
September 20, 2023

Image by Studio Firma / Stocksy

September 20, 2023

Ever felt stressed out about feeling stressed out? It’s what happens every time I read about the impact high cortisol levels can have on my mind and body—a case of meta-stress


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Keeping cortisol in check 

Cortisol1 is known as our body’s stress hormone—it’s released by the adrenal cortex when we’re exposed to physical or psychological stress and is designed to prepare us for action. It raises blood sugar and blood pressure while suppressing our immune system (all helpful for sprinting away from predators). It’s normal for cortisol levels to peak from time-to-time, but at some point… They’re meant to come back down. 

Integrative Therapeutics Cortisol Manager®

Cortisol levels thrive in balance. Regulated levels are connected to boosts in energy and mood2 but also aspects of brain health, like memory and attention. But in this modern world, keeping our cortisol in check is no easy feat—and don’t I know it. Between work deadlines, passion projects, and keeping my social life alive, my cortisol levels are something of a roller coaster… So when I saw mindbodygreen’s 7-day challenge for new and improved stress management—I was all in.


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The 7-day challenge for balancing cortisol

In a world where stress management is on everyone’s mind, this challenge is a breath of fresh air. It was created with the expert input of Dr. Kristina Hallett, PhD, an executive coach known for helping people harness the positive power of stress. Turns out, stress isn’t all bad—it can actually motivate us and illuminate priorities. Positivity is at the heart of this challenge, which is certainly a welcome change of tone.

Even better, this challenge is actually realistic. It offers small but mighty practices to adopt each and every day—from self-compassion exercises to Cortisol Manager®, a daily supplement created by Integrative Therapeutics® to support balanced cortisol levels and a healthy stress response.* In fact, each day’s assignment can be done in under five minutes (for the full version, click here):

Day 2: Bring more nature into your life.

Day 3: Exercise self-compassion.

Day 4: Try a breath technique. 

Day 5: Practice gratitude (the right way).

Day 6: Take mini-breaks in your day. 

Day 7: Connect with someone who makes you laugh.

Image by Julia Volk / Stocksy


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How it went.

Not all of us have time for an hour long yoga practice or funds to bask in an infrared sauna. What I loved about this 7-day experience was the accessibility from the very start.

Day one, I started incorporating a stress support supplement before bed: Integrative Therapeutics Cortisol Manager®. This small step felt like a big gesture for my cortisol levels, considering cortisol is often thought of as a bridge between stress and its health impact.* With ongoing use, Cortisol Manager® supports balanced cortisol levels and even supports restful sleep during extra stressful times.*

Integrative Therapeutics Cortisol Manager®

From there, this challenge introduced bite-sized practices that brought more space and intention into my days. For example, day two, inviting in a sense of awe through moments of nature—I found that just by driving with the windows down. Day five, I received a much-needed perspective shift on cultivating gratitude. Day six, I played with taking mini-breaks throughout my workday (every 50-60 minutes) and it’s my new non-negotiable. Start-to-finish, this challenge was barely a challenge at all, and more like overdue self-care.


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The takeaway

If you’re living in the same world as me, chances are you’re also seeking ways to manage your stress. The huge overhauls and shiny resets are tempting, but quickly turn into yet another thing to fret about. For me, this 7-day challenge was a reminder that change is ultimately the sum of small steps. It left me with a handful of tools to take forward, alongside the ongoing support of Cortisol Manager®.* This is the stress management routine that anyone can stick to, week-after-week!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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