Molly Knudsen, M.S., R.D.N.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

By Molly Knudsen, M.S., R.D.N.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN is a Registered Dietician Nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Texas Christian University and a master’s in nutrition interventions, communication, and behavior change from Tufts University. She lives in Newport Beach, California, and enjoys connecting people to the food they eat and how it influences health and wellbeing.

Metabolism+ product image with capsules and water glass

August 4, 2023

There’s no shortage of products out there with tantalizing promises of quick and easy weight loss solutions. But oftentimes, these products consistently underdeliver. And now, in 2023, people are (rightfully) skeptical. Because the only way to really lose stubborn fat—and gain muscle—is through healthy lifestyle habits. Right? 

Yes, and no. Metabolism-supporting habits (healthy eating, regular exercise, quality sleep, etc.) are the crux of maintaining a healthy weight, but a high-quality, science-backed supplement can also play an integral role.


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Fat-burning supplements can work (if you pick the right one) 

There are clinically studied ingredients with metabolic benefits such as regulating appetite, promoting energy expenditure, and regulating appetite. 

And here at mindbodygreen, we bottled up five premium botanical ingredients—cayenne pepper, veld grape, grains of paradise, and EGCG and caffeine from green tea leaves—to create metabolism+

These ingredients (in the amounts provided in metabolism+) have been scientifically shown to optimize fat metabolism, burn calories, and promote a healthy body composition by helping to reduce visceral fat accumulation.*

We get that you may have been burned before by sketchy (and even downright dangerous) weight loss products. And that’s why we intentionally formulated metabolism+ to provide multidimensional support for metabolism physiology—no gimmicks—for the long haul.*

Still on the fence? Here’s what folks are saying about their experience with metabolism+


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I don’t trust all metabolism products

“I’m a bit skeptical when it comes to metabolism products but this one really stuck out to me, and I love it so far! It’s been very effective and I also noticed a subtle energy boost throughout the day as I like to take it in the morning after breakfast.”*

—Harper N.

It’s now part of my morning routine!

“Metabolism+ is amazing! I take it in the morning after I eat my breakfast and I avoid the midday munchies I always got before taking metabolism+. I don’t crave snacks in the middle of the day.”*



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It’s definitely helping my weight

“Amazing product, I feel so much better and last fatigued and feel the difference in my body and weight. Would definitely recommend it.”*

—Colleen F.

I noticed a big change in belly fat!

“I was really skeptical about buying this product. It took me two months to place the order after reading the reviews. I must say I am VERY IMPRESSED!! I started taking [the supplement] in March, and I’m not at 8 weeks yet and I can fit into a smaller size again. All my weight was belly fat, and it’s almost gone!! I recommend this product to everyone, and now 5 of my friends now use this amazing product!! I’m very pleased.”*

—Acacia M. 


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I feel more satisfied and energized than before

“I’m less hungry (more satisfied, full generally). I also notice a slight bump in energy but thankfully no problems sleeping. I’m only a couple weeks into trying metabolism+, but I even see a subtle impact on my waist just based on clothing fit.”*

—Audrey O

I appreciate the transparent, vegetarian ingredients

“Most products that rev up your metabolism have shady ingredients, but this entire lineup from mbg is plants, plants, plants. Love it. As a vegetarian, right up my alley, and as a middle-aged woman, I can use a little metabolism nudge daily.” 



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The plant-based power I was looking for 

“Finally, a respectable and respectful metabolism product that isn’t about getting ‘ripped’ or ‘skinny.’ This is pure, plant-origin metabolic support at the cellular level, and I’m here for it.”*

—Joann G. 

The takeaway

Nothing outranks a healthy lifestyle. You should be skeptical about seemingly too-good-to-be-true claims and the supplements you choose to consume.

That said, targeted supplementation can be a beneficial addition to your daily routine if you’re already taking other steps to optimize your metabolic health like eating well, getting quality sleep, managing stress, and hydrating. Quality supplements will be transparent about the ingredients, the science supporting their inclusion in the product, and their sourcing. metabolism+ checks all of those to provide you with comprehensive metabolic support for a healthier and more vibrant you.*

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.