The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

Woman on a park bench in fall - Monthly Horoscope

Image by Olga Moreira / Stocksy

October 2, 2023

Spooky season has officially arrived, and with this month’s upcoming eclipses, spooky it may be indeed—here’s your horoscope.

The last two eclipses of 2023 sweep in on October 14 and 28

Ready for some action again? Be careful what you wish for, because October’s horoscope could shift your life from “driving under the speed limit” to “whiplash alert!” The last two eclipses of 2023 sweep in on October 14 and 28, bringing momentum to your relationships and plans—whether you’re ready or not.

It begins on October 14 with the Libra new moon and concludes on October 28 with the Taurus full moon. Both of these eclipses are in Venus-ruled signs (Libra and Taurus), which is interesting since Venus already stole the show this summer by turning retrograde from July 22 to August 23.

The fame-hogging planet is apparently not done with her shenanigans, but instead of bottlenecking everything with a retrograde, she’s changing up the scenery without notice!

Eclipses are moments of rapid change, here to break us out of our plateaus and procrastination

Gentle they’re not (even with the Venus touch), but sometimes we have to stop coddling ourselves and start making moves. Beg forgiveness instead of asking permission. Throw our hats over the wall, then figure out how to get ’em. That’s what eclipses want for us.

The first one is a solar (new moon) eclipse in Libra on October 14, which will help rebalance relationships. If you have lingering resentment from Venus’ summer retrograde, this could be the day to clear the air and move forward on a fresh page.

No need to prepare a speech because this eclipse could just bring it all tumbling out of you. And hopefully without the passive-aggressive bite that Mars in Libra (its position of detriment) has been stirring up since August 27.

Mercifully, Mars will move into Scorpio on October 12, two days before the eclipse

Or maybe not so mercifully since the red planet is the minor ruler of Scorpio, and this transit could sharpen our stingers! Go easy on ’em between now and November 24.

This is the first eclipse in Libra since 2016, and the second on the Aries/Libra axis in a series that will transform the balance between self and others, individual and relationship, between March 2023 and March 2025.

The second eclipse arrives at the full moon two weeks later. This Taurus lunar eclipse is also the grand finale of a two-year eclipse cycle that’s been rocking the Taurus/Scorpio axis since November 2021. Money, sensuality, sex, reproductive rights—these are among the issues that the world has grappled with since then.

On a personal level, these eclipses have shifted our relationship to finances, self-worth, and the way we share energy and resources. Look back to where you were a couple of years ago and notice any shifts in these areas.

While the eclipses pick up the pace, there’s a counterbalance

Four of the five slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are retrograde for the entire month, giving us all a chance to do some much-needed processing and integrating. Jupiter and Uranus are backspinning through Taurus, while Saturn and Neptune are both doing an about-face in Pisces.

Take inventory of your money and material matters as well as some of the deeper subconscious stuff.

Halloween could bring tricks and treats thanks to the moon hanging out in dualistic Gemini

Why choose when you can have both? But leave the fussy folks off your guest list. With the moon square Venus in Virgo, you don’t need anyone reminding you how many grams of sugar you’re eating when you dip into your kid’s Halloween loot or critiquing your costume choice.

Make sure your plans also have an escape clause in case a quick pivot is in order!