The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

unrecognizable woman with dog running on picturesque beach in twilight

Image by mbg creative x Ben Mack / Pexels

July 24, 2023

The last week of July features a quarter moon in Scorpio and a Mercury-Venus run in to amp up Leo energy—here’s your horoscope.


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Check your privacy settings with Tuesday’s Quarter Moon in Scorpio

On Tuesday, July 25, the balancing Scorpio quarter moon helps you discern what’s appropriate to share and what’s better kept under wraps.

If you’re maddeningly mysterious, people may get frustrated, especially if they can’t figure out what’s really going on. But if you unload too much information at once, they could feel flooded and overwhelmed. This is the midpoint between last week’s emotional Cancer new moon and next week’s friendly Aquarius full moon. Your best bet? Be approachable AND appropriate.

Let people earn your trust—but don’t demand that they pay an excessive entry fee for it! By asking questions that get them to open up as well, you’ll establish a more equal footing. Then, next week’s full moon will reveal who your true allies are.


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Try not to obsess when Mercury bumps into Venus on Thursday

Overthinking alert! On Thursday, July 27, mental Mercury bumps into Venus—who is currently retrograde in Leo, escalating a “do they love me or love me not?” drama. It’s one thing to be intuitive and read the tea leaves, but if assessing someone’s interest level feels like a guessing game, consider that you might be projecting qualities onto them that may not be there.

One way to test the connection: Spend more time together, but without any pressure to move the relationship in a particular direction. Extend an invitation today and see what gives. If you’ve been guarded, open up more so people can determine if you’re a good match. The more authentic information you provide, the better.

Mercury moves into Virgo for 10 longs week on Friday—which includes a retrograde!

Starting Friday, July 28, messenger Mercury kicks off an extended visit to its home sign of efficient, analytical Virgo. Bring order to chaos by organizing, tracking and budgeting. With the communication planet in this healthy sign, you can start sustainable new habits by writing things down and planning ahead.

While this is a great time for editing, perfecting and inspecting a pet project, there’s also a downside: Mercury’s protracted stay in one sign is because the planet will be retrograde from August 23 to September 15—all the more reason to be extra vigilant now and avoid a costly mistake that takes time and resources to fix. Get your plans in order before summer ends!

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.


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