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Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Full Moon In a Cloudy Night's Sky

July 18, 2024

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We’re almost done with Cancer season, but not without one more full moon first! This full moon, in Cancer’s opposite sign of Capricorn, is the second Capricorn full moon of the season, so you can think of it like a double whammy of Cap energy.

Here’s what to know about the astrology at play behind this moon, plus three rituals to work with it.

The astrology behind July’s full moon in Capricorn

This full moon will be exact on Sunday, July 21, at 6:17 a.m. EDT. And with this being the second Capricorn full moon of Cancer season, astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn, says that we’ve been experiencing a potent portal which will now close with this full moon.

“What that means is,” she tells mindbodygreen, “everyone’s sun sign is going to be in the same house it was in at the last full moon, so it’s doubling down on the lessons we were experiencing then.”

Whether it’s full circle moments, synchronistic patterns, or reviewing the lessons you’ve learned, the name of the game with any full moon is releasing and letting go. And with Capricorn at the reigns, Quinn notes this moon is specifically focused on anything that doesn’t serve our long-term goals and where we’re going.

But since it is still Cancer season for a few more days, emotional sensitivity could be heightened as well. With that said, Quinn suggests finding the balance between emotions and practicality. “Lean into the intuitive energy of Cancer season to listen to what your own intuition is telling you, serve your higher path, and keep your eye on the prize; Capricorn doesn’t want the hard work you’ve put in to be for nothing,” she adds.

Acknowledge all the things you’ve accomplished so far, spend time reflecting on that, and make sure you’re still staying the course on your intentions during this full moon, Quinn says, adding to expect things to get resolved—or, expect things that are unresolved to come to the surface and get cleared out.

One last thing: Pluto is in Aquarius, and Mars is in Gemini. According to Quinn, this air-sign trine between transformative Pluto and make-it-happen Mars signals big change.

The Mars in Gemini influence reminds us to not just talk about it, but to be about it, Quinn explains. Pluto in Aquarius, meanwhile, represents a “spiritual metamorphosis giving us this energy to push and propel forward,” she adds, “especially when it comes to our passions and our goals.”

3 rituals to work with this full moon

Since we’re in a water sign season, Quinn recommends drawing a ritual moon bath to connect to the element of water—and your own emotions.

“Use it as a meditation on moving through your emotions, focusing on what you’re feeling, what you’re processing, and what you’re letting go of,” she explains.

For added intuitive lunar magic, keep some moonstone nearby, Quinn suggests. (And speaking of, the night of the full moon is a great opportunity to charge your crystals in the moonlight!)

With Capricorn being an earth sign, Quinn also recommends taking your meditation practice outside in order to connect with the earth and all the abundance it has to offer.

Whether you’re sitting in the grass, under a tree in your nearest park, or in your own backyard, grounding with the earth as you reflect on the lessons you’ve learned and what you’re releasing is a great way to tap into Capricorn’s determined spirit.

Last but not least, Quinn always suggests checking in with your tarot cards for clarity under the full moon. Grab your deck and give this four-card spread a try:

  1. What has manifested since the new moon two weeks ago? Where are you now?
  2. What are you letting go of this full moon?
  3. What lessons did the full moon portal (June 21 to July 21) reveal to you?
  4. What does your spirit council want you to know?

The takeaway

If there’s anything Capricorn is known for, it’s working hard and ascending to the highest of heights. Under these moon beams, we all have a chance to tap into that diligence and make room for our next chapter to begin.