Monica Levitt

By Monica Levitt

mbg Contributor

Monica Levitt is an Accounts Payable Clerk for a property management company in Denver, CO. Currently, in addition to volunteering her time in the ministry, she also enjoys cooking, baking, and interior design. She deems herself a pickleball enthusiast after learning how to play on a recent trip to Cancun. She also enjoys social gatherings that include playing cards and games with friends and family.


Image by Edwin Tan / Istock

August 21, 2023

I wasn’t always a bad sleeper. But about a year ago, menopause started taking a toll on my ability to snooze. A series of illnesses and stressful events in my personal life only made things worse. It was taking me a long time to fall asleep, and nothing I tried was helping. After learning about how important sleep is for overall health—especially as I got older—I knew I had to do something about it.


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I tried everything to help my sleep

I tried lots of things to improve my sleep quality, from herbal sleep aids to melatonin supplements. None of them worked well for me, and I started to get discouraged. I did find some success with applying calming essential oils like lavender into a diffuser and on my pulse points at bedtime, but eventually, that was no longer as effective as it once was. I also tried sleep patches, but over time, I started having skin issues. I visited a holistic practitioner who told me that the variety of things I was taking for sleep were not helping me.

I was back to square one, looking for a product that contained ingredients that wouldn’t aggravate my body. That’s when I started reading up on magnesium. There’s some research to show that it can be effective for relaxation and sleep, and since it’s a mineral our bodies naturally need anyway, I felt good about taking it. I didn’t want to put too many new things into my body after getting rid of a ton of products.

My search for a well-formulated magnesium supplement led me to mindbodygreen’s sleep support+, which combines the mineral with other sleep aids like jujube and PharmGABA®.* I was intrigued by the positive reviews, so I signed up for a subscription.

I didn’t really expect it to work since I wasn’t confident in anything at that point. So I made a calendar reminder to cancel it after one month—just in case.


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My experience with sleep support+

When sleep support+ first arrived about two months ago, I was diligent about taking the two capsule serving 1-2 hours before bed every night. And despite my skepticism, it started working within the first week. It was helping me fall asleep faster, stay asleep throughout the night, and feel much more rested in the morning.*

Not only that—it had noticeable effects on my sleep score. My Fitbit was telling me that I was spending significantly more time in deep sleep and REM sleep stages, as well as restorative light sleep. Although I was still waking up sometimes throughout the night due to menopause, I found it much easier to go back to sleep afterward.*

After those first few weeks, I was hooked: I let my subscription renew, started telling everyone I knew about the supplement, and even worked with mbg’s customer service to ensure my next shipment would arrive before I went on vacation. It got to the point that I didn’t want to be without it.

Why I’m sticking with this superior product

Thanks to sleep support+, I’m continuing to sleep deeper and sleep longer. (In the last two weeks, I’ve slept through my first and second alarms twice!).*

By improving my overall sleep quality, sleep support+ has helped me feel better across all areas of my life.* Without proper sleep, I’m not as good at my job: I work in accounts payable and process invoices all day. When you’re doing such monotonous work with so many numbers, you really have to be sharp and mentally alert—and you can’t do that without good sleep.

I also know that getting high-quality sleep is helping me navigate menopause feeling my best. After failed attempts with a handful of other supplements, I’m so happy to have found sleep support+; a far superior product with no noticeable side effects for me.*

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.