Hannah Frye

Assistant Beauty & Health Editor

By Hannah Frye

Assistant Beauty & Health Editor

Hannah Frye is the Assistant Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism and a minor in women’s, gender, and queer studies from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Hannah has written across lifestyle sections including health, wellness, sustainability, personal development, and more.

Family eating dinner at the table

Image by Ivan Gener / Stocksy

July 25, 2023

While most fad diets focus on cutting out certain food groups for the sake of your health, there’s also plenty you can add to your plate in the name of better nutrition. A new study proves it: Research just found that underconsuming six food groups was associated with a higher risk of heart complications and mortality. Here’s what to know.


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6 food groups associated with lower cardiovascular disease and mortality

A recent clinical study published in European Heart Journal led by researchers at the Population Research Health Institute (PHRI) found that underconsuming six food groups was associated with higher cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality

Researchers took diet data from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study and replicated it five times on a total of 244,597 people worldwide, spanning 80 different countries. 

The score associated with the PURE Healthy Eating Program was developed based on six foods, each individually associated with longevity. Below, the ideal PURE diet breakdown: 

  • Fruit: 2-3 servings daily
  • Vegetables: 2-3 servings daily
  • Nuts: 7 servings weekly
  • Dairy: 14 servings weekly (mainly whole-fat dairy)
  • Legumes 3-4 servings weekly
  • Fish: 2-3 servings weekly

Researchers also note that possible substitutes include whole grains at one serving daily and unprocessed red meat or poultry at one serving per day.

In simple terms, the closer participants were to this ideal cadence, the higher their score was. 

The higher PURE diet score was associated with a significantly lower risk of death or CVD in regions with higher gross national incomes, confirming the importance of the diet for low-income areas. 

However, it’s equally important to advocate for access to whole and natural foods in low-income neighborhoods and those isolated from supermarkets. 

In two additional case-controlled studies, a higher diet score was also associated with lower heart attack and stroke risk. 

The study found that a 20% improvement is associated with an 8% lower risk of death and a 6% lower risk of major cardiovascular events. So, the PURE diet doesn’t have to be perfect; any improvement makes a difference. 


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Tips to make the PURE diet easier

These numbers can be daunting at first, but once you pair your servings together in meals, it will become much less intimidating. Here are a few ways to increase your intake of the above categories: 

  • Make smoothies: You can pack a whole bunch of nutrients into a smoothie, including all of your fruit servings for the day. Add vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, or kale to check that box as well. You can even add collagen powders and nut butters for additional protein. 
  • Don’t skimp on salads: Salads present another opportunity to check off many food categories in one meal. Apart from your greens base, add in a diverse collection of vegetables such as tomato, onion, carrot, bell pepper, cabbage (or sauerkraut), sweet potato, mushrooms, etc. 
  • Buy dairy you enjoy: Not everyone wants to consume dairy products, but if you do, look for dairy products that contain mainly whole fat and come in a form you’ll commit to, be it milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. If you want to go dairy-free, look for alternatives high in protein, healthy fats, and probiotics.
  • Meal prep: Fish is a wonderful source of nutrients you can’t find elsewhere, and it’s easy to meal prep, too. Be sure to only keep it for a few days in a cold, air-tight environment. 
  • Use supplements if needed: Finally, look for supplements with fruit and vegetable servings in them. Greens powders are a great place to start—here are 8 of the best ones on the market right now


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While this is a large study, the PURE diet won’t be the best option for every single person out there. If you prefer to skip dairy or fish for personal or health reasons, that doesn’t mean you’re headed for CVD. If you’re unsure how to create balance in your personal diet, chat with a health care professional to ensure you never lose enjoyment in healthy eating for the sake of following one recommendation. 

The takeaway

A recent study found that underconsuming fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, dairy, and fish was associated with a higher risk of CVD and mortality. The importance lies in eating balanced meals and prioritizing nutrient-dense foods.


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