Braelyn Wood

mbg Deputy Commerce Editor

By Braelyn Wood

mbg Deputy Commerce Editor

Braelyn Wood is the Deputy Commerce Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism from Northwestern University, along with a certificate in marketing.

Woman lying in bed awake

Image by Lucas Ottone / Stocksy

October 19, 2023

For most of my life, I simply couldn’t relate to people who needed a sleep aid. Pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow I’d be asleep. I would sleep for exactly eight hours (if not a little longer). My sleep routine was the most consistent thing about me. But a few months ago, everything changed.

For the first time in my life, I struggled to fall asleep. My tossing and turning transformed into clock-watching, which made it harder to fall asleep. When I finally dozed off, I rarely made it more than six hours before jerking awake. 

Not only was I missing the seven to nine hours of sleep suggested for my age demographic, but the quality of said sleep was awful. I was waking up exhausted, and I saw firsthand how poor sleep could impact your health. Staying focused was a concentrated effort, and I lacked energy for everyday tasks, including my morning walks. 

I needed a solution (and adding new blackout curtains to my space simply wasn’t cutting it). So I finally decided to crack open the bottle of sleep support+ stashed away in my medicine cabinet for guests. I’d read countless reviews of the nonhormonal sleep aid from other customers who swore by the formula to improve sleep quality—including one from my own co-worker who saw her REM score improve by 400% after introducing the sleep aid.*

The first night I took sleep support+, I slept eight hours for the first time in months.

My experience with sleep support+

That first fateful night, I took two capsules of sleep support+ about an hour before bedtime. When I later snuggled into bed to read before lights out, I felt at ease and relaxed. As I flipped pages, I could feel myself dozing off. So I abandoned my book at least 20 minutes before my normal bedtime—and I fell asleep within minutes of cuddling under the covers.*

The next morning I woke up after eight blissful hours of sleep. For the first time in months, I felt well rested.* There was no grogginess, like I might have expected with other sleep aids, so I felt clear-minded going into my day.

After three weeks of regular use, my bottle is nearly empty, and I feel like I’m getting the best sleep that I’ve had in years. But you don’t have to take it from me—these ingredients have scientific backup, too.

What’s in sleep support+

Magnesium bisglycinate is the key ingredient in sleep support+. This all-star promotes a steady state of relaxation for deep sleep—and bisglycinate is one of the most absorbable forms.* 

It’s then paired with jujube seed extract (which helps ease stress) and PharmaGABA® (a neurotransmitter shown in clinical trials to enhance natural sleep quality). These ingredients can increase deep sleep, total sleep time, and sleep efficiency within four weeks.*†

I love that I’m taking a GMO-free supplement without any added preservatives or fillers. Plus, I don’t have to worry about waking up drowsy or the potential long-term impact of introducing melatonin to my body with sleep support+.

The takeaway

When my sleep quality took a turn for the worse, sleep support+ helped me fall asleep faster—and stay there.* I’ve not only stopped watching the clock, but I’m finally sleeping more than six hours again. Let’s just say, I’ll be setting up a subscription as soon as this bottle runs out.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.† Benefits assume daily use and are evidence-based estimates rooted in clinical science at the ingredient level. Individual results may vary.