29, when it moves into Libra.

Mercury retrograde is intensified by a double T-square full moon

Communication planet Mercury first backs up through its home sign of Virgo until August 14. While the finicky planet is retrograde in Virgo for about 10 days, you know the drill: Review everything. If you don’t know the drill, here’s a guide to Mercury retrograde to get you started.

When Mercury backs into theatrical Leo for the rest of its signal-jamming backspin, until August 28, flamboyant antics that were entertaining could read as obnoxious. Strengthen your filters and save your walks on the wild side for September.

The August 19 Aquarius full moon sparks teamwork—but also brings power plays, shifting alliances

There’s power in numbers when the year’s only full moon in collaborative, progressive Aquarius stokes camaraderie. 

On a personal level, champion a cause you care about. Speak up if you see an injustice. Find the people who share your vision and values, and see how you can stir up change for the greater good.

Teamwork gets a boost, but cosmic side note: Playing well with others doesn’t have to come at the cost of your individuality. If you turn up the dial on your personality, don’t forget to shine the spotlight on everyone else involved too. Let the people who surround you fire up your mission and inspire you.

And mind the squares (two of them!) on August 19

There are three squares (90-degree clashes between two planets) and two T-square (three-way tug of wars that involve an opposition and two squares) today. It’s atypical to even have one T-square, much less a double. 

  • Venus-Jupiter: Brace yourself for mayhem on August 19 when the two “benefic” planets (Venus and Jupiter, named that for their positive, helpful influence) butt heads, making everyone argumentative and contrarian. Nobody’s willing to compromise, but everyone’s got an opinion. Ack! Hold off on making any major decisions, whether on the status of your relationship or booking an Airbnb with a couple of questionable reviews.
  • Sun-Uranus: Egos, tempers, and ideological battles…help! Narcissistic tendencies are on breathtaking display, also on August 19, thanks to a volatile square between the domineering Leo Sun and disrupter Uranus in Taurus. People may be quick to snap or send nasty emails, so do your best to fly under the radar and stay away from tantrum-throwing tinderboxes. If you find yourself walking on eggshells, defuse the situation by calling a timeout instead of further provoking the “opposition.”
  • Jupiter-Saturn: Disagreements could also break out on August 19 as outspoken Jupiter and stubborn Saturn lock horns. And since they’re in the “dual” signs of Gemini and Pisces, making a decision could feel nearly impossible! Conversations can get deadlocked quickly, as this planetary impasse makes people petty and passive-aggressive. Regulate your energy instead of scattering it. Under these stars, it’s best not to spread yourself too thin or launch your ideas without a proper plan.

From wild to mild? Virgo season begins August 22

Back to the simpler things! The Sun shifts out of high-wattage Leo and moves into Virgo on August 22. Collectively, it’s time to scale back, prioritize, and bring efficiency to our lives, after four weeks of excess.

With el Sol in this nature-loving earth sign, squeeze some alfresco moments into these last four weeks of summer: bike rides to the beach, yoga in the park, lap swims in the saltwater pool. Then, bring some order to your court.

From your storage systems to your project-management software, give everything a proper review. With earthy Virgo ruling the skies, enjoy the harvest of fresh produce. Skip the fast-fashion specials, and support brands with eco-conscious practices and production models.