Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Woman grinning in field of yellow flowers as the sun sets

Image by UCA films x mbg creative / Stocksy

July 19, 2024

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Once in a while, we have two full moons occur during the same astrological season. Such is the case this Cancer season, as the second of two Capricorn full moons takes the stage this Sunday, July 21, at 6:17 a.m. EDT.

This full moon carries themes of long-term goals, discipline, and of course, letting go in order to make way for the new. It’s closing out a portal that began with the last full moon, but depending on where it lands in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here’s what to know.

Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising sign.


Ready to make some career moves, Aries? As astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn, tells mindbodygreen, this full moon lands in your 10th house of career and public image. “The Capricorn moon is asking you to envision what you want for your career in the long term—and remove anything in your life that isn’t allowing you to get there,” she explains.

It’s also asking you to give yourself recognition for how far you’ve come, Quinn adds. She suggests asking yourself what career challenges you’ve doubled down on over the last month in order to progress forward and make space for yourself. So, if you need a second chance to let go of some career baggage, here’s your moment.


With the Capricorn full moon landing in your ninth house of travel and higher learning, Taurus, you have a prime opportunity to spread your wings now—literally or figuratively. As Quinn explains, you might be thinking about travel plans, picking up a new hobby, or starting a new course.

But since full moons are a time of release, she tells mindbodygreen, this moon is asking you to reflect on what’s been preventing you from moving forward. “Consciously pay attention to what is blocking that path—and what needs to be done so you can step into that and get things moving,” Quinn adds.


Feeling transformative, Gemini? You very well might be, with this Capricorn full moon lighting up your mysterious eighth house of death and rebirth, sex, transformation, and intimacy. It’s not always the easiest energy to move through, but there’s always light on the other side of the full moon tunnel.

“This has been like an excavation process for Geminis, of really tapping into what things they have internally that maybe they haven’t been looking at,” Quinn explains. And under this moon? You have a chance to focus your time and intention on nourishing your inner world.


This is an important full moon for your relationships, Cancer, as it moves through your seventh house of—you guessed it—partnerships. As Quinn notes, you’ve gone through a deep shedding in your relationships, removing dynamics that don’t work for you. Be proud of how far you’ve come on that front! Boundaries and balanced reciprocity aren’t always easy for your giving nature.

“You’ve been put to the test on that, and made space for what you want in your relationships, so you can draw in relationships that are balanced,” Quinn tells mindbodygreen. Further, she adds, you’ll want to pay close attention to any new relationships that have formed within the last month during this Capricorn full moon portal. Perhaps one or more have long-term potential?


It’s nearly your astrological season, Leo—but first, this full moon is here to light up your sixth house of self-care, habits, and routines. And what better time to give yourself some TLC than right before your birthday? As Quinn notes, it can be easy for you to drain your own batteries, socially or otherwise, so this past month may have been more about you and your self-care.

With just a few days before Leo season begins, this is one last push to ensure you’re doing all the necessary things to keep yourself sane, your battery full, and your routine in tiptop shape.


Feeling passionate, Virgo? You tend to lean more toward the practical side of things, but with this Capricorn full moon spotlighting your fifth house of creative expression, it’s asking you to create tangible ways to bring your passion to life. As Quinn explains, this is a time to focus on not only the things that light you up inside but anything that’s now allowing you to be your most true, authentic self.

Whether there’s a creative project you’ve been wanting to start, or simply a push to take up more space and allow yourself to be seen, Virgo, your passions deserve to be witnessed. As Quinn adds, passion can—and should be—a part of how you move forward. Practicality is a virtue, but so is allowing yourself to dream.


These moonbeams spotlight your fourth house of home and family, Libra—and with it being the second of two Capricorn full moons, this may have been your vibe for the past month! Your home and family life has been experiencing a revamp, whether it’s decluttering to the max or even letting things go (people, possessions, dynamics, etc.) that don’t serve you anymore, Quinn explains.

You may even be feeling an excavation of sorts in your own inner world related to your sense of home. According to Quinn, “It’s really important for you to reflect on what ‘home’ means to you; It could be changing so much that you need to get really centered on what ‘stability’ and ‘home’ means to you internally before you’re going to see the reflection of it physically.”


You’re not typically one to wear your heart on your sleeve, Scorpio, but with this full moon in your third house of communication and information, it’s time to let yourself be heard! As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, “This full moon is asking you to vocalize what it is you’re planning when you think about your long-term plans and visions.”

You don’t necessarily need to shout it from the rooftops, but there’s something powerful about telling a partner, friend, or family member what you’re aiming for. Capricorn asks us to move boldly in the direction of our goals, and sometimes “speaking it into existence” gives our intention that extra oomph. Long story short? Quinn says this is a throat-chakra-focused full moon for you, specifically around your long-term plans.


Money on your mind, Sagittarius? With the hardworking Capricorn full moon lighting up your second house of money, possessions, and financial security, this is a material-minded moon for you. And while you tend to lean toward spontaneity, Quinn explains, Capricorn asks you to add a touch of practicality into the mix.

“It’s really making you look at your finances, investments, and what you’re investing even your time—not just money—in,” Quinn tells mindbodygreen, adding that even if this means you slow down to get clear on it, the reflection might have been overdue. In other words? Think budgeting, long-term investments (both monetary and energetic), and what needs to be let go or transformed to get you in better material standing.


This is your full moon, Capricorn! Landing in your first house of self and identity, this full moon marks the culmination of the larger lunar cycle that began for you during the Capricorn new moon around your birthday last year. In other words: Hello, new chapter! According to Quinn, you’ve probably been feeling this energy all month since the June full moon in Capricorn, and a major identity shift isn’t unlikely right now.

Whether that shift is manifesting in your career, your long-term vision and goals, or even in your own inner world, know that you’re right on track. As Quinn notes, “The changes that are happening are in alignment with those goals, so as long as you allow those shifts and changes to happen, you won’t be left high and dry.”


Feeling sentimental, Aquarius? That wouldn’t be like you, but with the full moon landing in your 12th house of closure, endings, and the subconscious, you’re being asked to look at your long-term vision with more vulnerability. According to Quinn, any fears or blocks around commitment that keep you from investing in a long-term sense will be center stage right now.

“This could be within relationships, work—it could be with friends making plans, but the moon is asking you to really think about what you want in your long-term vision,” she explains. Addressing any related fears or emotions may not necessarily be comfortable for you, but when you do, Quinn adds, “it could really be enlightening to learn about yourself and what your long-term vision is.”


Are you feeling supported by your larger networks, Pisces? This Capricorn full moon spotlights your 11th house of a larger community, which could mean you’ve been more connected than usual—but you might also be noticing where things aren’t quite right. Full moons are about letting go, after all, and Quinn notes this is a time to make sure you’re surrounded by people who align with your own vision for the future.

If they’re not? This full moon might just make that clear. But on the other hand, Quinn adds, that’s not to say help won’t be found in unlikely places. “Support will come in that feeds you and aligns with your desires and what it is you’re working on, but you could also be seeing some changes in your friend groups.”

The takeaway

The moon in disciplined and diligent Capricorn is offering us all a midsummer opportunity to double down on our long-term goals and vision. With a couple of full moon rituals on deck—and a willingness to release—we can remove some of the blocks that are keeping us stuck, and step ever closer to those goals.