Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by Sky-Blue Creative / Stocksy

July 17, 2024

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In the ancient system of numerology, it’s believed that numbers, letters, and their vibrations can impact our own lives, purposes, and paths.

You may already know your life path or destiny number, for instance, but in numerology, your house number matters too.

Here’s why, how to find yours, plus what it means.

Why do house numbers matter in numerology?

According to numerologist and author of You Are Cosmic CodeKaitlyn Kaerhart, the street number of your house speaks to the energy of the home itself.

“This number helps us understand the personality of our home and the themes that may arise during our time there,” she explains, adding, “Knowing this number can help guide you in choosing the appropriate home for your needs and even shift the vibration of your current residence.”

How to calculate the numerology of your home

Calculating numbers in numerology involves a process of reducing larger numbers until you get a single digit.

To do this, you add up all the digits in the number, and if the sum is still two digits or more, you continue reducing until you get to a single digit from 1 through 9, or in rare cases, master numbers 11, 22, and 33.

If you live in an apartment, all you need is your apartment number, according to Kaerhart. For example, if you live in apartment #2 in your building, your home is a 2 home. Essentially, “You live within the energy of the 2,” Kaerhart explains.

Now, if you live in apartment #813, 8 + 3 + 1 = 12, and 1 + 2 = 3, so this apartment number would be a 3 home in numerology.

If you live in a house, you use the actual number of your street address, using the same process to reduce to a single digit.

If you live at 744 Rose Boulevard, for instance, then you live in a home with the energy of a 6 (7 + 4 + 4 = 15, and 1 + 5 = 6).

House numbers in numerology & their meanings

House number 1

The number 1 in numerology is all about new beginnings, and house numbers are no exception. According to Kaerhart, 1 homes are a place to start anew and embrace your creativity, independence, and autonomy.

They’re excellent for entrepreneurs and those who are single, she notes, adding that this is a home where you will “be more focused on the self, as opposed to others—so if you are looking to partner up, this may not be the home for you.”

House number 2

Unlike the independent energy of the 1, the number 2 in numerology is very relationship-oriented. As Kaerhart tells mindbodygreen, partnership and balance flourish in 2 homes, with this energy supporting collaboration, emotional exploration, and comfort.

“[It’s] perfect for having people over and gathering with loved ones,” she says, and thanks to this home’s balanced energy, she adds, conflict doesn’t typically occur often here.

House number 3

The 3 is the number of communication and socializing in numerology, so if you live in a 3 home, expect plenty of both. As Kaerhart explains, 3 is the number of self-expression, so this is a very supportive home for artists or anyone whose work involves expression.

“Socializing, entertaining, parties, and eccentric people will be present here,” according to Kaerhart, who notes to be careful you don’t get too caught up in the fast-paced energy of the 3, lest you become ungrounded or scattered.

House number 4

If 3 homes can be ungrounded, 4 homes are the opposite, with Kaehart telling mindbodygreen that this is a very practical and grounded space.

The energy here will support structure, responsibilities, and growing the foundations of your life as well, she says, adding, “This is not a house of change but rather, consistency, stability, and hard work.”

One caveat, however, is feeling boxed in or restricted in this home, she says. If that happens, Kaerhart recommends incorporating some feng shui practices, plants, and anything that allows energy to flow.

House number 5

The number 5 in numerology is all about change, and that’s what you can expect in a 5 home. According to Kaerhart, anything goes in these spaces, and you should prepare for adventure, travel, and yes, unexpected changes. If you want a cozier, more stable vibe, this home might not be the place for you, Kaerhart notes.

However, if you want action, variety, exploration, freedom, and a bit of risk, you might just thrive here. But be warned, Kaerhart cautions, “Sometimes the 5 can be a bit of a hedonist, so make sure you find balance within your life instead of going to extremes.”

House number 6

An ideal home for families, Kaerhart says the energy of the 6 home is a beautiful place to have children or get married. “This is a warm, cozy home where relationships, love, and healing are at the forefront,” she tells mindbodygreen.

While a balance of nurturing and your job is possible here, she does note that you may feel overwhelmed by your sense of duty and responsibilities to your loved ones. “Be careful not to drain yourself by overgiving and to nurture yourself before others,” she says, adding, “This is also a home you may want to hermit in.”

House number 7

The number of introspection and spiritual seekers, 7 homes are not spaces for socializing, according to Kaerhart. Rather, this is a home for gathering knowledge and decompressing. “You will be more internal than ever in this sanctuary, which is deeply meditative and spiritual,” she adds.

If you’re more introverted, or focused on something like writing a book or going back to school, Kaerhart tells mindbodygreen that this would be the perfect house number for you. “This is a home to answer your sacred calling and dive deep into the depths of what truly matters to you on a soul level,” she adds.

House number 8

In numerology, 8 is considered a number of abundance, but too much of anything can be too much. As Kaerhart explains, “Money and power will thrive here, for better and possibly for worse—make sure you are nurturing yourself in both areas and exerting power in a healthy way.”

That said, if you’re really focused on your job, this could be a very conducive environment for you. “This is a home to prosper and grow in, specifically when it comes to the material realm,” Kaerhart says, adding, “The downside of this energy is that you can be prone to being a workaholic or not know when enough is enough, especially when it comes to financial matters.”

House number 9

Last but not least, the number 9 relates to endings but also humanitarianism. Kaerhart notes that, as such, this could be a home where literal or metaphorical endings occur, with 9 representing completion and letting go.

However, it’s also a very warm and nurturing home where everyone will feel welcome. “As the 9 is the humanitarian’s number, selflessness, forgiveness, compassion, and dedicating yourself to a cause (i.e., perhaps your home is a place where you foster animals) are very much supported here,” Kaerhart explains.


How do I find my house numerology?

To find your numerology house number add up the digits of your street address until you reduce it to a single digit between 1 and 9. If you live in an apartment, use your apartment number.

What do house numbers represent?

In numerology, house numbers help us understand the personality of our home and the themes that may arise during our time there.

What is the number 1 house in numerology?

The number 1 in numerology is all about new beginnings, and house numbers are no exception. These homes are a place to start anew and embrace your creativity, independence, and autonomy.

The takeaway

Numerology can clue us in to everything from our life path to who we’re most compatible with. And in the case of your house number, it can reveal the energy of your home and the themes you’ll encounter while living there.