Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by mbg Creative / mbg Creative

August 02, 2024

You may know your sun sign in astrology, but have you ever figured out your rising sign? It can provide insights into how you show up in the world—and how other people perceive you.

In the case of Libra risings, these charming folks might seem like people-pleasers, but you’ll never meet someone more concerned with justice for all. If you (or someone you know) are a Libra rising, here’s what to keep in mind.

What is a rising sign again?

Your rising signalso known as your “ascendant,” is the zodiac sign that was rising over the eastern horizon the moment you were born. Where your sun sign relates to the position of the sun relative to the astrological year (i.e., you were born during Leo season or Taurus season), your rising sign relates to the position of the sun relative to the time of day. (The sun spends about two hours traveling through each sign every day.)

Your rising sign reveals how you interact with the world, from your appearance, to your attitude, to the first impressions you make on others. For example, an Aries sun with a Virgo rising will likely exhibit Virgo-like traits you wouldn’t expect from typical Aries energy, or will even physically look more like a Virgo.

Your rising sign also determines where your first house of identity falls in your chart (your ascendant is always your first house), which sets the stage for the rest of the houses in your chart.

As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, “The zodiac wheel begins with the first house, which represents where the sun was rising over the eastern horizon at your moment of birth and governs the self, the identity, and your first impression. The houses then move counterclockwise around the zodiacal wheel and ripple out to broader themes of family/home life, society, and beyond.”

Understanding Libra rising

  • Ruling planet: Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, harmony, beauty, pleasure, and art. For Libra risings, Venus influences their desire to create balance and harmony, and connect to other people.
  • Element: Libra is an air sign. Air signs are known to be more intellectual, communicative, analytical, and even witty, with sociable and free spirits.
  • Modality: As a cardinal sign, Libra kicks off the fall season in the northern hemisphere. This energy makes Libra risings great “idea-people,” planners, and initiators.
  • Polarity: Libra is a yang (or masculine) sign, meaning its energy projects outward. They’re a more action and/or logic-oriented sign, compared to yin (feminine) signs, which are more emotion-oriented and inward focused.
  • House: Libra is associated with the seventh house of longterm partnership, making Libra risings some of the most relationship-oriented people in the zodiac.
  • Appearance: Libra risings tend to be conventionally attractive, ruled by the planet of beauty. With subtly cute characteristics like dimples, pouty lips, and overall gracefulness, they’re also known for being symmetrical and very outwardly charming.
  • Libra rising celebrities: Beyoncé, Harry Styles, Doja Cat, Venus Williams, Jennifer Aniston, Denzel Washington, Dwanye Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Zoë Kravitz, Idris Elba, Leonardo DiCaprio, Britney Spears, Dua Lipa, Niall Horan
  • Symbol: Scales
  • Glyph: ♎︎

Libra rising key traits

  • Charming
  • Diplomatic
  • Indecisive
  • Intellectual
  • Flirty
  • Sociable
  • Fair / justice-oriented
  • Graceful
  • Tactful

We can learn a lot about Libra risings through their ruling planet, Venus. After all, with the planet of love and beauty ruling Libra rising’s first house of identity, Venusian qualities are very much a part of how Libra risings see themselves.

They simply love love, and they want everyone else to share in their appreciation for balance, harmony, and fairness.

As an extremely relationship-oriented sign, Libra risings will go to great lengths to avoid conflict; They would rather keep the peace than rock the boat. However, when it comes to justice, they are willing to stand up for what they believe in—especially if they’re looking out for an underdog.

Anyone with significant Libra placements (i.e. sun, moon, or rising) needs to watch out for being codependent, because they do place such high importance on making sure everyone feels comfortable and heard.

This can backfire, of course, when they put other’s needs before their own. These folks are intellectual, so they may not be in touch with how they truly feel about things. Pair that with their ability to hear all sides of the story, and Libra risings are also known for being indecisive, unsure of where they stand.

They can make great meditators for this reason, as they’re not uncomfortable existing within the duality of extremes. They understand that the world isn’t black and white, but always somewhere in the middle. Nevertheless, it’s imperative that they are firm in their own boundaries when circumstances call for it.

Libra rising compatibility

There are no absolutes when it comes to astrological compatibility, and doing a synastry reading with both people’s entire birth charts is best for getting the full picture. That said, Libra risings typically gravitate towards those that align with their values of peace and harmony, and/or share in intellectualism and humor.

Most compatible signs

Generally, the most compatible signs for Libra friendships and romantic relationships are fellow air signs (GeminiAquarius, and other Libras) as they speak the same airy, analytical language.

In terms of their astrological soulmate, look to their opposite sign, Aries. Aries sits over Libra rising’s seventh house of partnership, offering the potential to balance their different natures and find a beautiful union of seemingly different energies.

Least compatible signs

The water signs (Cancer, ScorpioPisces) tend to be more emotional-feelers, which can make it hard for them to relate to Libra risings’ heady energy. Meanwhile, the earth signs (VirgoTaurusCapricorn) might perceive sociable Libra as flighty, fickle, or ungrounded.

Love & relationships

As aforementioned, Libra risings love love. Relationships come easily to them, as they have an open and warm personality that yearns to bridge the gaps between all kinds of people.

To them, flirting with a new crush is as exciting as it is natural, but that can get them in trouble if they’re leading people on (whether they realize it or not!).

When they do find someone they truly care for, they make accommodating partners who have no problem listening to that partner’s needs, and responding as such.

As astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim previously told mindbodygreen, it is important that they don’t let their inclination to avoid conflict get in the way of conflict resolution. As he explains, Libra risings want to look for someone who can encourage them to be more assertive—and to say what it is they really want and/or need.

Along with that, things like art, beauty, music, and culture are important to Libra risings, so Grim notes that it helps when a Libra rising’s partner shares similar tastes. “Ideally, the person should appreciate the balance and harmony of that relationship and also share the same aesthetic sensibility,” he adds.


In friendships, a Libra rising wants to find people who share their appreciation for justice and harmony. The exchange of ideas is important to them, as well as creating a peaceful and easy-going friendship where everyone feels supported.

They may wind up taking on the mediator role of the friend group, helping to resolve conflicts and getting people to understand another’s POV.

They’re also extremely social signs, so they’re good friends to have if you like to go out on the town, check out new museum exhibits, or dance to some live music. With their appreciation for art and beauty, they’re almost always game for a shopping trip, happy to lend their keen eye as you’re trying things on.

In short, Libra risings want to have fun, meet new people, and put their flirting prowess to good use. If that sounds like your idea of a good time, find yourself a Libra rising pal!


In their careers, Libra’s thrive when they can put their Venusian qualities to work, whether that be in fostering justice and fairness, or applying their eye for beauty in some shape or form. Think careers involving mediation, fighting for what they believe in, or the arts.

Whatever profession Libra risings find themselves in, they do often take on the role of mediator—just like in their friend groups! If someone at the office needs to settle a dispute or figure out what’s fair, you can bet a Libra rising will pipe up.

As previously noted, one of Libra’s greatest strengths is their ability to see things from multiple sides. As such, Libra risings make great diplomats, but they do need to watch out for getting steamrolled by more aggressive personalities. Especially at work, they need to know when to put their foot down about something that matters to them.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Libra risings want to be liked. They’re charming both in and out of the office, so client acquisition, wining and dining, and customer service are all in their wheelhouse.

Here are a handful of careers that a Libra rising is well suited for:

  • Interior decorator
  • Graphic designer
  • Marketing agent
  • Public relations agent
  • Judge
  • Lawyer
  • Counselor
  • Art curator
  • Stylist
  • Salesperson
  • Diplomat
  • Ambassador

The takeaway

Astrology is so much more than just your sun sign, with your rising sign actually being the placement that determines the rest of your birth chart. And for Libra risings, these diplomatic and charming people are the ones to turn to when you need a listening ear, a fun night out, or an intermediary.